Divine Principles

Beloved El Morya


January 1, 1964

Good Morning, my beloved chelas! Jove what a marvelous experience we all had last evening, as the Spirit of Sixty-three bowed out, making way for the Spirit of Nineteen Sixty-four. Such a gala occasion we have not witnessed for many a day. You know the remembrance of my poetical embodiment as Tom Moore, well, the fund of that sweet elixir would flow freely today had I not matters of great import to convey to you.

Now that I have introduced you to the fact I AM in a state of buoyant conviviality, I shall proceed: Anyone with any noticeable Spiritual perception is well aware of the fact that these are days when every ounce of energy must be expended to the full in bringing forth the Perfection which is literally bursting forth at the seams to outpicture. You see this is really a very informal chat, and I shall endeavor to keep it that way.

With the cosmic highways open between the Planets and Systems at this time, the activity which is taking place in the heavens is tantamount to what you on the Earth plane would call a spectacular. One of the outstanding effects which I shall relate to you is the activity of the Angelic Host as they channeled through their Beings the energy which was offered in word and song during this Holy Season.

They caught up the energy in the next sphere to Earth, the Seventh, and formed the lower branches on a gigantic Christmas tree, and as the energy surged upward through each of the Spheres, each group of Angels were of the color of that Sphere and in perfect precision, they formed a symmetrical tree of the most outstanding beauty and blazing light one would ever hope to witness.

The Thoughtform for the Christmas-New Year Class was a Christmas tree, and the Angelic Host, under their Directors, outpictured this symbol, the description of which I do not find words in your tongue to convey. As you know, a tree in the physical appearance world is a conductor of spiritual currents into the very substance of the earth, and as the purified energy of this specific Christmas tree rose to the Heart of the father, an inverted tree, under the direction of beloved Pelleur, anchored its roots deep into the very center of the earth and the Angels of beloved Pelleur dispensed it, making light highways, too, in this blessed orb over which could flow the beauty of the Season, which, of course, is that of the Christ.

Ponder the gratitude of beloved Virgo for this wonderful service. While the selection of the Sponsors of the Year and the Thoughtform are under advisement for months preceding the announcement, the actual lowering of the Thoughtform takes place on New Year's Eve of each year into the reverent consciousness of beloved Gautama, Lord of the World, from the Heart of the Silent Watcher.

Beloved Gautama then outpictures it to the assembled Members of the Hierarchy to be indelibly registered in their consciousness, and they in turn, release it to the chelas there present, and to all humanity.

The solemnity of this transmission is a long to be remembered experience which should carry through the entire year, as intended. As the Sponsors knelt at the feet of Lord Gautama, the contour of their Beings took on the appearance of the blazing Sun forming an aureole for the Dove of Peace, which is the Thoughtform for the Year.

Blessed chelas who have been and are now under such close guardianship of our beloved Maha Sahib, such an effacement of an identified individuality would make your hearts sing. Ere these mighty Ones returned to their recognized form of individualization, we all experienced such a reverence of Spirit which can only be conveyed through feeling and not the worded expression.

The throne chairs and those especially prepared for the Karmic Board Members over the Tetons are magnificent in the extreme. Their framework is of the purest gold and upholstered in a substance like unto spun gold used in the most delicate of drapery.

The highlight of these chairs is at the apex of the back where a Dove with full wing spread is depicted, of a substance like newly fallen snow upon which the light of the Sun is blazing. Truly the Builders of Form seem to have exceeded themselves in this precipitation. However, we all know that Beauty and Perfection are an ever-expanding activity and should not be a surprising one, but I could wax eloquently on this occasion were I permitted so to do.

Another Activity of outstanding importance took place on Sunday evening, the twenty-ninth of December, on the day when beloved Jesus was chosen to send his Radiation and Blessing to the peoples of this Earth — the chelas in particular who were assembled for the Class. He chose this time, under the direction of his Superiors to 'Change the Guard' one would say.

With all the pomp and circumstance of a processional, beloved Jesus, garbed in a simple white garment banded in gold at the sleeves and hem, approached the altar accompanied by an Angelic Escort. As they stood before Lord Gautama, beloved Sanat Kumara and Lord Divino, he awaited the approach of beloved Saint Germain, who wore garments of white with a cape or mantle of royal purple. When Saint Germain and his escort stood beside the Master Jesus, a ceremony of great dignity and happiness took place, the knowledge of which it is our responsibility, and yours, to bring into the consciousness of the peoples of this Earth.

Beloved Jesus, on bended knee, placed in the hands of Lord Gautama a Cross of pure gold. Beloved Gautama in turn, gave the cross to Lord Divino to be placed in the Spiritual Depository along with those Symbols of the preceding Rays. Gautama then placed his right hand upon the head of Saint Germain and the left upon the Master Jesus, as Jesus and Saint Germain joined hands. The significance of this is the fusion of the Christian Dispensation into the Age of Freedom without interruption. Our beloved regent Sanat Kumara presented Saint Germain with a Maltese Cross of Violet Fire, which is, of course, the talismanical symbol of the Age of Freedom.

This was a most auspicious and memorable occasion for it is imperative, as beloved Jesus has told you, that all let go of the orthodoxy of the Christian Dispensation which has ended and follow the tenets of the Seventh Cycle under the direction of our King — the Ascended Master Saint Germain.

With all the mystical and ecstatic feeling which permeated the Beings of the Assembled Guests at the Rocky Mountain Retreat, I enfold you in their Love and that of my humble self, praying the Father that you shall each quickly be the embodiment of God's Divine Will while yet dwelling upon this Earthplane.

'I AM'....... El Morya