A Special Message

Beloved Lord Lanto

Shamballa. Long Island, New York

January 3, 1982

I bow in reverence and deep humility to your Light. Kindly be seated.

How many times we have mentioned ”Reverence for Life". Every person on this Planet, especially the chelas, must get the real feeling, the meaning of reverence... feel, the feeling which I have for all life which I revere so deeply enter within your Beings... and I am this moment placing upon your forehead, between your eyes, a Star - a Star from the Tetons to remain with you all month to remind you of the reverence which we have at the Tetons for all life... not just for your immediate fellow traveler but every particle of life... grain of sand, every drop of water, on up to the greatest evolution which you know.

Now the secret to Reverence for Life is Love, and if you wish to go forward in your evolution be mindful that the first four letters of evolution are 'evol', and you must turn them around to make (lov-e-lu-tion). You have to become LOVE in all its aspects to go forward on the Path. In your feeling world you must be able to embrace everyone you meet, everything you see, that which has been distasteful in the past will become something beautiful; some part of life which you are on this Planet Earth to raise into greater Light.

Light is present everywhere else there would not be life. So feel, feel, FEEL the deep reverence which flows constantly from the Great White Brotherhood at the Tetons. And of course Love is necessary for Precipitation. Your every Breath should be a note of melody to add to the glorious Symphony of the Spheres. You should ere long with your inner ear hear the celestial tones that are going through the atmosphere at all times.

Thank the blessed Angels and their magnificent choirs, as they travel through the Planet Earth and all its atmosphere a melody of Beauty, of Love Divine, is enfolding the Earth in a great mantle of Harmony. Realize, each one, that the Keynote of your Being must add to the great melody of the Universe. Do you not feel the Love which I am sending to you? It is quite a long time since I have had an opportunity to talk in an informal way with you and indeed I feel privileged so to do.

This is going to be a tremendous year of opportunity - such anticipation in the Hearts of the Spiritual Hierarchy cannot be expressed in words. Because of the progress the chelas all over the Planet made in the past twelve months. We know without a slightest doubt that all the Galaxy will rejoice because this Planet Earth shall emit more Light! Now think if you had a great proof - had a plan which you wished to bring into manifestation and everyone was harmonious, save one, and you had to pull that one, coax that one, cajole that one into harmony... compare that with all the Suns and Planets of this System who have been waiting for this dear Earth to emit more Light! And with the mighty Pallas Athena as one of the Sponsors, Truth shall manifest! There are many variations and gradations of Truth but that which we shall give you will be Truth in its fullness, and because your brother or sister in some other walk of life, some other path of Light, doesn't quite see eye to eye with you just realize they are on another ladder of life - they haven't reached the rungs which you have.

So revere their service. Have reverence, I cannot say it enough - I repeat have deep reverence for life... I am pausing for a moment because the mighty Dwjal Khul and all our Brotherhood at the Tetons is sending waves and waves and waves of the beautiful Green and Golden Light to enfold you. Hold on to it... wear it as a Mantle all this month, and forever if you desire. This tremendous Light will assist you on your pathway, because as I have said before, Reverence for Life and Precipitation go hand in hand - they are one.

And you know how cheerful you feel when the great Sun is blazing in the morning and as the day comes on, you see that Golden Light anointing all Life. Well just feel that way, as though the Sun of our Beings, the Sun of Alpha and Omega, is anointing you and you shall feel it in greater capacity as you have reverence for it.

And know that within that great Light is Truth Eternal — Truth always was, always shall be, but ever expands according to your consciousness.

Consider it a privilege, my dear ones, to be in embodiment — to have the honor of serving with the great Lord of the World Gautama and the mighty Triumvirate here at Shamballa — Lord Divino and Sanat Kumara. How we all in Heaven's Realms send our deep gratitude daily for the constancy of their Light, their Love which does hold the Planet in its orbit. But as I said, think of all the Suns of this System, what it means to them... they are anticipating a mighty forward move of this Planet Earth, helping them to give forth their Light to the Universe in greater capacity, because they will not to use so much energy to help this errant child, the Earth.

But now the child is growing to full stature and soon the Earth through all life hereon will express Christ Consciousness, and all the Suns will rejoice as we move forward... closer to each Sun!

Mind you, I tell you that every Sun in this Galaxy, every Being, every Hierarch, every Temple is sending forth greater Light this day to impress upon your consciousness, and all life on this Planet Earth that FREEDOM IN THE LIGHT is at hand! Truth is present... accept daily the presence of the mighty Pallas Athena and know whenever you need assistance that Lord Michael and the mighty Lady Astrea and all Angels of the Violet Fire and all the Beings who serve on that Ray are ready to assist you.

Oh Love... Love... may Love ever be the expression of your Divinity flowing through you to bless all life everywhere.

I thank you... and I am grateful for your attendance here and for your Love of the Light. God bless you.

Lord Lanto, Patriarch

The Royal Teton Retreat



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