Easter Seminar

Beloved Kenich Ahan

Shamballa -  Long Island - New York

April 14, 1982

Lo! "I AM" that "I AM"! - Lo! "I AM" that "I AM"! Dear children of the One Eternal Light of the Sun, I bring you greetings from the Homeland. Would you kindly be seated.

"I AM" called by some on Earth who know of my existence as "Kenich Ahan". Let us together contemplate that name... it actually means "Sun Chohan", for "I AM" Lord of the Ray of the Sun as it enters into this planet Earth. Feel the fullness of the Light Ray of the Sun that I have brought with my Momentum this day, for dear children I represent the fullness of the Fathership of God.

As you may be aware, before the fullness of sonship could appear on this Planet, the Fathership of God had to be well established, as was done in all the important pre-Christian religions. Then came the Divine example of the true son of God (The Christ) through the Master Jesus, guided by Lord Maitreya ¾ Divino. And what is to come after the "sonship"? — the fullness of the Holy Spirit.

It is my privilege to be a continual influx of the Fathership of God into the planet Earth. Contained within that Light is the Twelve-Fold Aspect of the Deity, which is then translated into the Seven-Fold Aspect of Divine Man, as humanity comes to true sonship. Once reaching the Seven-Fold Aspect of Divine Man (the individual Christ), he can then give forth the fullness of the Holy Spirit. And what, dear children, is the Holy Spirit?

You have known it, rightly so, as the unfolding Love Nature of God made manifest. What would the Love Nature of a set of parents be for their child but the momentum of all the experiences of perfection and goodness and glory that the parents would want their children to have. This Love Gift to the children of Earth is contained in the Causal Bodies of Helios and Vesta. So, dear children, the fullness of the Holy Spirit is the Causal Body of your God Parents, Helios and Vesta...

"I AM" and the fullness of those words, "I AM", spoken with Holy Breath contains within it the fullness of the Holy Spirit, the complete momentum of the Causal Body of our Father-Mother God.

Our Lord Maha Chohan represents that Nature to the planet Earth. Our Beloved Holy Æolus represents the Love Nature of the Causal Body, the complete momentum of the Twelve-Fold Aspect of Deity to the Seven Planets, all seven children of Helios and Vesta. Contained within that Holy Spirit is all of the momentums of all the Sacred Fires that ever have been manifested, are manifesting or ever shall manifest in this Universe. That is the fullness of the Causal Body. That is the fullness of the Holy Spirit of God moving among his children.

Let us, dear ones, take a trip together in  consciousness, under the gentle benediction of beloved Holy Æolus, into the Retreat of the Holy Spirit here at Shamballa. First, let me tell you there is a direct Ray of Light of the Sun from Uxmal directed into the Temple of the Holy Spirit and you shall soon discover where it is anchored. (Music begins)

Rising in consciousness in the fullness of my Light Ray of the Sun, we find ourselves at the great door of the Temple of the Holy Spirit and we BREATHE... And there is great expectancy in our breath for we feel the Light of our God-Parents pulsating through this Temple even as we are yet in its outer court. We see the beautiful circular Temple, its magnificent doors guarded by two shining Seraphim from the Sun. Feel the expectancy... and the doors begin to open slowly through the graceful movement of these magnificent Seraphim.

And we begin to go forward and are entering the Temple of the Holy Spirit, passing through the gates into the inner courtyard where Angels, Devas and Cosmic Beings abide, who work with the fullness of "Holy Spirit". We go deeper into the inner Sanctum to the point at which unascended chelas must stop (because of their connection yet with atomic structure). And appearing now before our eyes is the exquisite Presence of our Lord, the Maha Chohan, in a set of Light Vehicles that astound us in Their beauty and magnificence... as he channels the fullness of the Holy Spirit into the Earth and its atmosphere ¾ into the Elemental Kingdom — through his seven sons (the Chohans of the Rays) — the Seven-Fold Aspect of Divine Man.

Look upon this gracious Being, our Lord Maha Chohan, for truly is he a son of the Sun. And our great Lord stands and faces the Altar and as he does our eyes are opened wider and we see the magnificent Altar wherein blazes a Flame that contains within it all the colors of the Twelve-Fold Aspect of The Deity; all the glorious radiance of our Father-Mother God's Causal Body. And suspended in space above that Flame is a magnificent golden disc... coming out of that golden disc are twelve magnificent Rays that feed that Flame — an anchorage of the very Light of Helios and Vesta.

And now, dear children, you now know where my Light Ray also anchor into this Temple of the Holy Spirit, as does the Light Ray from Machu Picchu, as does the Light Ray from the Temple of Cosmic Wisdom of the Meru Gods. And above this golden disc is a magnificent Dove, giving off the softest pink Light around which projects forth the Seven Rays of Divine Man; for it is within the compass of the Maha Chohan to translate the Twelve-Fold Aspect of Deity into the Seven-Fold Aspect of Divine Man... until in the fullness of his own God-Presence humanity further becomes the Twelve-Fold Aspect of God.

Around the golden disc is soft pink Light, from the aura of that magnificent multi-colored Altar Flame. Spiraling into high consciousness is also a soft pink Light... And smiling upon this entire scene, in his gracious Radiation, is the Great Cosmic Holy Spirit, Æolus, who has graduated to representing the Causal Body of our God-Parents to all Seven Planets...

Dear children, this is the Activity of becoming a Disciple of the Holy Spirit. First you must become a full Disciple of the Christ, the sonship of God, as was the true meaning of the Christian Era, preceded itself by becoming a Disciple of the "Father", a full acceptance of the Fathership of God; and then full acceptance of the sonship of God. And now, in the incoming Age — the fullness of the Holy Spirit of God, all the gifts of our Father-Mother God in their Momentum.

That is the work of this Temple, dear ones. Feel the Breath of the Holy Spirit. Hear the sound of the Holy Spirit... (Music finishes).

And slowly as our experience in the Temple of the Cosmic Holy Spirit is ending, we withdraw. We withdraw to the outer courtyard. We gracefully bow to our Lord Maha Chohan. We bow to the great Seraphim at the gate. And as the Christus, the Divine Sonship of God, we descend back into the Sanctuary, maintaining that experience of the Causal Body of our Father-Mother God.

Dear ones, I would ask you to call to me to maintain the fullness of the Fathership of God descending into the fullness of the sonship of God and the Seven-Fold Aspect of Divine Man, and then graduating into the fullness of the Holy Spirit, the Twelve-Fold Aspect of a completed God. This tells you much of the work of the entire Age which we are entering and I remind you that at the Retreat of our Great God and Goddess Meru there is the scientific and wisdom aspects of how the Twelve-Fold Aspect of Deity plays into the Seven-Fold Aspect of Divine Man, through the Seven Chohans, as has been recently described to you.

Visit there. Ask your Brother of the Golden Robe, who I see so clearly still in your auras, to take you to that magnificent Temple and there begin to assimilate, not only the fullness of the Seven-Fold Aspect of Divine Man, but begin to assimilate the fullness of the Cosmic Holy Spirit — the Twelve-Fold Aspect of the Deity.

And it is my privilege, precious ones, to be a Sponsor of this year. And I would have you know that the Light has reached a greater apex this year in the fulfillment of OUR DIVINE PLAN, as the Sponsors and Spirits of the Year, than we had ever hoped for.

And much of the credit is due to this magnificent Easter Celebration, where great Truth and Illumination have been resurrected on this Planet; and with the fullness of Love, is expanding from the center of this Earth and from the heart center of each and every man, woman and child. And so it is to you, dear children of the One Eternal Life, that we owe our deepest love and gratitude. And on behalf of all the Sponsors and the Spirit of the Year, I give you the benediction of the Ray of the Sun! Good Morning!

Kenich Ahan





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