Easter Class Address

Beloved Archangel Gabriel

Shamballa, Long Island

April 18, 1981

I AM Gabriel, the Archangel, come from the Resurrection Retreat this morning to announce a great thing. Just as our beloved Cherubim Lovelee watched over, as an Angelic Presence, The Bridge to Freedom and ascended with it into higher service*, (mouse over asterisk)  so shall our Lady of Grace from the Angelic Kingdom be the Angelic Guiding Presence, the Angelic enfolding Presence of the Group Avatar. So be it. And I give to you now the graceful presence of my dear sister, Lady Donna Grace.

Beloved Lady Donna Grace

And so, my dear children, it is an announcement of great import, and I thank my illustrious brother Gabriel, the Archangel, for joining us this morning, as have Beloved Uriel and the Angels of Ministration. Would you kindly be seated.

You have not heard from me for a while. I have been under some initiations as far as your mind might say. I have been at work in the Sun of Helios and Vesta, even in the Central Sun of Alpha and Omega, and I have been learning more and more of the cosmic quality of Grace. Grace is and shall be throughout eternity, one of the cornerstones of an avatar or an archetype of any age. Grace is one of the daughters of the all-encompassing Love Divine. Let me tell you about the quality of Grace that I have been researching in the higher heavenly realms. It is a quality, being generated from the Temple in the Sun dedicated to Grace, that by its very nature breaks down all resistance to unity, breaks down the entire consciousness of separateness through a special activity of Love. And it is no coincidence that this announcement is being made during the year of Unity of beloved Angel Micah. And in my enfolding now of this growing Body of Christ, which shall one day be world-wide and lead every man, woman and child on this planet into the permanent Golden Age of beloved Saint Germain, where ever you are as a cell in this Avatar, there shall I be. There shall the presence of Grace go with you, and acting through your Presence, be the unifying principle, the special quality brought to you now from the highest heavenly realm, that automatically sweeps away resistance to the unifying Christ principle.

Lower consciousness sometimes would think that cosmic beings who represent a certain quality know that quality inside and out. And I suppose that's true, and yet each and every quality is infinite; infinite in its application, infinite in its glory. Do you not think that our great Lord and King, beloved Saint Germain, is day by day discovering new and finer qualities of the general principle of spiritual freedom? It has been my privilege over the past while to research and discover more of the quality of Grace that I might pass the initiation required of Me to be the enfolding spirit, the enfolding Angelic Presence of this growing Body or Christ. There were great angel beings who attended the Presence of beloved Jesus as he walked the planet, and so it shall be with this Avatar as well. And if I may have a few moments of Uriel's keynote, (music begins) I would like you to go deep, deep within the heart of love and there discover this Grace for I am putting it in your heart now. I am standing before you channeling it from the Sun and from the Central Sun, and a ray goes from me into your heart, into the hearts of every committed member of this New Age Avatar, so that where you are, there is the Presence of Grace. And if you feel that enfolding presence now, this is my second gift; an Angel of Grace given to each of you. These Angels are lowering themselves now into your auras, so that verily, where ever you are there is a battery of this cosmic quality of Peace, of Grace, that shall break down the barrier to unity. These angelic legions have been trained personally by me in the higher realms and in the Temples in the Sun, and they have this special quality, and they shall return to me periodically to be super-charged again with this quality that is my pleasure and honor to dispense.

Please feel so deeply at one with this Angel of Grace... so we are, you and I connected by the same ray of Grace from the Sun of the system and even Alpha and Omega. Grace shall be a divine principle that works itself out through this Avatar, and my dear sister, beloved Mother Mary, who was such a representative of grace while yet in physical embodiment, asks you to know that in every statue of the Madonna the same ray of Grace from the Sun has been anchored; in every home, in every church, in every sacred place where there stands Mother Mary, there now stands a focus of Grace from the Sun. And for those of you who will be visiting our Lady of the Island this afternoon, it would be good of you to acknowledge that presence there.

I might speak a few more words about the angels that are with you: You will notice that I did not say a particular color that these angels are, for I ask you to discover that for yourself, and I ask you to discover your own angel's name. We are beyond the point where we will spoon-feed you, so that you will grow into the Brotherhood of Angels and Humanity. But let me gently caution you; do not limit these angels to a specific color or to a particular service, for they are simply going to charge and qualify everything that you do, everything through which you serve, with their quality of Grace, if you allow them the channel. You might notice they are a different color from day to day or even moment to moment depending on the service that you are doing, for they are there but to serve you, to outpicture with you that which is coming through you as a cell in the Group Avatar. I will leave you with that thought. And as a mother would send off her children, I plead with you to acknowledge their presence. These angels have been with me in intensive work and learning over the past months, and this is an initiation for them to draw so close to the human family. Can you imagine for a moment working and living in the higher heavenly realms, coming and going from a temple of the Sun, and then being put in your aura? But each and every one of them are angels of high order and are strictly volunteers, all according to their free will to evolve in their own angelic kingdom.

Again may I bless you with a ray from the Sun which is my humble privilege to ensoul, and I look forward, that as this Group Avatar grows to world-wide stature, as the Christ Presence becomes alive and real on this planet, there shall I be. There shall the angels of my heart be, to provide the bridge to unifying all life in Christ Consciousness. I remain your humble servant.

Lady Grace



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