California Visit

Beloved Kuthumi

May 1982

Glorious petals on an unfolding blossom, I greet you from the land of Lady Golden.

I have waited for some time to discourse on the divine plan and pattern of California and so I shall now. Let me first tell you that "I AM" speaking to you from the Temple of Christ Stature at the Etheric Realm over Mt. Tamelpias just outside San Francisco, along the magnificent Pacific coastline. This is a Focus incorporating much of my own humble energy and is designed to assist lifestreams to attain their full Christ Stature — especially if they already sense its awakening and are desirous of having it fully flower.

Thus you have seen and will continue to see many souls drawn to this area who are trying to perfect a gift they brought in to give this sweet Earth. Many New Age artists, musician, educators, scientists, administrators, etc., have been drawn to this area and many more will come. The creativity of full Christ Stature flows through this Focus to these aspiring individuals.

I believe you will be interested in the history of this Focus. As you may recall, beloved Lord Divino, beloved Serapis Bey and others were able to secure grants in the early 1950's so that the Holy Christ Selves of a number of lifestreams would be allowed full freedom to express, setting aside outer free will. This was a major project in cooperation with the Karmic Board. Knowing approximately when these souls would come to their maturity, we of this Focus (Brothers and Sisters of the Golden Robe) began to intensify our outpouring in the early 1960's.

Previous to that the Temple was being created and was quiescent. With the golden outpouring of the Temple of Christ Stature you saw attracted to this area so-called "counter-culture" (hippies, flower children, etc.) who wanted a consciousness counter to the prevailing human consciousness. This was the first wave over a decade period or so where there was a certain inner call answered but few outer teachers capable of and protecting these lifestreams.

The second wave of energy has drawn over the past decade many who are already "aware", who are looking for a Sacred place to unfold the gift that they hold in their hearts. This time there are more trusted outer guides and thus a more permanent unfolding of consciousness is occurring. From the Ascended Realm, we will slowly "turn up" the radiation of this Focus until more opportunity is available to call forth unfolding souls and offer them guidance and protection on the Earth Plane.

I feel sure you sense Pythagoras in all of this for this was a humble aspect of myself that was able to manifest the mechanism for such guidance and protection of seekers on the Earth in ages past. There is a science to this inner creativity unfolding and the science of Illumination is what we offer through the Temple of Christ Stature.

On a somewhat broader scale allow me to reveal to you aspects of my tie to California. In my embodiment as Francis of Assisi, where I endeavored to outpicture the Christ as I could best model it after the Master Jesus, I also lowered into the Earth plane, the Divine Plan for opening up California. Now this was unknown to my outer mind at the time, but rather represented the radiation that can be anchored through a Christ conscious soul, for which "I AM" forever grateful that I could so serve. You see, it was my followers who picked up this intelligent Radiation and followed through with the Plan many years later.

California was opened up by Franciscan Brothers, the principal one being Father Jaunippero Serra. All the original cities in California were Franciscan Missions, a total of thirteen: one for the Christ and the twelve disciples (or the Twelve Aspects of the Deity). It is not coincidence that people often come to California to "Sun worship", nor that the State Flower is the golden poppy, revealing various hues of the beloved Silent Watcher Lady Golden.

An inner identity that is sometimes applied to California is "The cradle of New Age civilization." The State is even shaped like a cradle with a flat luxuriant center section and mountains on all sides.

In fact, the cradle itself is protected at present by four important Focuses: to the north by the stupendous Ascended Master Energies blazing through Mt. Shasta (and the Silent Watcher — Lady Shastina) — a very powerful forcefield that is yet little understood by man; to the south by the magnificent Etheric Cities of John, The Beloved; to the east by the High Sierras and the Focus of Hope (Archangel Gabriel and Lady Hope); and to the west by the Coastal Range and our Focus here at Mt. Tamelpias.

In the center is the forcefield of the State Capital over the magnificent golden dome in Sacramento — the Heart Center, the forcefield of Lady Golden. And truly if you watch with the eyes of God you will see a New Age civilization take form and grow here — an infant yet, needing all the protection and positive radiation it can get from Ascended and unascended alike.

You may, if you so desire, apply for Etheric admission to our Focus of Christ Stature to help align yourself with your true gift to this Planet and the spiritual force necessary to its flowering; spiritual forces to build into your life. But please, as a World Teacher, may I ask you not to neglect the important current activities that are active each month, assisting other Members of the Hierarchy in Their great work.

I hope you are all as happy as "I AM". Yours in Service to Freedom's Holy Star,
