The Importance of Decreeing

The Ascended Master El Morya

History repeats itself! We are now in a period of repetition, wherein the dark hoards are endeavoring to overrun the Planet as they did before, resulting in the sinking of various continents. Much of the planned destructive, cataclysmic action can be averted IF the Children of Light will band together and make concentrated, dynamic Decrees.

The first requisite is Power that full gathered Cosmic Momentum which the beloved students can apply so well; and in the name of God, the next is Protection. If you were to cross the road and in so doing saw a car approaching, you would most assuredly get out of its way to avoid being struck. In other words, you would not step into the path of an oncoming vehicle, knowing most certainly injuries would ensue. In the case of the forces in action at the present time, a steam-roller approaching is mild in comparison.

Children of God, complacency is perilous in this hour; and in my world, at any hour. You must use the full Power of the Cosmic Momentum you have gathered through the years in your application, and invoke our momentum to come into action and prevent the destructive forces which are at work from reaping their ill-intent. You see the resultant conditions all about you.

Do I have to FIRE YOU AWAKE by so plainly setting before you the above facts - that the gathering momentum of evil on the face of the Earth is rolling like a mighty avalanche, ready to bear down on the peoples everywhere. IN THE NAME OF GOD, ARISE, AWAKE, SHAKE YOURSELF FREE from any lethargy and go into action with the invoked assistance of mighty Astraea, Lord Michael and the mighty Violet Transmuting Flame!

My beloved chelas you have always responded to my call and I know I can count on those of you who have proven the Law, through application of its tenets. Already I feel a response which has come to me through those of you who are attuned to your Holy Christ Selves. The blessed Holy Christ Self is alive, alert and ready to go into action through you to intensify the Power of your calls, and as you make them.

You have been given the Law, not to be entertained mentally, ABSOLUTELY NOT! It has been impersonally given so that you may assist in freeing this dear Planet from all that is not of God Perfection. You have sworn your allegiance to the cause of our beloved Ascended Master Saint Germain at Inner Levels, some with your lips but most of all those of you who have vowed in your blessed hearts - it is you we are counting on!

Forewarned is fore-armed!

The Ascended Master El Morya