Along The Path

The Wesak Festival

May 1953

On the night of the Full Moon in the Mystic Month of May, pilgrims from all over Asia, particularly, and some few spiritual seekers from other parts of the world gather together to receive the Blessings and Benedictions of the Beloved Lord Gautama Buddha, Whose annual Visitation has brought much of the spiritual Substance and subtle God-ethers from the Higher Realms into the atmosphere of earth, where it can be assimilated by the consciousness of the evolving human race.

At the completion of His Great Mission, Lord Buddha received permission from the Cosmic Law to return once in every twelve month cycle and bless the people of earth. The Members of the Great White Brotherhood and the Illuminati of earth, responding to the magnetic power of His love, with only the Light in their own hearts as the compass, start out on a pilgrimage toward the plateau where the Visitation is to take place.

There is no map, no guide, no assurance of ultimate success in reaching the goal. Each man depends entirely upon the prompting of his own heart Flame and follows It across the trackless wastes of the Tibetan Mountains; through the endless burning sands of the deserts; across the jungles and morasses of India, and each one according to his ability to listen and follow the promptings of his own heart, finds success or failure in his journey. For the one pilgrim fortunate enough to come into the Presence of the Masters, thousands return to their homes in disappointment, but the very fact that they have made the pilgrimage has blessed their lifestreams accordingly and built the momentum which will one day be great enough to warrant them an Audience with The Holy Ones.

For twenty-four hours before the night of the full moon, the tents of the nomads begin to rise on the plateau and the vast groups of blessed ones begin to gather and meditate and prepare themselves for the Visitation.

This year, however, the Presence of the Lord Buddha will be felt and seen in His own Glorious Ascended Master Body, rather than the Large, Luminous Light Presence, which He has projected in previous years.

The reason for the tremendous blessing that will be accorded the people of earth is that when the Goddess of Mercy opened the Temple of Mercy at Peking to the Great White Brotherhood in February 1953, and the unascended members of the human race consciously and willingly offered their own life and breath to carry the Mercy Flame around the world, such a magnetic pull rose from the earth toward the Great Silence that all the Beings who had entered Nirvana and the Heart of the Cosmic Christ were stirred and responded to that call. Among these exalted Ones was the Lord Buddha, Who, with Ananda, following the Ray of the Mercy call rising from the children of earth, entered the Temple of Mercy in Their Own Ascended Master Bodies, on the night of February 21st, 1953, and then followed the Current and Flame of Mercy around the world.

The Lord Buddha said that as long as the children of earth in themselves desired Mercy for all life, He would remain in the atmosphere of earth continuously for the next twenty year period which forms the spiritual crisis through which our planet must pass successfully in order to qualify for its Ascension in the Light.

This year, when Lord Maitreya, carrying the Rod of Power from Shamballa appears at the Mystic Plateau, and the beams of the Full Moon light up the Altar of Lotus and Lily and reflect on the white garments of The Brotherhood and the chelas gathered in their physical bodies or their inner bodies (as the case may be), the Lord Buddha will appear, together with Ananda, and bless all the August Company there assembled with His visible, tangible, Ascended Master Presence, and His feeling of the Love of God and the Nature of God Incarnate in His Blessed Self.

Oh! Gentle Lord Buddha! Thou Who didst love Life so much that renunciation of human pleasures was naught to Thee! Thou, Who didst become That One Whom Thou adored! Bless the earnest children of earth who gather together this Holy Night to share in the Sweet Essence of that Spiritual Anointing from Thy Sacred Heart of Love!




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