Summer Conference

Saint Germain

Shamballa, Long Island

July 18, 1981

Good morning shepherds of my church, I AM the cosmic shepherd of the New Age... I AM Saint Germain. Would you kindly be seated.

I stand before you this day as the God of Freedom, the son of Freedom, and on this podium with me this morning are the other Sponsors of the year, Beloved Mother Mary, Beloved Lady Mercedes and, of course, our Beloved Angel Micah, who is in the atmosphere gathering up the wonderful Violet Energy that has been given forth this day. Two of my stalwart lieutenants are with me this morning, who serve with me in the cause of Freedom - Beloved Julian and Beloved Godfre. For those of you with inner sight you might see me this morning in the full Violet Robes of Authority for the next two thousand year period... and all of the vestments of authority that go along with this office as Chohan of the incoming Age, for this morning is a Cosmic moment.

Shortly after the Goddess Isis blessed you with her radiation and words yesterday I excused myself from the gathering here at Shamballa and went for twenty hours into the deep, deep Silence, and I have come out of that refreshed and ready to make a cosmic statement to the people, particularly to the human consciousness, on this Planet. And as the son of Freedom for the New Age I say to the human condition... I say to the human consciousness on this Planet; "LET MY PEOPLE GO! LET MY PEOPLE GO! LET MY PEOPLE GO! And so shall it be. It shall reach its full completion and climax tomorrow with the visitation of beloved Helios and Vesta and it has all the momentums of all the Great Masters and Cosmic Beings that have been with you this entire week. Just as the Love nature of the Christ was the keynote of the Dispensation of Beloved Jesus, so shall Spiritual Freedom be the Keynote of the New Age of the Seventh Ray, and although the fullness of Christ Love has not manifested on this Planet, it shall and we shall build from that the fullness of Spiritual Freedom, such as this world has never known!

I mentioned you as shepherds and thus you are and so am I. And we shall together shepherd this race in vibration, shepherd this race in consciousness with the gifts and tools of the Sacred Fire, and just as the past Age had its tools, its God Qualities, its ceremonies in which was invoked the Love Nature of the Christ, so shall the tool of the New Age be the Sacred Fire. You must live up to this calling as a shepherd and shepherd my people home in vibration - shepherd my people home in consciousness with the use of the Sacred Fire that reveals itself along all the Seven Rays. And dearest to my Heart is the power aspect of Love, known as the Violet Fire!

You have wondered sometimes why this church has been referred to as "Disciples of the Holy Spirit" and yet it is my church. Children they are one and the same. The Love Aspect of the Holy Spirit grows in the fullness of Power as it expresses on the Violet Ray. I would counsel you as you meet people in your day to day lives and as you choose consciously to shepherd them, I ask you to work with Light, the Power of Love - work with the Sacred Fire and you might see that the amount of words you choose to use may lessen. Therein is a suggestion. Shepherds are good listeners. They listen for those sheep that are lost - they are continually vigilant of taking the flock home. And who else shall I turn to - to fulfill this Cosmic Edict that the human consciousness, the world of illusion, shall let my people go, but to you who understand the Sacred Fire, the Gift of the New Age. And I decree, that with this re-birthing to a higher level of strength, a higher level of Unity, and a higher level of effectiveness with the Sacred Fire, as this church has experienced this very week, (the Second Anniversary of its founding), we are made whole - my church is Healed! And that is your gift to me and I am so very, very grateful.

As I stepped into the vibration this morning I was filled with the more formal ceremonious events that will take place this day, so they have, and yet the word that was reverberating through my Consciousness was my favorite word in any vocabulary, "Friend" - "Friend" - you are my friends. You are my co-servers but it is not out of sense of duty, it is out of the sense of the deepest spiritual friendship, and that also is part of the keynote of the New Age. Any sense of service in duty, especially any sense of service out of fear is no more in my church. We, the Spiritual Hierarchy, serve with you out of a sense of deep spiritual camaraderie with yourselves and with the entire human race, elemental race, and Angelic race evolving on this Planet. And I also feel your sense of deeper friendship with all life as this week has progressed, and so surely you see that you are fulfilling my Golden Age right before my eyes.

I shall close with the re-confirmation of the cosmic moment this morning and again with the full momentum of all the Cosmic and Ascended Host at Shamballa, the Cosmic and Ascended Host gathered at the Tetons, in the name of the Great White Brotherhood on this Planet and all the Forces of God Light and Love; I, Saint Germain, speak to the human condition, the human consciousness so apparently rampant on this Planet - LET MY PEOPLE GO, LET MY PEOPLE GO, LET MY PEOPLE GO! SO BE IT!

Good Morning,

Saint Germain,

Lord of the Seventh Ray



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