Assimilation and Expansion of the Electronic Pattern

August 1982


The Sacred Mountain of Uxmal, near Merida



Beneath Lake Maracaibo, Venezuela. S.A.


ELECTRONIC PATTERN: a Golden Sunburst of Light Eternal over Uxmal with twelve major rays enfolding the Planet. Also, a personal Catatumbo Ray from the Catatumbo Focus available to each chela, under the guidance of the Ascended Brotherhood at Maracaibo, to increase the force of effervescent Light within the vehicles.

Beloved la Moray speaks:

Dear children of Life's Eternal Flame, welcome into the Light of Uxmal and the magnificent Hierarch, Kenich Ahan. This month is dedicated to your deeper understanding and actual living reality of having been born from the Light of the Sun and now evolving as a being of that same glorious Light.

From the splendorous Light of the White Fire Being through to the dense physical form, all is of the same Light substance, vibrating at different rates, according to the level of experience and service. The inevitable Unity of humanity with God, humankind with each other as a Divine Family, and humanity with the Elemental and Angelic Kingdom, depends upon that understanding and enlightenment.

The God Parents of this Universe have decreed that humankind on this Planet shall again know and live the fullness of the Father's Light. The recently opened Focus of Catatumbo with its great Hierarch, Luzar, is timed to increase the power of the Twelve Fold Aspect of the Deity as it blazes through the Focus at Uxmal. In the age just past there came to this Planet the full Divinity of Humanity as expressed through an Avatar, the beloved Ascended Master Jesus, the Christ. Through this present age just dawning, there shall eventually come to this Planet the complete Divinity of God as represented by the blazing Light Eternal from the Sun.

Students of Truth everywhere know the earth is entering the Age of Spiritual Freedom and Brotherhood among Gods, Angels, Elementals and humanity. The fundamental aspect each of these Kingdoms have in common is the Light of God that IS their true source. It is only humanity that does not yet have a full appreciation of this. And the Divine Plan for humanity through this coming age is to graduate into the Seven-fold Aspect of Divine Man (the Completed Man, or the Christ Man) and then on to the fullness of the Twelve-fold Aspect of a completed God or Goddess.

Obviously this will require the entire 2,000 year period with great changes in the consciousness of the Planet. But here, may I remind you of Cosmic history, that this Planet has countless thousands of years of progress to make up for. Thus, not only will great changes be required in the present level of vibratory action on this Planet to fully enter this New Age but even greater and more profound acceleration of consciousness will come through the entire 2,000 year period.

And what is the FORCE behind this acceleration of vibration in consciousness? - the power of pure God Light from the Sun - as it enters through the Spiritual Hierarchy and each God Presence evolving on the Planet, through the Elemental and Angelic Kingdoms and their Presence of Light on the Planet and into the Planet itself as a body. As you are aware, one of the most concentrated Rays of pure God Light from the Sun anchors through Uxmal and its great Hierarch, The Sun Chohan, Kenich Ahan.

There is no more important a time in any movement or Age than its inception and early development. This is why the Karmic Board has you in embodiment now to nurture this "embryonic Age" with LIGHT in the physical realm. This is why we plead with you to see yourself only as a being of Light and thus a channel of Light into the birth of a New Age ¾ into a simple stable where a Christ Child is being born ¾ the simple stable being the physical Planet and the Christ Child, of course, the birth of Christ Consciousness in humankind.

It has always been so that the souls in embodiment at the beginning of a New Cycle or Age are those most proficient at attuning to the Light of God and anchoring and expanding that Light into the world of form. It was this anchorage of Light that was "The Rock" upon which the Master Jesus established the Christian Church and it will be your anchorage of Light upon which the Age of Freedom of our great friend, beloved Saint Germain, will be established.

This month is consecrated to a tremendous expansion of that Pure Light Force that represents this Planet's Victory. The entire Brotherhood at Uxmal, the Catatumbo Focus, and the Brotherhood who serve the Temple of Harmony have set aside all else to increase the Light, anchor it through the chelas and all constructive people on the Planet. Beloved Luzar will have assigned individual Sponsors to chelas who petition for increase in the ELECTRONIC FORCE through their vehicles. The gentle Brothers and Sisters of Harmony are available to harmonize and balance the effects in personality of this increased Light and to assist the Christ Self to come to the fore on the crest of this increased Light. Call to be infused with the Three­fold Flame of Harmony spiraling through your vehicles.

And of course, the magnificent Hierarch, Kenich Ahan representing Helios and Vesta, will be enfolding this Planet within his embrace of Light this month as a parent would a child. I have had the privilege of working closely with this glorious Sun Being through many ages as our activities serve along all the Seven Rays as presently known to humanity as well as the complete Twelve Rays of the Deity.

May I encourage you to give "The Light Descend" decree often this month and to feel that through the harmonious increase of the Light in and through your vehicles is the Golden Age of Spiritual Freedom (and enLIGHTenment) being established.

Calling forth your Holy Christ Self and blessing you with my Reality of the Harmony of our God Parents,

"I AM" La Moray,

Hierarch of the Focus of Harmony.


Please review "The Word" June 1980, Pages 1 ­ 20 for further readings on these Foci.





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