Summer Conference

El Morya

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

July 15, 1984

The Will of God has been done; the Will of God shall be done; the Will of God is present at all times, waiting for you, the dear chelas on this planet, to continue in your endeavors to bring perfection on this sweet Earth. I shall not expand on the virtues of The Will of God. You know that God is love, that is the Will of God. God is Wisdom — that is the Will of God. God is Power — that is the Will of God. God's Will is present at all times, and as you dwell at all times in the center of your being, in that Land of Boundless Splendor, the Will of God flows forth from your Being at all times. God In Action.

I hope you will recognize that today "I AM" wearing a pink garment. "I AM" a Being of Love and Love is Power in balanced activity. As you walk through this planet wearing that pink garment of Love Divine you shall touch every soul, every blade of grass, every elemental, with Love Divine, for God is present everywhere. "I AM" a Being of Love, for "I AM" God in Action.

I refer to the consciousness of "I AM" and in that secret place of the Most High, as you give forth the radiation of Love, all will expand, expand and expand, and We know that Love is present everywhere. The beam of your attention draws forth Love when you dwell within your Being, in that glorious  Land — indescribable in the words of humanity — which each one must discover within himself.

And as you know, you cannot be separated, for all parts of life in this Universe are held together with bond of Love. Any time you wish to draw forth anything into manifestation — and I say ANYTHING — I see a beautiful permanent Temple coming forth for you in love. I SO DECREE IT! A permanent Temple shall manifest in this Holy Land whenever you desire, depending upon your determination and your feeling world, your acceptance of the truth which We present.

Send forth at all times that powerful determination which is part of the Will of God and know that nothing, save disharmony, can prevent it! I beg of you, and I lovingly counsel you, to bring forth that Temple befitting the activity which takes place on this Holy Ground. A Temple wherein New Age children may hold services and be an inspiration to their so-called elders — who believe they know the way. Let the children of The New Age demonstrate to you the way to live.

Oh the vista which one can see when one remains in "I AM" consciousness, with all those brothers and sister cells which comprise this great Land of Boundless Splendor. The beauty, the beauty of The Will of God made manifest. Feel it. Know it. Recognize the truth, the simple truth, which I speak. The Will of God is Good; the Will of God is Love; and. Love does encompass all.

Cradle this planet Earth within your heart, and know that the Divine Plan shall manifest — that is your reason for being. You have done well thus far, but think deeply of the statement which We have uttered many times: "NOW IS THE TIME". Do not expect manifestation next week, or maybe when we get sufficient money. You have it RIGHT NOW! But the abundance of God is available just for the asking, and the feeling of Love to do the Will of God.

Remember that the First Ray is very important, as are all the other aspects of Divinity, but just remember the first law is to express the Will of God, and no matter in what avenue you are serving, the Will of God is Good, and I make the statement with all the Power of My Being. THE WILL OF GOD SHALL MANIFEST THROUGH YOU, AND YOU, AND YOU, AND YOU AND YOU!!!

Thank you

El Morya



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