The New Year's Class

Beloved Lady Kwan Yin

Shamballa, Long Island, New York

Dec. 30, 1982

Oh, beloved Violet Spirits, thank you for the love into which you have invited my humble Spirit — Would you kindly be seated.

Not only do I feel welcome into the garden of consciousness that you have created for me this morning but I welcome you into the Consciousness of my humble Self as children of the Seventh Ray.

When I approached the holy Sanctuary of Shamballa this morning, with me were Violet Legions of Mercy and Compassion, currently on world wide service around this planet in the name of Beloved Saint Germain's blossoming Golden Age of Spiritual Freedom. And our great Lord and King is with us in consciousness this morning.

Feel his spirit for "I AM" here in his greater work. He recognizes you as children of the Seventh Ray, those of you whose spiritual impetus is so awakened when the Rays of Violet begin to play upon this planet. Some of you here physically and some of you attuned in consciousness to us this morning, have been awakened through the spiritual stimulation of all the Seven Rays and some of you are the "newer souls" that awaken only with vibrations of SPIRITUAL ALCHEMY, as you have done before — when the Violet Ray was active in previous cycles upon this planet.

As you are aware, I, too have been a Chohan of the Seventh Ray, as have many been before me and yet it is a rare opportunity that our beloved Saint Germain now has as Chohan of the Seventh Ray when it becomes the predominant activity for a two thousand year cycle upon this planet! Be aware of his Presence any time you use the Spiritual Fire of any of God's Graces, for he is available to bring your spirits further acceleration in their unfoldment under the Seventh Ray.

May we journey now in consciousness together. My consciousness when it outpictures does so as a spiritual sanctuary..... if you will; a monastery garden or a temple garden...... and with the fullness of my Ascended Master pressure I externalize my consciousness here and now in this holy sanctuary and draw you in the heart of Divine Love. You who have come from many places of the Earth physically and in consciousness, I invite you in from the dusty roads of normal human existence, into the spiritual sanctuary of my consciousness.

Here the overriding experience is one of compassion, forgiveness and loving embrace of mercy. While you are in my garden this morning, I have been offered an opportunity by my brothers and sisters of the Karmic Board, to offer to you the absolute forgiveness and transmutation of any thought, feeling, action or reaction that has been done in innocence by yourselves this year which shall be transmuted here and now this morning, so that even in the remaining hours of 1982, your full consciousness can dwell in the illumination that is to come at the climax of this year.

And further have they allowed me to go in the process of forgiveness. If you will, dear ones, I invite you to let go this morning of your deepest hurt, your most profound resentment, any of the evil thoughts and feelings that you harbor in your inner vehicles, and I will take them and raise them through the Cup of Consciousness which you have created this morning, the tremendous Loving Aura, SETTING THEM FREE FOREVER. Will you let go? Will you give to me that difficult experience that you have tripped over time and time again?...Give it to me now and feel it passing through my Ascended Vehicles releasing you from the pressure of that experience forever; I consciously wait now for you to let go so that I might take that burden from you. (pause... ). Thank you dear hearts.

As a mother, you know, I can look into your vehicles and although they are glowing with more Light, there are still some wounds which, as a mother, I would love to cleanse of the irritants, so they might permanently close over and be healed within the confines of the Sacred Fire. This is what we do together in my retreat in China, for this is true Mercy and Compassion to the evolving soul on this planet.

Let us speak for a few moments on forgiveness and how you might practice forgiveness in the coming year, for truly is forgiveness the heart of Love, one of the principal graces offered by God for his evolving children on the planet Earth. As you might guess, forgiveness as a divine concept is unknown on some planets for they have no need. lust as the Violet Fire of Transmutation is not known on some planets; rather it is the Violet Fire of Etherealization, for there is nothing imperfect to transmute, rather, simply to change.

Forgiveness, dear ones, in the Eastern tradition is the art of keeping your Cup empty of this world. Think of that for a few moments. Sometimes when we approach your lifestreams from the Ascended Realms we see you so filled with the worries and concerns of this world and there is little room in the Cup for our blessings or those of our Angels, which we have come to dispense. Forgiveness is a continual process of the letting go of anything of the past, or any worries of the future and continually flowing in what the Eastern initiates have called the Tao... absolutely remaining "here and now" without letting anything rest in your Cup for very long, but rather it flow through you in a constant stream of Life.

You walk the path of the Tao whether you know it or not. Life greets you, passes into your experience and passes through you. As long as you let it go continually, the opening channel for greater Light, greater experiences, widens and you become a larger Cup.

And as long as whatever experience you are having passes through you the Cup remains empty from our side to be filled with all the Graces of our heavenly Mother-God, of which "I AM" one representative. Feel yourself for a moment as a Cup moving through space with a stream of Light entering the top and flowing out the bottom of your Cup — like a hollow reed. You can imagine for a moment that if there is a block the flow stops... that if you choose to remain filled for any length of time with anything of this world, that the stream appears to stop. That of course, is an illusion but it is a very profound illusion to the human mind and blocks forward progress spiritually.

In my work in China I tried to assist those who came into the influence of my aura with the experience of continually forgiving, letting go with mercy and compassion, all life experiences upon which they came, which passed through their world. For yourselves then, you are able to see the lessons in everything that is presented to you in the moment. From our sight we have seen experiences where chelas, however evolved, have been temporarily blocked from a very important experience that was available a split second but was gone — tried to enter the Cup but was blocked by the illusion of unforgiveness.

Even as much as a smile from a stranger in a crowded market place could be a return current of energy through your life that could be so deeply appreciated that it would bring with it a profound blessing of illumination or freedom. And yet, dear children, you walk through the market place of life preoccupied with the market and not with the Tao that flows through that market.

You know it is much beyond the time when you need cloister yourselves in the monasteries of the physical plane, for the Tao, the great river of Higher Life, flows in all places. Instead, walk within the monastery of your own spiritual sanctuary and outpicture that gift for others.

Many are the ladies-in-waiting of my court in China whose main teaching is to become themselves a garden sanctuary, that as they walk the long roads of China and the East, they bring with them the mercy and compassion of the Violet Ray of Spiritual Freedom.

I invite each of you to be part of my court at any moment through this year 1983 as we close the doors to 1982. For if you are to grow in Love you must present to humanity a sanctuary in which they will accept that Love through mercy, compassion and gentleness.

You help open their door for them through such an experience. And this morning I leave you the gift of a Violet Fire Angel from my Legions so that if, perchance,  you discover within the next few days of this conclave there was something you wished you could have let go of while in my Presence this morning, that gracious Angel will take it from you, as I have this morning, anything you wish to give it (of a lower nature) which it will pass through its Flaming Presence... as an outpost of mercy, transmutation and the gentleness of Love.

I leave you this morning also the blessings of the Karmic Board Who are so grateful for your service this year of 1982 and we believe as a collective consciousness that you will be well pleased with the dispensations that come forth when we all gather together at the Tetons early in the coming year. Until then, my dear children, I bid you Good Morning!

Lady Kwan Yin




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