Master Kuthumi

Easter Class

Shamballa, Long Island, New York

April 4, 1983

You have before you this morning the gentle, informal Kuthumi that most of you prefer. Would you kindly be seated...

Out of the deep acknowledgement that the Spiritual Hierarchy has asked me to give to those who have come from other countries to this conference and have given so willingly of the essence of their lifestreams to serve in this manner we would like to translate this discourse. So if I may have a German and a Spanish translator please...

Well, where shall I begin this morning, with the Western chelas who are doing such an important spiritual service..... and ask them not to take it quite so seriously. One of the blocks to Spiritual Happiness is when you feel the "weight of the world" resting on the outcome of what you are attempting to do. Earlier on in this class it was mentioned that Lord Ling is with us in consciousness.

And he asks that I remind you that in Saint Germain's Golden Age there is no place for "service out of duty". Instead let there be the tremendous joy in knowing God because if you know God, there is only joy.

Do you wonder why we always speak of reaching Christ Consciousness? It is because not only do you serve better, with no error, from the Christ Consciousness, but it is joyful! ...because  you truly know God in Christhood. Let us visualize together for a moment — let us feel that we are, for example on a Greek hillside with the Being you knew as Pythagoras... or on the hillsides of Assisi with a Being you knew as Francis.

What would these aspects of myself say to you? I would have taught various ways and means of approaching Godhood in a very informal, loving friendly way and ask you then to be about the Father's business by yourself with your own connection with God. And so here we are, here and now, in the sanctuary of Shamballa right at the dawning of the Golden Age in actual manifest form. And yet it is exactly the same, for I shall this day send you off, as it were, and ask you to allow me an avenue through your day-today life... that you channel the essence of myself as World Teacher.

I have come through the years to many groups of unascended beings. And the only important thing that any have ever received from me is the radiation. In fact, while we are here together and while this translation is taking place, I ask you to feel me with your feelings. And if you can in my Presence, you can in your own Christhood... day in and day out. How else do we establish a new world order, a new world religion. It comes through the radiation of those who the Master leaves with that gift of channeling the radiation, as the Apostles did for the Master Jesus.

You all believe so strongly in the visitation of the Master through the channels or oracles, and yet you've experienced this week that if perchance one is absent we need to contact each of you personally. The information is the least important part of the channel. It is the TRUTH WITHIN THE RADIATION, which will be the building blocks in the establishment of the New World Order.

And do you love me enough as a Representative of the World Teacher and Cosmic Christ, serving under our beloved Maitreya, to allow me your Christ channel at all times? When a channel stands before you here at Shamballa what they have done is to raise their consciousness to the level of Christ perfection linking it ONE with the Eternal Ascended Master Realms of Perfection.

Each of you, I know, have experienced that. Now I know I should caution the human element yet remaining to not get carried away with sending out a group of channels. And yet I must speak to your Christhood; I must have you know that to establish a World Order we need our radiation into the world of form.

And back to the beginning of my talk, it is only in maintaining that Christhood that you truly know God, and the joy of knowing God comes into your day-to-day life. And so isn't it marvelous that only through the establishment of knowing God and the joy that comes with that, can your true service to the Spiritual Hierarchy be given. 'Beloved Lord Maitreya is smiling upon us from his throne here at Shamballa, for as the Buddha, he holds the Spiritual Fire in the atmosphere of this planet; which for the race keeps the Fire of Love alive, as the only eventual Savior of this planet. And he has again assumed the office of Cosmic Christ.

Think of the evolution of this great Master who, under the tutelage of mighty Sanat Kumara, can hold both of these offices. And the tremendous assistance he is to his beloved brother, our Lord of the World Gautama. And think of the unity of those two energies fully embodied in one magnificent Being, Christed energies and Buddhic energies; and you can understand that Lord Maitreya and the Ascended Jesus, our beloved Micah, work hand in hand in unifying the various spiritual natures on this planet. So as Beloved Maitreya unites these energies on the higher realms, Lord Micah is responsible for channeling it into the world of form. That is why his Star of Unity pulsates so strongly here at Shamballa. The relationship between Lord Maitreya and the Master Jesus has grown ever closer through the ages.

Well I promised to be informal today and to speak of, shall we say, detachment from the spiritual importance of the moment.

You may be interested to know, that one of the principal teachings from the ancient East of the Laws of Detachment was the Being you knew as Lao Tzu. And those with higher spiritual natures have often wondered about this Being. When he gained his Ascension from the ancient Eastern embodiment, he was so detached from the things of this planet that he went straight on into Nirvana, and serves as a reminder to us in the Spiritual Hierarchy that truly are we here by FREE WILL. And possibly it is important that you too remember, that we are here only because of our Love for you, for the Race, for the Elements, for the Angels, and for the Body of Beloved Virgo.

And even in an important Cosmic Moment such as the present we remind ourselves why we are here and what our service truly is. And so remind yourself why you are here. You are not here to fear. You are not here to feel separate. You are here to know God, and then to serve God. And in that service, greater spiritual endeavors will unfold..... but the emphasis of your concentration needs to be on the knowing and serving God, not so much on the spiritual importance of the service. And in that, is the Law of Detachment. And in that law, is the joy of service.

And I shall close by saying again, this Easter weekend was a magnificent service to this sweet planet. And I bid you remind yourselves that I will present myself to you from time to time, seeing if I have a channel through your lifestream of my radiation as World Teacher. And to all those gathered in this Holy Sanctuary and all those joined by the ties of Light in all the great countries represented by this Church and within the Human Family, I give you the Peace that I know, of God..... GOOD MORNING.




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