Musical Notes


We continue with the same lesson that was first brought forth, in the Musical Notes, four months ago. We refer you once again to The Bridge Journal of July, August & September 1978.

“How often in your years of study and service to humanity have you experienced the inability to convey certain truths and assistance to a lifestream seemingly requiring help; because such an one continued constantly to turn out the cause and effect of the problem by RELIVING IT! And, even while politely remaining silent for a moment, they refused to accept the thought pattern offered in the turmoil of the preparation of the next dissertation¾the moment you ceased to utter a word. This is exactly the position of the outer mind and personality in a great many so-called illumined individuals in reference to the Divine promptings in regard to the union with the Cosmic First Cause.

“It is one of the most astonishing factors in human nature how incapable humankind is of becoming stillnot the stillness of lethargy or sleepbut the alert and expectant stillness of the mind and feelings so that the direction of the God Self might flow into and illumine the outer self.

"This stillness is the first requisite to union with the Christus, the Master Presence or whatever It may be called. The more of a ‘listening attitude’ that one can develop in the outer mind, the more of the higher vibratory action of the Universal Cosmic Christ can find anchorage and expression in the outer consciousness.

“Music is a beautiful way of stilling the vehicles so as not to create tension, which so often is the result of mental effort to bottle up thought.”

Contemplating nature in its natural beauty is another way; a calm lake; the beautiful feeling of the warm sun; these are conducive to stilling (in a relaxed manner) the vehicles of humanity. In this busy Western world, a design for living has not been established in which the consciousness can be stilled and yet remain vitally and enthusiastically alive, as is the case of the Host of Heaven and the members of the Angelic Kingdom. As all life is ONE, the more the chelas can attain and sustain an attitude of Listening Grace, the more will humanity en masse feel this balancing radiation!’

Beloved Paul The Maha Chohan

 Bulletin May 28' 1972



The Fountain of Wisdom

“While you, and all humankind, are being enriched by the Radiation which is so intensively flowing from the Retreat of the Beloved Himalaya, let Us travel there in consciousness and experience the blessing which one receives when they enter the outer chamber and feast their eyes, and the upliftment of Spirit which ensues, when looking at the Mystic Blue Lotus Flower afloat upon a pool of electronic Light.

"As We reverently contemplate this glorious sight, I request you to enter into the Secret Place of the Most High, and from that unfailing Source crystallize within your consciousness the gift or petition you wish to selflessly make for the evolutions of Earth. My reason for bringing this to your attention is the fact that some of My chelas have neglected to avail themselves of this precious opportunity.

"Now, having this Gift (or Idea) for the benefaction of the people of the Earth (or one of the other Kingdoms abiding thereon) firmly impressed upon your consciousness, invoke the Glorious God Self to externalize it upon the Planet. It willclothed in the Benediction of Beloved Himalayago forth to assist the specific Kingdom which your heart has chosen.

The only interference to its immediate expression could be some negative ‘block’ in one or more of your lower vehicles. That is why I specifically call your attention to the necessity of entering deep within the Christ Presence. You have, of course, been advised through the years to do this, but it is evident that you require a ‘reminder’ every so often.

“While the Retreat of the Blue Lotus is a Fountain of Cosmic Wisdom, so is the Virtue of Peace a prominent factor. I counsel you, dear chelas, to drink to the full of that so required Quality. Fill your Cup to the brim, and let It overflow to all. Oh, the tranquility which is so tangible within this Retreat is a free will Gift from the Heart of Beloved Himalaya and His Brotherhood Who have magnetized and nourished this Gift through the ages.

"At any time you desire to visit this Retreat, you can be assured that one of the Brothers or Sisters of that Brotherhood will be most grateful to receive you and to see that you have safe convoy back to the physical vehicles with which the Almighty has endowed you for Service upon this Planet."

Beloved Paul The Maha Chohan




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