Lord Michael's Feast Day

Mighty Sirius

Shamballa, Long Island, New York

September 29, 1984

Hail to Thee, Oh Lord Michael, Prince of the Heavenly Host, we kneel within our hearts in deep gratitude for Thy service to this dear Planet, for the tremendous momentum of Faith, of Love, Wisdom and Power which has poured forth from Your Being, through the centuries, to help all evolving in all Kingdoms, on this Planet Earth.

The tremendous momentum of Faith that has been built at Your Retreat at Banff and other locations on this Earth is a mighty Reservoir from which this day is flowing the Will of God, the Activity of the First Ray, the Love of the Heavenly Host.

One can see with the inner sight the blazing Light rising high in the atmosphere like a glorious Fountain, expanding and expanding, until this Sweet Earth is blazing with more Light, more Light, more Light!.

To all the chelas and lifestreams throughout the Planet who do have Faith in the activity of Lord Michael, all the spiritual Hierarchy give deep gratitude. And We honor too, your Beloved Lady Faith, for it is Faith, the acceptance of the Directives of the Spiritual Hierarchy which has kept humankind breathing the Sacred Elixir of Life, the Spirit of Life, the Holy Spirit, which is ALL THERE IS.

Feel the Unction flowing into your beings this day, feel the anointing of the Angelic Host permeating every atom, cell and electron of your being, refining them until the Purity of your own Divinity shines forth. As you well know, this Planet is in a state of Restoration and the process seems painful at times; painful to the outer self, but from deep, deep within the Consciousness of "I AM" you know and are grateful to The Almighty for the privilege which is yours.

The mighty Rays of Light coming forth from this Planet today are without parallel, the Power going forth releasing the Sword of Blue Flame, and of course Love and Wisdom, are always present in "I AM" Consciousness. Feel, oh feel the Unction, the Blessings bestowed on this dear Earth today!

You see many disturbances of Nature all over the Planet. IT IS REALLY THE ACTION OF THE LAW OF PURIFICATION cleansing, bringing humanity to the Center within their Hearts, "I AM", the One Supreme Source.

This year when it is My great privilege to be the Enfolding Spirit I bow My head in gratitude; feel My Love, My Gratitude for even one prayer, for anybody on this Earth who has said a prayer of gratitude in one form or another.

And as you well know the time is drawing nigh for this dear Earth to take Her rightful place in this Galaxy; to the chelas everywhere, Our Gratitude! With one Heart, one feeling, We say; "Thank Thee Father, Thank Thee Mother, Thank Thee, oh one Consciousness "I AM", for the privilege which is ours, serving in any capacity to bring more Light on this Planet."

Every time you say to Lord Michael "CUT US FREE, CUT US FREE, CUT US FREE" that is a signal to His Legions to give more service.

They love Their Service. They love to be called into action (They are active at all times) but when a specific Call goes forth it is like turning on a switch and bringing More Light.

Surely you feel the Mighty Legions all over the Earth rejoicing in Service, and at this time of Harvest in the various Kingdoms, I can say with full authority that the Earth is coming to maturity, and when the Earth does so, that means all Life thereon.

So be joyful in your privilege of serving for the Regeneration of the Human Family. How well you have entered into the feeling of the Theme and Thought Form for this year, and "I AM" very grateful to you.

Accept My Love,



The Great Beings from the Sun Temples whose radiation and outpouring we will receive during this period; 

Beloved Victory - November 1st through November 21st

Radiation and Power of the momentum of Victory and Accomplishment  

Beloved Zarathustra - November 22nd through December 21st

Spirit of Fire, of Enthusiasm, Home of the Salamanders and Fire Elements.

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Previous Retreat Openings

9/52, 10/54, 9/55, 7/56, 2/57, 3/58, 4/59, 3/60, 4/61, 3/62

4/63, 5/65, 7/66, 4/67, 4/68, 10/69, 4/70, 4/71, 4/72, 5/73,

    4/74, 10/75, 5/76, 4/77, 4/78, 11/79, 11/80, 11/81, 11/82, 11/83


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