Easter Class

Beloved Micah, Angel of Unity

Shamballa -  Long Island - New York

April 11, 1982


I ask you, each dear one, to enter deeply within your God Reality, "I AM". What you are thinking as you do so, that will manifest. "I AM"... "I AM"... "I AM" in thee and thou art in me. FEEL IT! Blessed ones, through your great dedication and your adherence to the Truth which we have presented to you, through your perseverance, you are being given a Blessing of Grace from the Almighty. Through the Edict of the mighty Alpha and Omega, and the mighty Helios and Vesta, "I AM" here to tell you that you are now the CHRIST! (chelas stand) This is truly a Resurrection Day for you, each dear one, and everyone tuned in to this activity. Kindly be seated.

All the individuals on this Planet are receiving a tremendous blessing this day from the Cosmic Christ, our beloved Sanat Kumara, and they will be raised higher in vibration. And it is up to you now, the CHRIST, to do everything you can do to manifest through your actions the reality of your being. Remember you have been invoking the mighty Elohim and why have we prompted you to do this, because every manifestation comes forth through precipitation of those mighty Beings of Light, the Creators. Feel the blessing of each of the Elohim upon your forehead - enfolding you in the Peace as the activity of the Seven-fold Flame is intensified upon your foreheads.

Every day as you proceed in your activities I counsel you, I beg of you, to call forth the Seven Rays of the Elohim and know as you do so, that all will be in Divine order. You are responsible for every word you speak, every feeling and every action. You always have been, but now in the powerful capacity of the higher consciousness of the Christ, greater and greater is your responsibility. "I AM" going to pause for a moment and let you feel deep within your feelings "I AM"... "I AM" all life blending into one mighty Divinity... And our beloved Lord, our Regent, Sanat Kumara has asked me to tell you that he is intensifying the Light within the star in your being.

As you stand within that star each day feel your own Three-fold Flame "I AM" blazing, blazing, blazing as a comforting Presence to all life because as you love you give comfort in some manner or other, and, of course, we associate comfort with our beloved Cosmic Holy Spirit and beloved Paul, the Maha Chohan. Feel the comforting Presence of the mighty Holy Ĉolus as he enfolds you and all life.

Children, children, children of the Light we have loved you long and we have loved you well. I love you and as I say those words that means I love every particle of life on this sweet Earth so dear to the heart of our beloved Lord and King, Saint Germain.

And Sanat Kumara wishes to tell you at this moment he is sending out millions and millions of tiny stars all over this Planet hoping for some eager heart, some feeling, some love to draw them into their beings. And see that great Star of Sanat Kumara just sending forth these tiny, little winged stars, blessed electrons of Pure Divine Love blanketing all life here on Earth. Truly this is a day of Resurrection and I assure you so long as you have breath and can say, "I AM" you will and can be, according to the state of your consciousness the Christ in action.

And remember, I repeat again, "I AM" - "I AM" is all there is. "I AM" in thee - "I AM" in thee - "I AM" the heart of the Great Central Sun. On and on and on to spheres yet unknown to most of you. Do not take off in flights of fancy, just humbly within your own beings feel and know "I AM".

And now, dear ones, we shall shortly proceed with the Communion Service. And I wish to tell you that this Sanctuary is filled with the Light of the Cosmic Christ and you will feel the beautiful soft glow of Love Divine. Wear that cloak at all times knowing that Love is all there is. "I AM" - "I AM" Love! - "I AM" GOD! "I AM" - "I AM" everywhere! "I AM"! Thank You.


At the beginning of the Afternoon Musicale, Beloved Lady Esthesia said she would like to say a few words:

"That magnificent presentation and rendition of 'Meditation' (from Thais) has drawn my Love, and in return for the Harmony expressed we have flooded this entire Sanctuary and all Long Island with the Love and the Light of the Planet Uranus and I thank you for so honoring us."

Lady Esthesia







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