Visit to Uxmal, Mexico

Beloved Kenich Ahan

June 5, 1982

My brother and sister cells in the Great Heart which composes Light Eternal, before you take your seats please say after Me — "LO! 'I AM' THAT 'I AM' — LO! 'I AM' THAT ’I AM' — LO! 'I AM' THAT 'I AM' " — Kindly be seated.

I wish you to feel the affirmation that you have just made. Center yourself completely in that "I AM" — Feel that you are Light alone, — serving in this great Cosmic Service to expand the perfection of the Almighty the Supreme Force in this Mighty Plan of Creation... "I AM" very, very grateful to have you here at my specific Focus and I wish to add that you have not been found wanting. You know a disciple, ambassador, or whatever, must have a great test in order that he or she may be able to carry out the specific service allotted to his lifestream.

Much was accomplished at the Focus at Chichen Itza and since that purification has partially taken place, the Light on this important peninsula will be able to go forth in greater intensity. I hope you will forgive the personal reference but you are truly here in the Garden of the Gods, where the great Light of Helios and Vesta flows in great intensity, this Focus merely being a dispenser, as it were, of the Light of this Planet.

Remember, the Light raises constantly in great intensity everywhere but humanity's consciousness has accepted negativity in certain areas and as you return to your respective orbits you can be as am "I" a dispenser of Light for the entire Planet. Because we know the elementary lessons that Light is all there is according to the acceptance in consciousness.

Now I wish to go deeper, and deeper and deeper into the feeling of knowing that "I AM" that "I AM". While we select every year certain Sponsors and Guiding Spirits, every Focus throughout the Planet does give forth its great Light because is it not reasonable when we recognize that the Light is all there is, that we blend as One.

We have specific Foci throughout the year to draw the attention of the chelas to a specific quality or virtue which is required at the hour and it is just as though in a basis to other retreats that are not active that their Light to the human consciousness recedes.

Light is ever expanding just as we accept Truth and when you can actually feel and know at all times that you are Light Eternal is it not self-evident that Truth is present? Each individual on this Planet is a Focus of Truth, probably on earth in most cases we would say "dormant" but we see not the human consciousness but think in our hearts at all times that beautiful statement, "LO! 'I AM' that 'I AM', and as we do so all Life benefits thereby. "I AM" repeating these simple statements because it is my great desire that you will see other factions of Life as we do in the Ascended Realms — Perfection blazing at all times!

Oh, my blessed brothers and sisters recognize not the human. Yes, it is present in others, present in yourselves but with your consciousness on High all you desire to do is bless and bless and bless all Life. Of course, the acceptance in each individual is different, even as some of you in this room receive a slightly different message and that is good for there is no monotony in this Great Scheme of Things, each one here to dispense a certain gift and as you do so you will rise and rise and rise and your consciousness will rise to great heights and as this Group avatar is blessed by your Presence we will release very intensified higher, higher, Cosmic Truth. Just like little children in school, step by step must be taken and you have come to this Focus to have the strength of your spirits strengthened just like the tempering of steel or any of the molten be it a gem of great beauty or as I said, "steel" all at present in degrees throughout the Planet.

Do we not take ore from the substance in the earth? And with the intensity of heat or Light as we would say does it become fluidic, and is blended into the mold according to your consciousness That is the Divine Alchemy of Life. And in your own respective orbits ask your glorious Presence "I AM" to assist you to carry out the pattern which has been given to you.

Do not endeavor at any time to copy a pattern which has been given to another, be it just as in a great piece of art or painting or such. Copies cannot possibly be the same or carry the same radiation as the original. Simple it is not. Many, many, many people feel they have to, as we say, "follow the leader," and that really means that the dispenser who has the authority to give Truth using that Truth according to the dictates of your own God Presence.

I do use the word, "Presence," often to remind the chela "I AM" present everywhere. Feel that Presence! Do you not at this moment feel One great Love in this room? And as you hold that consciousness through the authority of the Mighty Helios and Vesta, you know that "I AM" privileged to be the Dispenser of Life Eternal for this Planet and we, Helios, Vesta — bow to their Light and my humble Self will energize the Light within you so that everywhere you go people will recognize thy radiation alone and that the radiation carries Truth, but our glorious Lady Pallas Athena is very very active while our Focus is accelerated as is mighty Hilarion at Crete.

This is a tremendous month because everything is scientific in this great Universe and the pattern expresses according to that which you individually hold in your consciousness. You will meet and face many initiations as the months go on, but we are very hopeful when this twelve month cycle is completed and we come to the first of the year 100, 100, 100, 100 and why do I say that, "one hundred" because actually there is no time. Certainly I could say, "1983" but that is necessary to hold humanity's consciousness that we are moving into a different cycle. But, when you come down to it, the truth is there is no time. There is no space. There just is NOW. I do not wish you to go around with your head in the clouds, as it were, for that is not true Divinity.

It is through that Truth within you, you will recognize what is required in your fellow traveler. Just as we in the Cosmic Hierarchy know that we have teachers and we are ever going forward and as we do so we expand our Light. We go higher and higher, into the great sea of infinity and we know without the slightest doubt that it is up to us to accomplish our purpose in the yearly cycle in order that we may receive more authority and for what reason, to bless the Great Composite we call "GOD" the Almighty Principle of Life, by whatever name you choose to call this Great Force, this All-Compassing Power of Light of the Universe.

And I pray the Father-Mother God that I have so nourished your beings while you are in our area that I will not be found wanting as I stand before my Superiors at the time when the Karmic Board convenes. Oh, blessed sister and brother cells we are rising, all of us, in consciousness and as we do so, we must raise, raise, raise our fellow travelers and I feel certain that you will cooperate.

I am not privileged, as yet, to know what will be given as your assignment next year. Oh, beloved Lord of the World Gautama is constantly in communication with the great Alpha and Omega and as we draw closer, and closer to the end of this cycle we receive a plan which we believe, which we know, if we receive the cooperation of the chelas, will manifest in perfection.

The blessed chelas in this Group Avatar have advanced sufficiently that I can say without hesitation, that all of us who are specifically responsible for this year are most appreciative of your efforts. Remain seated, beloved ones. The reason I remained seated during this talk I wanted you to feel that we were just a family gathered together talking, as it were, with the Elder Member of our family, to whom through the years, the centuries, throughout all time have respected the wisdom of the Elder.

Consider me your Elder Brother and it is my great privilege to bless you, bless you and bless you with Light Eternal. "I AM" not an austere Being, unreachable, "I AM" just a simple cell endeavoring to do my assignment in dignity so that with the love of my Being there will come to fulfillment you and you and you and you and you through all infinity.

Accept my heart's love with the blessing of Light Eternal and enfold you in my Being to enlighten you to give you the authority of being an ambassador of Truth, while you are still in embodiment for that is the foregone conclusion when you are in the Higher Realms but you can be serving in the Higher Realms while walking the Earth and no one is responsible except you individually if your mission is accomplished in love and dignity. I bow to your Light. Accept my Love my precious friends, my co-servers, my sister and brother cells in the Light.

Kenich Ahan




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