A Visit to Dominican Republic

Beloved Lady Quisqueya

Silent Watcher

August 19, 1982

As our attention is particularly upon that region of the Earth assigned to me by the planetary Silent Watcher, beloved Immaculata, we view with interest those who live within that compass and visitors who come here... in this instance that regions known to most as the Dominican Republic. As the radiation has accelerated to the vibratory action necessary, we feel you should be apprised of the true designation... Quisqueya... (part of the Atlantean Continent whose radiation is now being experienced by many).

Because of the true nature of its climate — many people come from various regions to be bathed in the restorative elements so prevalent... particularly that of the powerful agent of the sea with its curative saline waters, and the cooperative sylphs of the air whose buoyant activities find response in the vehicles of humanity! It is most interesting to witness the Light in its many-faceted powers assist in amplifying the Blueprint on the physical plane we hold so reverently in our hearts... all the while those who are participating in this endeavor through cooperation in this divine manifestation.

Little do some residents, and guests to our shores, realize the power of the magnetic field which draws them here. Every location on this Globe has a pure Electronic Force... some quality or qualities to which various lifestreams have an affinity which can, and will, forward their process of evolution through proximity to an area, and which their Reality knows will benefit them and which shall assist in the manifestation of the over-all Divine Pattern.

You are all aware of an ”awakening" process taking place within the hearts of humankind, and it is to our chelas we look to provide a radiation of accelerated Consciousness to assist those who are being "stirred" — in the hope they will realize it is their True Self within giving them signal to return to the Consciousness once enjoyed before the negative action of the human en masse spewed forth the activity which has become known as the "veil of maya".

In this yearly cycle of 1982 now drawing closer to its completion, it is gratifying to witness the Thoughtform being complied with... the result of your cooperation of the Virtues required and the encompassing radiation of the Cosmic Christ Love so tenderly, yet powerfully, assisting their vehicles.

I come to you to counsel you to continue in your efforts of purification of all life, and in so doing it is important that you remember in addition to your activity of the transmutation and purification process to remember the Four Elements... the Beings of the Elements in the Nature Kingdom and those of your brothers and sisters who form the vehicles through whom your Christ Self must function. The more harmonious your four lower garments, the greater will be the power of these Agents to affect your fellow traveler... in whom one or more elements may go through a "chaotic" experience...

Again we return to the Oneness of Life... that which affects one — affects all. If in a harmonious state, a blessing goes forth, conversely a negative action is energized... first to your fellow traveler what "God" has and is ceaselessly giving unto you! Let the perfume and tone of your Being waft through the atmosphere bringing a healing unguent to all life!

Your Sister in Cooperative Service,

Lady Quisqueya



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