Conference - Lake Louise, Canada

Focus of Lord Michael

Beloved Confucius

October 11, 1982

Gracious Lotus Blossoms floating on an ever increasing sea of Light, I bow to the Jewel within that Lotus. Will you kindly be seated.

I bring to you this morning the sweet remembrance of the oriental way, which many of you have known through ages past. I would ask now for you to attune with me to my Retreat, the Temple of the Golden Lotus and I shall do as I do in my Focus, center you with an Eastern Chant. Please follow within your heart...

Om - mani - padmi - hum

Om - mani - padmi - hum

Om - mani - padmi - hum

With that, I see the Jewel in the Heart of the Lotus expanding and we feel the serenity and the tranquility of the Eastern Way.

I am well familiar with hikes and treks up into the mountain reaches for as you know my own Focus is on the landed surface near Lhasa, Tibet. And I wish to tell you this morning that I have brought you the blessings of my own gracious Guru — God Himalaya. As you are aware he had retraced his steps into higher reaches of Consciousness. And you are aware that his Light sustains those in the fourth root race who still have embodiment. And yet so much greater is his service in the higher realms of Cosmic Consciousness.

Please feel for a moment while I attempt to radiate through my humble vehicles, the Light of this Majestic Master (pause). The center of his intelligence pulsates in a realm of Consciousness where I may only go upon his invitation, as he must sponsor me in such heights (Pause).

You are all familiar not only in this embodiment, but from ages past, of the Blue Lotus and the serenity and peace which it carries. The main teaching of our gracious God Himalaya (who has been the Light and the Heart of the East) - has been the strength within the aura. He has asked that I speak to you this day on becoming Holy Men and Women of the West.

You are aware that through the Wisdom of the Hierarchy at Shamballa, I (with Lady Soo Chee) was appointed to watch over the evolving Light of Asia... the Holy Men still evolving in the East, I could accomplish that as I have spent some length of time and evolution in the Western World at the Teton Focus of beloved Lord Lanto... so that I might help to accept and teach those of Eastern consciousness the strength, maturity and wisdoms of certain Western ways.

My beloved Brothers of the Golden Robe... beloved Kuthumi, beloved Djwal Khul and my gracious father, Lord Lanto - all now focus their attention for the most part on the Holy Men of the West.

Holy Men of the West must feel the contemplative nature that goes with all Godliness, no matter how busy the outer mind may seem.

We have stated before that it is not in retreating to a monastery or home where divinity will lie, but rather detaching yourself from the things of the outer World, while remaining in it.

I would like to re-confirm with you this morning, that through countless embodiments you have mastered all experiences necessary to be a full "Shepherd of the Race" in the Western World, in this embodiment. You have made many relationships, learned many lessons, have been rich and poor, healthy and ill, and these experiences have all been mastered. You have had countless families and other relationships on the physical plane and these you have mastered.

There is one great experience that you have not yet mastered which is the purpose of this embodiment at this Cosmic Hour of import... and that of course is to be the fullness of your own God Reality while in embodiment. Why then cling to any experience less than that. We of course in the East have to encourage our Holy men and women to come out of the monasteries and retreats and to serve their fellowman. We have to teach them, which the Master Jesus lived so supremely - to be in the world but not of it.

But through you and into the Group Avatar, we must establish an Order of Holy Men and Women of Western Consciousness, that live and exist in the World but are not of it. Our Beloved God Himalaya has previously said to you that contemplation of Truth brings Illumination... Illumination practiced and lived becomes Peace... and Peace sustained becomes Mastery. Contemplate that for just a few moments.

Many of you in the Western World are at the level of contemplating Truth and gaining Illumination. Some fewer of you are at the level of living that Illumination and discovering true Peace and it is in that Realm of Peace where the New Age of Spiritual Freedom will be anchored through men and women such as yourselves.

We of the Spiritual Hierarchy watch over you and yet we must stand with arms folded from time to time as we cannot lead you further than you are willing to go (or should I say than you are willing to let go of) in the lower realms of experience. We need men and women who are willing to know of themselves as Holy and One with God and yet need no outer adornment or title signifying such. Of course, you all realize that at the level of Christ Consciousness you are the Jewel in the Heart of the Lotus and that you are Holy and One with the Father.

Once at this level, of course, it is my privilege to show you the upper reaches of Consciousness available to you... Buddhic Consciousness. While I touch on that subject may you feel yourselves now surrounded in an aura of a Golden Lotus and I shall ask my beloved Lady Soo Chee to intensify the feeling of your aura being a Golden Lotus in which the Jewel is blazing. Feel the pressure of her great Light and Love telling you how close you are to your full divinity while in embodiment... (pause)

As mentioned, it is one of the major teachings of the East, those of us who were trained by God Himalaya to teach the strength of the aura. While your attention is upon you aura... feel it as it should be... a RADIATING SUN.

The only definition of "Master" that truly holds is if that one is duplicating exactly the Causal Body within the aura. This is possible to unascended beings - thus, yes, you can have unascended Masters, but they are difficult to see and find for they would only ever point you back to your own Christus and the building of strength within your own auras. There are very few on the Planet and for the most part still reside in the Eastern Hemisphere.

Of course, we have asked as part of the evolution in the Western Hemisphere that instead of coming to an embodied Master ¾ which has been the tradition in the East — that you approach the great Ascended and Cosmic Beings for their auric strength and then instead of needing to be in the surroundings of a Master in a retreat - you need only to be in the contemplative nature of your own Master within the Hierarchy. This could be a Master in the Ascended and Cosmic Realms or in the Angelic Realm, or One in the Nature-Devic Kingdom, for it is within the strength of their aura that your auras can grow strong... eventually to duplicate the nature of your causal body.

May I emphasize again this one of the major shifts from Eastern to Western Consciousness in the New Age... teaching humanity to directly approach the Spiritual Hierarchy, Angels and great Devas. Forgive me dear ones, if this seems repetitive of early teachings, but the point here is for each one... you included... to be more contemplative on a day to day basis... to listen more attentively for the teaching and subtle influence of your own Guru... and your own God Presence and your own magnificent Christus... that they might outpicture within your own aura the gifts of your full momentum of perfection (which you call the Causal Body).

For a few moments will you please feel with me the outpicturing of your own Causal Body in your own aura as a radiating Sun and as I do within my own Focus in Tibet... I shall help you raise up to the point where you feel deeply the Reality of this Cosmic momentum of energy built through Ages pulsating in your own individual aura. (pause)

The victory of the New Age here in the Western World depends upon each of you... and all of your brothers and sisters reaching Christ consciousness... feeling the reality of your momentum of God Mastery and the Forces available to you. And that is my humble service to life - to teach the strength of the aura in they way of my own Guru, God Himalaya. That is where your own mastery lies - in the duplicating of your momentum of perfection within your own personal aura.

I could not go without mentioning our gracious God and Goddess Meru, for it is to that magnificent Focus of the feminine aspect of Wisdom where Holy Men and Women will be drawn.

Contemplate their serene nature often and take it upon yourself to outpicture some small part of their divinity within your own consciousness and aura.

In closing may I remind you of the teachings of the "Teacher of Buddhas" - God Himalaya... THE CONTEMPLATION OF TRUTH BRINGS ILLUMINATION - ILLUMINATION PRACTICED AND LIVED BRINGS PEACE - THE SUSTAINING OF PEACE BRINGS MASTERY... therein lies your Mastery in the Western World as well. I leave you now as a shining Lotus floating on your own sea of Light, shimmering within the Radiance of your Casual Body, outpicturing in your auras... God bless you and

Good Morning,


* * *

Beloved Confucius 

Confucius, Dear Friend

There's love without end

In that which we send you now

Your brotherhood sweet

Makes Freedom complete

And to it all men shall bow. 

Heavens Realms are not far away

While your dear self agrees to stay,

Holding Peace for the souls of men

That they may ascend unto God again! 

Patience, Grace and the Joy of Life,

Freed forever from human strife;

These God-Virtues are your glad gift

All Earth's evolutions now to life. 

Confucius, dear friend!

Our love without end

We gratefully offer you

And from Heaven's height

We call all its Light

And glory to bless you, too!



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