Thanksgiving Class Address

Beloved Lord Divino

"Ah, Sweet Mystery of Life, at last I've found you" -- I pray with all the Love of My Being that each of you will soon find and be that great "Key", Divine Love, and I humbly bow before the Divine Love within each of you and in all humanity waiting for expression.

You, blessed chelas, have sent such great Love to The Father-Mother God all during this Class and those three days preceding this one.

You have a booklet entitled "Love is Still the Way". Love always was, and always shall be the Way. When one finds Love, Love Divine, they have found God! ... that Great Principle of Life. . . . Love Divine.

Beloved ones, the Master Jesus taught many Lessons to humanity and to My humble Consciousness. I shall always believe the statement "Thy Will be done, Oh Father" to be the Way. When each of you and all humanity can set aside the human will and say "Thy Will be done", you will truly be The Christ in action at all times. As you know, We have repeatedly, in recent times, been bringing to your attention "The Lord's Prayer" which came forth from "Thy Will be done."

Yes, Thy Will be done, Oh Father-Mother God by all humankind. . . and Our Master Jesus knew that if "The Lord's Prayer" was repeatedly given that gradually it would sink into the consciousness of the chelas the importance of realizing what is meant by Thy Will be done. This is one of the Lessons which the Master Jesus brought with His Consciousness when He walked the Earth in that embodiment, and He so attentively listened to the counsel which I had the privilege of giving Him and He remembered always in all this "Thy Will be done"! And I, as the Cosmic Initiator, place that Lesson before you today. Learn it . . . I say learn it -- Thy Will, Oh Father, be done.

I am fully cognizant of the fact that you are wearing a physical garment and it is quite a difficult Lesson to learn. But looking upon the lifestreams - the advancement, the beautiful progress of Our chelas, I knew that it was time that I come to you with this Initiation...and be assured, My lovely ones, that I shall do everything that Heaven will permit to give you the feeling daily of what it means to surrender the will of the human to the Will of The Father.

I would like to make just a comment which is not criticism but in the past in The Christian Dispensation so many were led to believe that God was a Divine Being and so in The Lord's Prayer was incorporated "Who art in Heaven." I know there is a momentum of saying Who art in Heaven, but now that you have risen to a higher plateau of consciousness, in the future try to say, and it will become a habit, "Which art in Heaven," because you are Cells, as am I, in the Eternal Principle of Life, to Whom We refer as The Father-Mother God, the Supreme Source, and many other designations.... and We still say The Father-Mother God because in the Divine Principle is both the masculine and feminine aspects. Feel the Love of The Father-Mother God encompassing you as I have had the privilege of presenting this simple Lesson to you.

And I am sure, oh I have been looking into your auras, that many realize the importance of those four Dedicated Directors Who came from the Training Center to assist Long Island. See what They did for all life today on this beautiful Isle and surrounding territory. And the more your attention turns to Them, the greater will be the change in the weather conditions -- for change they shall.... this is going to be the most beautiful Island where weather conditions are perfect at all times.

Think, dear hearts, what it means to Us of the Spiritual Hierarchy to have dedicated chelas such as you, who are eager and willing and cooperating with Us to bring forth in its fullness the Golden Age - the Permanent Golden Age.

All the time I have been on this platform, to My left has been standing that beautiful Exponent of Christhood, the Master Jesus (chelas stand) and He is filling your beings, impressing upon your consciousness the feeling of Thy will... and to My right that glorious Exponent of Love Divine, Our Holy Regent Sanat Kumara.....blessed be His Holy Name, and I shall consider it a great privilege to step aside, and ask Sanat Kumara to give you the Benediction.....

Beloved Sanat Kumara speaks:

Flaming Hearts of Love, oh to see how beautiful, how beautiful, are the chelas under Our Guidance... how you are learning gradually, and now in an accelerated manner, the meaning of Love Divine. I know, I have poured My Love to you and all on this dear Earth . . . that Gift of The Father-Mother God which is the Essence of the Divine Principle... Love Divine.

And now, in the name of the great Lord of the World, Our Holy Gautama, I bring to you the Blessings of His Glorious Presence, and of All the Members assembled here at Shamballa, and of All in Heaven's Realms for focused into this Sanctuary today is a Ray of Light from the Mighty Alpha and Omega.... Love Divine in its many Aspects.

And as We now conclude these Classes, please see that glorious Thought-Form, the magnificent Lotus with the Jewel in the Center ¾ the Jewel of Balance, Love, Wisdom and Power, and that Thought-Form has expanded during these Classes from tip to tip of Long Island and the Angels of Love Divine are now taking streamers of Light from the Heart Center to encompass the Earth in Love Divine.....

Thank you, thank you, thank all of you....thank all of life for expressing to the best of its ability the feeling of Love Divine.


"The period of sleep is over.

This is a period of Fulfillment

of the full Glory of the Cosmic

Day, when each man and each

electron has poured his all into

the CUP of THE ONE, and all drink

together from Its never-ending




A Glorious Opportunity

We are privileged at this time to witness the Miracle of Springtime, the sacred Resuscitating Power of the Resurrection Flame. Through many years we have been honored with the Instruction of the Great Ones . . . .

Let us each one prove this Activity of resuscitation in our own beings and worlds and assure the Spiritual Hierarchy fertile ground! Each of  us has the capacity to do this, through the Flaming Presence of The Christ within our hearts.

The Beloved Nature Kingdom gives us a beautiful example of the use of the Resurrection Flame, and it is up to each of us to show our fellow travelers on Life's Path that we have accepted Its Mighty Power, through the release of the radiation of Peace, Beauty and Love Divine.




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