Reveal My Church Through Radiation

Beloved Saint Germain

September 17, 1981

Precious cells in my church, I am a father to you as I was to the growing Christ child in Judea. I wrote to you recently of my sacred role through the ages of being a friend of the Sacred Heart.(*) mouse over asterisk. And so I shall be a friend to your Sacred Heart and support you through your evolution in finding the very depths of the Reality of that Sacred Heart, alive in your own experience... in all that you do, all that you think, and all that you feel and all that you say; the Spirit of the Sacred Fire, the Sacred Heart alive in you. And yet even as I am a father to you, I shall speak with you this morning as a patriot would with his comrades.

As I look upon my growing and evolving church, which will be the archetype path of the New Age, may I ask a question... or more accurately may I ask you to ask yourself a question?: "Besides what this church is doing for my evolution, what am I doing for the evolution of this church"? Or paraphrasing an inspired Presidential speech of recent years, "Ask not what this church can do for you but what you can do for this church"... It is in the Spirit of a patriot that I have come this morning; a patriot not of a country but of a New Age. And in this spirit of patriotism, I ask that you see from within the freedom of your heart, if you can be a patriot for this church; the same sacred support I have pledged to each of you and for this planet. I feel this morning as I did when I watched over Beloved Godfre in his embodiment as George Washington, in rallying support for a new endeavor. Who could have told those few patriots then that what they were doing would lead to the most powerful nation on Earth. And how can I tell you, my present comrades, that what you are doing now will lead to the most powerful force of God Reality on this Earth! I can only re-dedicate myself to the cause and hope for the same dedicated support from each of you.

For different people this may take different forms of energy, just as we in the Ascended Master Octave give you different forms of support and friendship at different times. It will include the spiritual support of your strong intention that this church will flourish, is flourishing and will be victorious in the New Age. It includes bringing in to this church and training those who will carry on its work. And here I might suggest that as you expect the Light to multiply the good in your life many fold, you might also expect, to touch many people with our Truth, in return for the gifts that you have received from this church in the evolution of your own life. Lastly this church needs physical energy to sustain its physical presence. Remember we are at the time when Christ is being made flesh, being made physical again on this planet. Spirit mixing with matter, and infusing and transforming that matter into the perfection that will manifest on this planet.

 Again as a loving patriot I ask you even more. As you are familiar with the process of "witnessing" in the Christian tradition, I ask you now to "witness" for my church, not necessarily through words or on street corners (although bless those dear committed hearts who do) but more importantly witness my church in Radiation... in all areas of your life, to all men everywhere. Commit your very life now to being a radiating sun, the powers of perfection, the Sacred Fire of Perfection along all the Seven Rays!

 Witness for me personally please Spiritual Freedom forged from Christ Consciousness to all whom you might bless with your proximity. Let them feel with their hearts the Reality of your Being; surrounding them, and they in turn will ask to be revealed their own Christ. And so on and on the process will go as chelas reveal my church through Radiation. Through this process, with our Ascended Master Light and Radiation blazing through you as well, shall my Freedom's Star be reborn into the Permanent Golden Age.

So we shall be co-patriots and a friend to each other, all according to loving free-will. I pledge you the fullness of myself to your unfolding Sacred Heart. Please allow your Sacred Heart to shine through this my church and have it flourish. I love you all very, very deeply.

Saint Germain

Patriot of the New Age




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