Summer Conference

Lady Hygeia

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

July 12, 1984

During the Christian Era, the Master Jesus was a great healer. Healing is very simple. It all lies in the acceptance. The Acceptance of the healing power of living, loving truth. The Master Jesus had a tremendous momentum of good in His causal body, the great abundance which any being gathers through the centuries. Today you are in the midst of a great abundance of glorious energy which has been gathered this week and through the years, culminating today in a tremendous inflow of powers of Light of the Inner Realms.

Now each man can be a healer. Each individual can heal himself by dwelling in the "I AM" Consciousness within. There is naught else but purity and truth, the healing power of perfection and living, loving truth. All perfection is truth. Some use the fifth ray for healing power right within your midst, a reservoir from which you Light which you call forth and direct, is a healing ray, energizing and transforming everything into perfection. You have an abundance of healing power right within your midst. A reservoir from which you may take as much as you require. In healing an individual, you help to heal all life, since as We repeat and repeat and repeat: "THERE IS NO SEPARATION IN LIFE".

A healing life is a beautiful way to live. A healing presence can go to a sickbed and heal the feelings of an individual through radiation, through a smile or just by his Presence. Be a healing presence wherever you are. Be in a State of Grace, entertaining the consciousness of perfection at all times. "I AM" is all you need to know and to be. We must accept the gift which is freely given to us, and heal this Earth through the healing power of living and loving truth.

Truth is a basic, a foundation for life. There have been many deviations from truth through the centuries, but we are now progressing to the age where individuals will accept that truth . TRUTH IS YOUR VERY BEING. TRUTH IS "I AM".

The Master Jesus said so many times; "I AM with you always." Few understood, thinking that it was His physical Presence that was with them. Universal Consciousness is everywhere present, waiting for you to accept and be It at all times. Be a living example of Consciousness whatever you do, whatever you think, whatever you feel. Know that when "I AM" speaks, truth is present.

"I AM" that truth within all life. Feel the substance of truth flowing through your vehicles, knowing that your very life depends upon the Flame within ¾ the Three-fold Flame of Love, Wisdom and Power which, when used constructively, is all that is necessary to walk the path of life in a garment of truth. Remember that truth is SIMPLE. Truth is "I AM" Consciousness. When you can learn to dwell in that consciousness of "I AM" everything is available to you.

The great reservoir of all the powers of the Universe are yours to use, to direct, for the perfection of this planet, and so it shall be, for the Mighty Goddess of Truth is always present in "I AM" Consciousness.

It is well to have a regular healing service emulating the healing power which We project from Crete....... The Mighty Beings of Light standing in a circle, sending Their Ray of Light, of Truth to all life and hoping, praying, that some among the evolutions of this Earth will accept the blessing which is being given. I repeat — In the acceptance shall you receive the perfect result...... You hear many times that "I AM" Consciousness is all there is. We must continue and continue and continue to impress upon Our chelas and upon all life, that "I AM" is the dwelling house of the Father/Mother God.

"I AM" in Thee, "I AM" in Me. Truth in manifest form. Children of Light, it is imperative that at this hour of the Earth's evolution you BE TRUTH IN ACTION. This is very simple if you live in harmony and through that glorious harmony send a blessing by being in a state of Grace. Send forth that radiation and cradle this Earth and all hereon within your own "I AM" Consciousness because, as one cell, as one star in this great Universe, your Light touches all.

Lady Hygeia


A Godly Person


                                                        July 1964

GODLY PERSON ¾ Is an individual who has allowed the Spiritual Flame within the heart full leeway to express Itself through the thoughts, feelings and actions of daily living. His very shadow brings a blessing. UN-GODLY PERSON - Is a strong, determined personality who has seized the Energy from the beginning of time, and through human will, forced it into channels that distorted Its pure essence. There is no lasting joy or peace in association with such an one.

For an Un-Godly Person to become Godly there is but one course. They must acknowledge the "I AM" Presence as the Owner of the Light Energy that animates the body. Again and again in the twenty-four hour period, in his heart, kneel before his God-Presence and humbly thank this God-Presence for just being. Through humble obedience and self-knowledge he will be 'lifted into the Light' and Lo, the Prodigal has returned home.




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