Divine Principles

Beloved Morya has requested that each month we present some Excerpt from "THE BRIDGE" for the illumination of those who have recently joined our ranks as members of The New Age Church of the Christ, also to refresh the memory of those who may have glossed over this important instruction in search of additional material... and IMPORTANTLY to let everyone know that "THE BRIDGE" does live in the Higher Realms, recorded in letter of Living Light.

How To Call Forth The Immaculate Concept in Others

Beloved Master Jesus

The planet Earth is quickening in its orbit as it swings in the beautiful symphony of the spheres, the vibratory action of the very Earth itself and the water element and the air are quickened in action as we prepare the planet Earth for the forward movement which is to be forthcoming. Therefore, in like manner all evolutions that use the Earth as a platform for their physical being... human beings, animal and bird creations... are being quickened too in this process of Resurrection and Life! It is a process that is not instantaneous in its activity but that does take place as from the very heart of Pelleur’s Kingdom that tremendous acceleration flows upward and upward and upward and every cell and electron belonging to this Universe to its periphery is quickened by that pulsation from the heart of the Earth, and then by the pulsation of the Ascended Master Realm which descends and anchors into the Christ Self of every human being.

The Christ is alive in you... that which I have done and which has seemed so miraculous to some, shall become a common occurrence as the Christ stands forth through every man, through every woman and through every incoming child, that Christ Nature which is dormant within the masses, stirred to life within my Heart, brought to maturity to be an example to humankind; that Christ is alive in the world, in every beating heart. It is alive and responsive to the Cosmic Christ directed through my lifestream for a specific service and to this living Christ which is within every human being, unascended and every human being who has not come yet into embodiment, but who has not attained the Victory of the Ascension. To this living Christ within you do I speak:

"In the Name and by the Power of Jesus the Christ, come forth and manifest now! Be thou the full and only power acting through the forms which you inhabit! Transmute the soul into the substance of LIGHT and allow Divinity the courtesy of expression here in the physical appearance world, or in the inner realms wherever you abide!"

The reward of service and love is in seeing this planet emitting more Light, seeing its peoples resuscitated, their spiritual natures expressing through their flesh and everything in, through and around the Earth giving forth the music and harmony of the spheres until the planet Earth takes her rightful place in our planetary system as a magnificent jewel of Light as she was designed by Helios and Vesta, and as she was in turn blessed by the Directors of the Forces of the Elements and all who have served throughout the many ages to sustain her.

Accept now that there is a Power right within your beating heart, and that Power connects you with myself, with my mother, with your beloved Saint Germain, any one of the Ascended Host, the Angels or the Archangels with whom you have an affinity. The very moment you turn your attention toward them silently or audibly, you are WITH THEM and THEY ARE WITH YOU.

The instant our names are breathed, the instant our image is thought upon, the instant any activity which it is our privilege to give IS INVOKED there we are rendering that service and assisting you. Come to that realization of ONENESS of the Celestial Realm with the human, the oneness of the Divine Beings with your own Christ Flame, and entering deep within that freedom. FREEDOM NOW — even as we are here to bathe you in the glory of the Kingdom wherein dwells every Being who has learned to govern his energy and to sustain harmony and not break the peace.

Beloved ones, that power is my Power to give; it is your power to draw forth from your own Christ the power to see, to think, to accept, to call forth the Immaculate Concept from within every lifestream that you contact and it will respond in an ever expanding radiation of perfection through such an one if you can keep your human mind and senses from recording and accepting an individual personal concept rather than God's Concept which is Perfection.

I know it is difficult when you wear garments of flesh and you can see certain idiosyncrasies of the human nature to hold a concept of perfection for all the life with which you are surrounded when you try to do it through WILL; but if you will, turn your attention to me, to the Beloved Mother Mary - any of those Beings who are particularly concerned with holding the Immaculate Concept in the Inner Realms, we will help you to see your fellowman as God intended him to be. That does such a tremendous service for the Holy Christ Self of such an one and helps to anchor more and more into the feelings, the thoughts, the etheric consciousness and the very structure of the flesh, that Divine Pattern and Plan which shall be externalized through that lifestream.

Master Jesus