Along The Path

Mother Mary

It is Easy to Rise into the Upper Chamber

April 1961

Hail thou, the Anointed of The Lord, come into My Presence as I come into your Presence and bring to you that anointing from the Realms Above, which is a sustained grace in, through and around your blessed lifestreams and becomes a part of the Heart of Mary, alive forever within you! Will you join Me permanently in that Realm where the Angels live and where We serve unceasingly in His Name?

Beloved, from whatsoever Star you have come, you are here for a purpose and that purpose is of your own choosing, even as My Purpose ages ago was of My choosing. When the way seems difficult, temporarily, remember that even before you took embodiment you chose the path you walk and on that path, even as on My own, obstacles can be transmuted into Light until you have Victory in expression. On the glory of free will, children, the glory of taking upon yourself a physical vehicle and utilizing it according to the purpose of God upon this Earth; the glory of feeling that anointment which comes from Above and abides in, through and around you constantly, as you are Heaven's friends and We are yours.

It has been throughout the entire Planet a beautiful Season in honor of the One, My Son, Beloved Jesus, and in the honor of all of you who are also My daughters and My sons. As more and more of that Cosmic Blessing seeps through the atoms, through your emotional, mental, etheric and physical worlds, It becomes a palpable living substance which lives in, through and around you and It can and should be utilized by you, each one, in the direction of your attention to the blessing of life less fortunate.

Thus you gain in grace, you gain in individual mastery, and in honor in the Heavenly Court and you express more fully here on this Earth that Immaculate Concept Which We have held for you since first you took a physical embodiment. Someone must hold that for you, hold It so powerfully, so lovingly and so constantly that no matter what the appearances may be there is an anchorage within your beating hearts which tells you Truth and enables as I did, as Jesus did, as Others before Us and after Us know, until you are eternally free from limitation of fear and dread of any type of human appearance.

Beloved ones, when the Angels come and walk and talk with men; when Lord Raphael desires to give the mighty power healing which is His; when I desire, as I do, to again anoint your vehicles with the substance of Myself, accept that.

In the East the anointing of the bodies even before the Ascension was part of the ceremonial for both the men and women who represented the Temple Guards of God's Truth. In the West so many of these delicate and subtle activities of Spiritual significance have lost their meaning and must again be resuscitated as the flower is resuscitated in the Spring, until the ceremony of preparation, the ceremony of enjoyment, the ceremony of acceptance, the ceremony of benediction, are all united as a glorious unified activity for you, the anointed of The Lord.

Early it was, you know, that I first entered the Temple, bound by the promise of My Own Mother and Father, and early it was that I learned within the Temple the sanctity of the Holy of Holies. I never slept at night before I performed not only the physical but those spiritual ablutions wherein if I should be called to render a service. I could say and truly, rising from My bed, "Behold the Handmaiden of The Lord".

So it is with you, you are now the consecrated servants of Our Lord; The Lord Who created Me and Who has created you to render service in this glorious Era of change and transformation, exhilaration of the Divinity in you into the glorious perfection which can be manifest through your blessed selves, as was manifest through that strong and powerful God Being, Whom I guarded, guided and loved well, during the short thirty-three years of His Earth-life and Whom I love even more since, you too honor, Beloved Jesus.

Beloved ones, it is not the most easy thing to encompass in real heart's love peoples of every nation, creed, cult and race. For Jesus born without taint of karma of His Own there was no question as to the development of any part of life as long as it was in distress and He in His great consciousness knew it had to be resurrected into perfection, from a wounded bird, a broken flower, to a broken man, woman or child. That was the lesson which He gave to Me and endeavored to impart to His disciples and apostles, all seeking unfortunately personal acclamation instead of unification through understanding hearts.

I was grateful for those years in Bethany after Jesus had Ascended to be a part of that Unifying Presence taking all the different strata of consciousness and unifying it so that it made a tremendous Forcefield, radiating forth, which has carried the Dispensation up to the present day. It is a great service to do that and to remain silent in the rendering of that service.

It is subtle test of consciousness when there is accomplishment, not to attempt to say or think or feel "I did it". Yet you know that it is the Power of Almighty God vested in you living through you, the Anointed of The Lord, which can and will render such service and assistance as you may require at a moment, if invoked.

Mother Mary