Assimilation and Expansion

of the Electronic Pattern

October 1984



In the Etheric Realms over the Isle of Delos, Greece

ELECTRONIC PATTERN: A perfectly balanced Three-fold Flame within a circle of White Light. 

Lady Leto

Illusion is fundamentally a problem of the inner man, the four lower vehicles and not so much a problem of the world around you.

Most chelas think protection from illusion is protecting themselves from being "fooled" by the devious world of glamour about them, which would throw them off their illumined way. No doubt this is a danger to the committed chela. Yet this problem is far easier an initiation than the illusion of the inner man; of the past opinions, fears, desires and attachments lodged in the etheric, emotional, and mental bodies, yea even anchored in the flesh.

There is a phrase used by modern man "Looking through tinted glasses". Illusion or impurity in the inner vehicles makes Reality seem "as if" It were something else. This "as if" view of life is why life on earth appears so distorted and imperfect. This "as if" view of life becomes the apparent reality and decisions are made according to that view and not the view as seen from the God Identity; from a peaceful, illumined mind and loving heart; THE CHRIST STATE!

At Our etheric Focus over Delos, We are working closely with the forces of Truth and Understanding (Lady Pallas Athena, a Co-sponsor Whose Retreat is open the entire year; Master Hilarion and the Great Sun God, Apollo, Co-sponsor of 1984). In actuality Our Brotherhood is a Branch of the Golden Lodge. . . Brothers and Sisters of the Golden Robe. Allow Me to explain this as it will assist your understanding of protection from illusion.

The Threefold Flame in the heart, the center of God Reality in your existence on Earth, is an inner activity. The process of becoming a full Cod Being involves the subtle lessons of balancing the masculine and feminine nature of God (inbreath/outbreath; yin/yang; assimilation! radiation; love/power). And although these are powerful lessons, they remain an inner activity, mostly unaware to the outer consciousness of the person going through them.

This accounts for most of the people on the planet and many of your personal friends and loved ones. The lessons are having their effects on the evolution of the soul, but on the inner.

The Golden Flame of Wisdom and Understanding is the first time the nature of God reaches the outer consciousness. As explained by the Brotherhood previously, when enough interweaving, balancing and the union of the Love nature and the Power nature of God has occurred, the Son (a product of this union of masculine and feminine qualities) begins to manifest within the Golden Plume of Wisdom, growing ever stronger as the only Reality, eventually claiming the outer consciousness in Its great wake of Light.

The more conscious a chela becomes of learning the lessons of balance in the personal energies drawn from God, the sooner will the Golden Flame of Wisdom expand and the more rapid can the Christ-self claim the outer mind. This "learning of balance" flourishes all the more when enough purification of the inner nature has occurred to remove self created illusion.

In the meantime the outer mind is somewhat "lost" in the midst of confusion, as to what is happening within its own soul. Add to this the destructive karma returning to be set free and you have a difficult, complicated situation for the average person, especially since there is no outer understanding of the current process or the history of how it came to be.

Two important gifts have greatly enhanced the growth rate of The Flame of Wisdom and thus protection from the illusion of imperfection and hopelessness. The first is that the Great Ascended Masters have dispensed Their Own self generated Wisdom into the outer intellect of humanity. This acts as a perfect guide until your own self generated wisdom can direct your path. Ascended Wisdom in the outer mind also acts as a powerful magnet to draw your Flame of Wisdom up from the inner nature of the heart toward the outer mind.... the Three-fold Flame igniting upon the heart, throat, and eventually the head centers!.... An Illumined Christ Being.

Secondly, the Violet Fire of Transmutation is available at your direct call to SET FREE THE ENERGY WITHIN ALL EXPERIENCE. With this power of transformation, experiences with the outer world no longer remain the focal point of your existence and lose their pull on your attention and their power to disturb your developing Mastery.

Then can your inner life receive the fullness of your attention and awareness. And with the right motivation, how quickly your Understanding and Wisdom can grow until the Christ stands forth in full command of your life! This gift of transmutation is an integral part of protection from illusion in the New Age and is represented in the Rose Radiance of My Own White Flame of Pure Light.

Of course, you need to remain balanced and productive in the outer world but it need not be such a pull on your inner vehicles (thoughts, feelings and etheric) which should have their attention fixed on the Christ Flame and Its wonders, Its guidance, ITS MASTERY; as said before "IN THE WORLD BUT NOT OF IT". I would like to remind you that I was introduced to you years ago (in the "I AM" Activity) as She who would assist you in gaining a clear and perfect memory of the perfection which you enjoy when out of the body during rest.

"I AM" simply expanding this work to include all your hours, waking and sleeping to bring you to a clear and perfect awareness of your God Identity, while you continue to serve on the planet. Then you may eventually choose this Reality constantly, rather than the "bad dreams" of your inner illusions, reflected on the screen of life around you. This the true protection from illusion of the arisen chela!

The Sisters and Brothers of Delos Who work with Me have prepared a mighty service to your lifestream and all who find their way to Our focus this month. For thirty consecutive days and nights, working with the Sacred White Fire with a Rose Radiance, We shall remove one of the major "veils" from you inner consciousness daily and gently reveal to you the truth and understanding of that lesson.

Think of it!....... thirty "veils" lifted from your inner nature to clear your spiritual awareness; a major lesson each day. On the thirty-first day we shall present ourselves at the Elemental Harvest Celebration, where the elements that make up your own inner vehicles may present their gifts of heightened progress and purity to the Lord of the World, at Shamballa.

You shall come to Us this month anchored in the expanded Faith of Lord Michael’s Retreat, and the protection afforded by that Faith Supreme. In Our Focus the Ceremony will consist of each of you being placed within a Circle of White Light. Two ladies from My court will enter the circle, almost formless in Their pink radiance, and gently attend the removal of the veil to be lifted from your inner world that day. Two Beings will stand outside the circle; a Brother of the Flame of Truth from Hilarion's Focus and a Brother of the Flame of Understanding from Apollo’s Retreat.

One shall project the Truth that is necessary for your progress concerning each veil of illusion removed, and the other shall project the power of Understanding of this Truth into your outer mind. I will then add My momentum, at your call, to sustain a clear memory of this inner ceremony, in your outer consciousness. Pay attention to the lessons learned this month in the protection from the world of illusion. Use the Violet Fire to set free all energy within every experience, so nothing can distract you from this service to your life; Truth and Understanding unfolding....... The Christ Self taking command!!!

Like a mother protecting her children from danger, I stand guard over your Spiritual development and shall not rest until each of you is free in the Reality of eternal Peace within "I AM".


Hierarch of the Temple of Protection

from the World of Illusion

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The Great Beings from the Sun Temples whose radiation and outpouring we will receive during this period

Beloved Goddess of Liberty -- October 1st through October 22nd

A Focus of Liberty and Freedom to this Earth  

Beloved Victory -- October 23rd through November 21st

Radiation and Power of the Momentum of Victory and Accomplishment 



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