Assimilation and Expansion of the Electronic Pattern

October 1982


In the Etheric Realm over Hope Valley, California


ELECTRONIC PATTERN: The Golden Horn of Archangel Gabriel - giving forth a COSMIC TONE commanding the Victory of God's Light in all chelas and thus to all Life.

Beloved Gabriel speaks:

Immortal flames of the One Supreme Source, I, Gabriel, the Heralding Angel, greet you this Retreat Cycle as I greeted Mary, the Mother of Jesus: "Hail, thou children, growing in God's Grace! The Lord is with thee". And at the request of our Lord God, I shall issue forth this month a Cosmic Tone of perfection, directed into your vehicles, until with your acceptance, this Force shatters all the concepts and identity less than your Electronic Blueprint of Perfection.

You are aware, I believe, that I had come previously in this way to Prince Gautama in India, assisting in his graduation to Godhood, also that of Beloved Mary preceding the fruition of her Divine Plan, as well as to many sainted Ones you know not of.

Now I come to each of you, cells in the Avatar of this Age, to call you forth into the Light of your own Godhood.

My momentum of countless ages sojourning in the blazing Light of the Fourth Sphere is available to each of you by tuning in and accepting this Cosmic Tone issuing forth from my Presence as an instrument of God. A Cosmic Keynote, or Tone, issued forth from God is like a Solar Fiat — it has the effect of aligning, purifying, transforming and resurrecting all life and substance with its message, including physical matter. Accept this into your world for this is a prelude to the Ascension Activity that follows.

"In the beginning was the Word" — the Eternal Voice commanding forth the Light: "Let there be Light — Let there be Perfection" — and all things responded. It has always been thus, God's use of the Sound Ray in announcing and commanding forth Perfection. The very journal through which I speak to you now is really THE WORD going forth from Shamballa as a Tone or Cosmic Voice ringing through the Earth's atmosphere.

Listen with all of your being this month for the feeling and experience of me. "I AM" the voice of God calling you forth into Eternal Light as I have called forth other Gods and Goddesses. The Force I offer is the ETERNAL HOPE pulsating through all the galaxies, that God Perfection is supreme and limitless... HERE AND NOW!

Who else would I come to at this moment of Earth's history than to the Keepers of The New Age, the shepherds of the race? I have been evident at the beginning of each New Age on this Planet.

LISTEN... and Be in my Cosmic Tone this month. Assimilate this gift of your Lord God, which I AM privileged to guard and I sustain, into your atomic vehicles resurrecting them into Christhood.

Thus a direct personal connection is established between each of us, the chelas and myself, this entire month. So be it! And now, shining selves, my Beloved Lady Hope...

Lady Hope speaks:

Greetings from the magnificent Hope Valley where Elemental Life seems to outpicture the effervescent Perfection of the Fourth Sphere. From Lord Gabriel's fiery nature you have some understanding of our gifts to the Planet this month.

The measure of Hope built into this year can be seen by Ascended energies of our various Retreats directed into the chelas, "as if" you have been accepted as a full fledged chela· within that Retreat. The Spiritual Hierarchy have waited many years, many ages, for the time where again it could give gifts to the chelas in their own personal orbits and not only in the confines of our homes and Retreats.

Feel the Hope that impregnates this endeavor; that finally the Ascended Masters can personally assist and use men and women in normal lives, where the real transition in consciousness on this Planet is so necessary. A developing priest or priestess of the Sacred Fire in any community, known or unknown to others about him, can and does affect the entire consciousness of that community.

This is what can result from one being working with the Spiritual Hierarchy. Be aware of your importance to us, you are our Hope. Into you We have put our carefully guarded ascended energies.

Thus, with your momentum so far of Lord Gabriel's Cosmic Tone, your personal Sword of Blue Light from Banff, the increased Light of the Catatumbo Ray, the Cross of Truth planted within your vehicles, etc., should flower a magnificent Hope within you... a KNOWING... that the Gods are again working with you, personally assisting you, individually using you in service as you fulfill your own Divine Plan. As stated, this was last accomplished many ages ago on this Planet on a world-wide basis.

This, then, is the Hope we offer to this Planet. Again, I repeat our Hope is not the unsure hope of the human consciousness that has a "maybe" quality to it. Our Hope is an absolute knowing that because we are spiritually prepared and have followed the great Law of Life, God's Will shall manifest (not "maybe"...SHALL MANIFEST).

It is as if you hope to get to the store in your car. If you have prepared the vehicle properly, with sufficient fuel, cleanliness of operating parts, tires pumped up, lubrication done, and you operate the vehicle safely, you will get there. Transpose this set of preparations to your own four vehicles. Use the Sacred Fire. You will soon discover hoping for God's Will to manifest through you becomes a continuous act of grateful preparation with an increased feeling of assuredness, translating eventually into complete victory and God success. 

Remember the life of the Master Jesus. There were many years of preparation and hope among he and his supporters and a relative short period of actual God Victory and Success. Your time for manifestation is approaching. Prepare well by maintaining a positive Hope as blazed forth from our Retreat. My momentum and that of the entire Brotherhood here at Hope Valley is yours to command into your lifestreams and into the Planet this month.

Come to us daily for your respite in the REALITY OF GOD'S KNOWING. Your sister guarding God's Eternal Hope for this Planet...

Lady Hope



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