Divine Principles

Beloved Lord Gautama


August 1957

The words "ascending" and "descending"; "higher" and "lower" are more descriptive of rates of vibration than they are of motion so accustomed to dealing constantly with form, the word "ascending" just naturally depicts to the outer mind an upward motion of form; whereas, in Truth, it is merely an acceleration of the vibratory action which makes up the atoms of the vehicle. The word "descend" as humankind's outer visualizes its action, is merely the slowdown and lowering of the vibratory action of the electrons which make up the atom.

Now, beloved ones, let us take the visible Presence of the great El Morya, for instance. You speak of his "descending" into the sanctuary to address you through your "contact" and, when you come to the point of enough purification and clarification of your physical sight, he will be quite visible to you. Why? Because his "descending" is simply the slowing down of the electronic rates of vibration in his vehicles and the acceleration of the vibrations of your power of sight until the two meet. Then you have your visible, tangible Presence of any Ascended Being.

Now, during these years which are being given to us to help you, we are in the process of gradually accelerating the vibratory action of your four lower bodies by speaking to you; encouraging you, and by giving you those spiritual exercises, songs and decrees which have accelerated all of your senses and, to a degree, opened your inner sight and hearing.

At the same time, we are lowering the rate of vibration of our own bodies of Light — of course never below that rate which compels and sustains perfect harmony — slowing our vibrations down in spoken word and radiation so that we may establish a communion between your outer minds and that consciousness in which we all abide. When the acceleration of the student body has reached it apex, then will be the manifestation so many desire.

It is simply a matter of the control of energy. Of course, we are always in absolute control of all energy and, as Lord Maitreya himself has said, we could so lower the vibratory action of the electrons which spin around the atoms of our Light bodies to a place where we would be perfectly visible to your physical sight RIGHT NOW! This would be a tremendous dispensation of the Cosmic Law but it would not cause you to desire to further accelerate your own vehicles. You see, once the gift is received, almost without fail the invocation and application of the chela ceases ¾ unless, of course, that lifestream has come to the place of mastery.


In the experience life of the outer world, individuals sometimes work for an entire lifetime, just to obtain for themselves an annuity, a home or general security. Yet, often, just when the gift is within reach or perhaps has been received, the individual concerned passes from that embodiment at the very time when their whole life energy has been expended and their pursuit of happiness resulted in the externalization of that to which they dedicated their thought, feeling, words and action - their entire life!

That is true of ”inner" things as well. Ever since the time of my own conscious Ascension, I have seen chela after chela and neophyte after neophyte who desired the visible, tangible Presence of the Master. Then, when the chela did achieve that mastery of clairvoyance (true inner sight) and clairaudience (true inner hearing); when he was one-pointed enough in concentration; when a dispensation allowed even a flashing glimpse of that Ascended Being, such an one would cease his own endeavors and become in himself a "sainted one" - full of pride.

Beloved ones, the outer self is so undependable! Those who have not seen through the "veil" and yet have touched the hem of the garment of the Divine Ones; those who have accepted with all their beings the ESSENCE and not the form — THOSE ARE THE "SAINTED ONES"! In the words of Jesus, our beloved Brother, "Blessed are they who have not seen and yet have believed".

I say to you who have believed in us and who have felt ESSENCE; you who have known and accepted God-virtue radiated to you by us through the "veil' -- that when the acceleration of your senses brings you to the point of physical manifestation, it will mean nothing to you except just the joy of confirmation of that which you already had known as you kneel and kiss the garment of your benefactor or benefactress and friend. I know... for I returned to Earth after my period of God-illumination; walked with simple men and women and yet had the gift of being able to accelerate my Being so that I could be instantly present in consciousness in any Sphere.

I know how much the masses desire phenomena and how few desire the ESSENCE! Those who follow me; those in the East who are true Masters and Gurus yet unascended, usually do not allow the exercise of phenomena for that reason. I lived simply and unostentatiously, letting Grace and ESSENCE, example and works take the place of phenomena which seems miraculous to the curious but which does not sustain the earnest chela. The curious fancy of the masses is not worthy of the investment of energy which such phenomena would entail.




GAUTAMA so dear - come to us here!

Flood forth your Love to all men,

Teach us to live - - help us forgive

Help us again and again! 

GAUTAMA Divine - let your Light shine,

Let all your Love take command!

Show all its worth - hold all the Earth

Safely in God's mighty Hand

GAUTAMA of Peace! Give Earth release

Compel all humanity to feel

God's Mighty Truth - from early Youth

God's LOVE is ALL that is REAL!


Your Lotus Flame!


Your Sacred Name!

Give Earth Your Blessing - - -

Thou who didst come from afar.

Leaving the Power of Silence —