The Golden Chalice Ceremony

New Year 1983


Music - - (Spem in Alium) - - Opening minutes of Silent Preparation. 

LEADER: The ceremony begins with this soft Angelic music as we prepare our vehicles to be transformed into the Living Chalice of Christ Consciousness. Only upon the altar at Shamballa does the Cup actually outpicture as a Golden Chalice. It shall manifest likewise on other altars as well when we have built the Essence of the Golden Flame of Illumination and the Spirit of Christ into our vehicles.

This present Communion Service takes place mostly in "consciousness" and less in "form". The Great Ones have told us we are now building the actual fourth dimensional Chalice of Light into our third dimensional consciousness through which our full Divinity will eventually manifest... (a few moments of meditation).

Music: Angels of Comfort... The music changes to that of comfort as we hear the following words from our ¾


Children of the One Blazing Light I, Paul, the Maha Chohan, Dispenser of the seven Rays into the world of man, Holy Spirit to this planet, welcome you to the Ceremony of the Golden Chalice. Hail thou brave and peaceful spirits whose gentle hearts desire Holy Communion with your Ascended Brethren.... Holy Communion with the Angels of Limitless Light and Holy Communion with all the Infinite Perfection of the Great Solar Day of our Father-Mother God.

I AM here with you now. My very Luminous Presence shines in shades of pink throughout this sanctuary, as well as igniting the dormant fire of Eternal Love yet hidden within your vehicles.

I AM with you now as a Force of God's Grace to allow you entrance, in consciousness, to the fullness of God Reality; all that has been created for you even before this world was. Oh how we, who have attained our eternal freedom, long for the opportunity of Holy Communion with you for it is your freedom in the Light that we but live to see manifest. And here you are before me... now made Holy through your own efforts, emanating the soft white Light of the Arisen Christ within your aura. . . allowing the Holy Spirit entrance into the world of humanity through your consciousness and your character. Your efforts at Godliness prepare the way for our Communion together as the Human Family within the Family of God.

Blessed ones, breathe deeply upon the heightened union that is about to occur with Ascended Master Consciousness. Feel the Holy Breath, the fiery Prana of Divine Love of the God Parents that permeates the atmosphere of this planet, always available to those who can discern its magnificent vibration. How merciful Life has been that this Sacred Essence is as available as your next breath, when breathed by a being consciously desirous of communion with the Father of all Life.

Prepare, blessed chelas, by feeling deeply the presence of the Sacred Angels of Holy Spirit and those special Angels who work with the Devic Lords of Air and Fire, whose combined service always attends the Communion Ceremony of any deserving aspirants... Sacred Fire charged into the Air Element, assimilated into a purified consciousness through the avenue of Holy Breath.

Prepare also, gentle spirits, for the flash of Sacred Flame from Ascended and Cosmic Beings drawn here for this purpose:

Visualize and feel our Beloved Holy Triumvirate at Shamballa who wish to give you a measure of the blazing Light accorded the Spiritual Authority for this planet into the cells of the growing Group Avatar, chelas who are desirous of outpicturing Shamballa's Holy Will... (Visualize this as a magnificent spiraling Three-fold Flame).   (PAUSE)

Beloved Micah, shining as a Star of Spiritual Unity for this planet, wishes to charge you with the Victorious Ascended Jesus Christ vibration, until you sustain permanently your Victorious Christ vibration. (Visualize this as a luminous light blue Star).   (PAUSE)

The momentum of Holy Spirit of my beloved father, Holy Æolus, and of my humble self, now rushes forth to ignite the dormant Fire of the little you into a BLAZING GOD OR GODDESS! (Visualize as tongues of flame of the Fiery Breath of God's Love, all with a pink aura).   (PAUSE)

See and feel yourself now as the electronic pattern of a cup... a Golden Chalice of shimmering Light which will be raised through the portal of Shamballa into the Temple of the Cosmic Holy Spirit... to be filled from the effervescent fount of all Light, with the substance of Cosmic Christ... in establishment of Permanent Christ Consciousness through your vehicles on this planet. With the God authority and Grace granted me as representative of the Holy Spirit for this planet, I shall raise your prepared Cups to that point with my own hands and present you to the Father of all Life for the gift of his Grace.

Oh Lord God of Love, come now to your children who are raised and ready to receive you.

* * *


Song to the Holy Christ Self

(MUSIC No. 100 -- I AM THY CUP)

Here the sanctuary Director has the choice of standing and singing this song to the accompanying music (or music played live on the piano or other instrument). An alternative is simply to meditate on this song played on a harp, with word, as a silent meditation. A third alternative is to delete the song altogether. Through it all retain the visualization and experience of being "The Cup".

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LEADER: (still facing the chelas)

Dear ones, the Vedantic Prayer is a continuation of the original Christed Energies introduced to the planet through the Beloved Krishna. It was passed on to his disciples in ancient Communion Services, some of which have been incorporated through the ages in the Vedic religions of the East.

(The class Leader then turns to face the altar and gives the Vedantic Prayer (where the ending of the prayer coincides with the peak of the music).)

(Music begins : Barbar's Adagio for Strings)

* * *

Vedantic Prayer

Oh, Thou Infinite Holy Presence of God, the Divine Source of all Life; Hallowed be Thy Sacred Name! We bow before Thee in Gratitude, Praise and Thanksgiving for Thy Supreme Presence in the Universe - - because Thou art "I AM"!

We return to Thee, Almighty One, all the Powers and Dominion we have ever vested in any imperfect manifestation, visible or invisible, for Thou art the All Power of the Universe and there is no other Power that can act! Let Thy Will be done in us NOW! -- Let Thy Kingdom be manifest across the face of this Earth through the hearts of all who are so blessed as to live upon It!

Oh, Supreme Beloved One, as we lift our hearts, our vision, our consciousness toward Thee, release the Substance of Thyself to us, each according to our requirement, that as we move forward in Thy Name and upon Thy Service, we shall not be found wanting!

We ask forgiveness for all the transgressions of Thy Law of Love and Harmony, both for ourselves and all humankind, the Forces of the Elemental Kingdom and the Kingdom of Nature. Endow us now with Thy Power and Desire to so forgive all who have ever caused us distress back into the very beginning of time.

Because Thou art with us and in us, we fear no evil, for there is no power apart from Thee which can hurt, destroy or despoil Life's Beauty of Expression. Thou art the Strength and the Power by which we move ever in the Path of Righteousness - - - and NOW - - -Oh Father of Light - - - show us the FULL GLORY we had with Thee in the beginning before the world was...... SO BE IT!

(Music peaks) 

Music changes: (Chariots of Fire)

( LEADER: - still facing the altar, raises the Cup... Chelas now stand, representing the raising of their own Cups in consciousness.) 

* * * 

Consecration Statement


In the Name of the Arising Christ in the hearts of all humanity, we offer ourselves humbly to you, Great Cosmic Christ, Beloved Holy Spirit and the Gracious Father of All Light. We offer you the Golden Chalice of our arisen consciousness and are now individually prepared to be filled with permanent Christ Consciousness, Holy Spirit and complete surrender to Thy Holy Will. Accept us also as a collective Cup of Consciousness, allowing us to be an avenue of your Divinity into the growing Group Avatar, our brothers and sisters worldwide, approaching Christ Consciousness by whatever path; and further into the Human Family, so that as we are raised up all Life is raised up with us. To this great opportunity of service are we consecrated in body, mind and spirit... now and forever.


(Music continues)

(With the cup remaining raised the Leader turns to face the chelas. Here the crystal chalice (on most altars) should be visualized by all participants as a shimmering golden Chalice, as they are doing with their own individual Cups of consciousness.)


Lord Maitreya, the Master of Masters, Lord of Love and Divine Initiator of Arisen Chelas, has said, "Situated above this altar in all his great Light is the Luminous Presence of our beloved Lord Gautama from Shamballa, charging you with the Essence of God Illumination as he gives to you the substance of his own Cosmic Golden Chalice. Feel his Love drawing you into the Oneness, Oneness... Oneness within his personal Chalice of Light...   (Pause)

Feel also now the Holy Aura of the Victorious Christ pulsating within Beloved Micah's Star of Unity enveloping this sanctuary and all herein.  (Pause) You are now held in the flaming Hands of the Holy Spirit as together we are raised into the fullness of our Father's Love. (Leader pauses until music fades)

LEADER: Please repeat these affirmations after me:

"I AM a Golden Chalice of Living Light.

"I AM" now shimmering with the Essence of the Cosmic Christ.

I accept these Tongues of Flame/ that ignite the Fires of Love in every fiber of my being.

I surrender all for the gift of God's Grace/the Eternal Breath of the Holy Spirit now pulsating in my body.

And I now merge my being with the One Consciousness of all Love/retaining my individuality as an illumined Christ/embodied on this sweet Earth.

LEADER: Thank you, and please be seated.

(Music continues now, changing to scintillating streams of Light)

LORD MAITREYA - continues:

"Accept this as Beloved Paul, the Maha Chohan and I, take you now into the Flaming Presence of God through the gates at Shamballa.

Feel the communion now between yourself and God; the Union of Ascended and unascended consciousness, as the Tongues of Electronic Fire flash forth from the Cosmic Chalice into your own personal Chalice. Arise now within this fourth dimensional Chalice as the shimmering Christ grown to full stature.   (PAUSE)

Assimilate the feeling of this Divine Essence as I project it as powerfully as I may into your vehicles and consciousness. Feel the Luminous Presence of our beloved Gautama seated on his Holy Lotus Throne, deepening this acceptance of Divinity with all the God authority and Love at his command. Feel the pressure of our combined electronic acceleration now entering your vehicles. (The electronic music continues until its end.)

(Music : Panis Angelicus begins softly).

LORD MAITREYA - continues:

And on the rhythmic breath, feel the pressure of Lady Miriam (whose own electronic blueprint is the Cup) holding the pattern of your Golden Chalice, helping you remain a pure Cup of the Father's Will embodied on this planet; a living disciple of the Holy Spirit; and true representative of the Cosmic Christ to all humankind.

Be your Golden Chalice at all times and allow others to drink freely of its essence and as you continually empty it in service, and sustain the Cup vibrating at Christ awareness, I personally shall see it remains filled to overflowing with the particular God Virtues required for you own personal mastery and for your continued service to Life.

Rejoice, dear children! IT IS DONE! and it is sealed in the Eternal Victory of the Light of God That Never Fails. The permanence of Christ Consciousness is building within you.


(MUSIC continues with the Angelic Voices as the Leader gives the Benediction, closes the class, and chelas assimilate the radiation in silent meditation.)




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