Assimilation and Expansion of the Electronic Pattern

Shamballa, Long Island, New York

February3, 1985

Kwan Yin

Blessed chelas of the Violet Fire, I greet you this day in the company of a thousand, thousand Beings of the Violet Ray, for we are together now in the Pure Land of Boundless Splendor and Infinite Light and Crystal Violet Radiance of Compassionate Love where countless Beings who would be Buddhas, dwell in the Light of the Supreme Father-Mother God. Together, here in this Celestial Light, let us feel the currents of Reverence for Life which have been so powerfully generated into the inner atmosphere of the planet Earth during this past month's sojourn with Lord Lanto and the Brotherhood of Reverence and Precipitation at the Royal Teton. I could not ask for a greater reward than to follow in the footsteps of the great Lanto, a Being whose energy is so comforting to me and all who have spent time evolving in the Eastern Hemisphere.

Let us think for a moment on Reverence for Life, for this month we have great opportunity in using your Reverence for Life to increase the amount of Sacred Violet Fire in the inner atmosphere of this planet. Reverence for Life means that you are aware of the magnificent stream of Life coming from the Father-Mother God through your being and out into the world of form in a continual stream of Electrons. Did you know that every Electron that comes to the planet Earth through any human being feels that it might be the Electron that will make the difference and change this planet into the planet that she was destined to be in the heart of Helios and Vesta? (for that is where that Electron has proceeded from) You are its entrance into the world of form and into the inner atmosphere of this planet. This month, my beloved sister Portia and myself are consecrated to seeing that as many electrons as possible enter the Earth's atmosphere, through humankind in general but especially through our chelas, with its Violet Radiance intact - the Radiance of the Amida Buddha, whose Light enfolds this planet this entire year, the Light of the Seventh Ray which is so active in the inner atmosphere of this planet - until through you flows a continuous Violet Stream of Electrons.

Through the Electronic Pattern this month, we have saturated the Eastern and Western Hemispheres with the perfect balance of the masculine and feminine nature of the Violet Ray so that each and every one who is in the slightest way attuned to this activity in their inner worlds will be able to channel greater and greater gifts of Mercy, Compassion, Forgiveness, and the Transmutation of all imperfect Karma. Such an opportunity is before us, dear ones, if you will but consecrate yourselves. Look to the symbolism of the 'empty reed', in allowing this Violet Stream through your vehicle, increasing the strata of the God Qualities of the Seventh Ray in the inner world of this planet. Oh, I realize it appears to humanity that the strata of imbalance and imperfect qualities seems to hold sway, yet it is a Cosmic Law that at some glorious cosmic moment when there is enough Mercy and Compassion, when there is enough power of Forgiveness, when there is enough Transmutation in the inner atmosphere of this planet, there shall be a profound shift in the inner life of humankind. For as like attracts like, at that point humanity will no longer be attracted to the forces of imbalance and imperfection but will be overwhelmingly attracted to the inner realms of Trust, Freedom and Compassionate Love filling every human heart, unveiling the Pure Land of Boundless Splendor and Infinite Light.

So you see, dear ones, the opportunity that is ours this month.

There shall be advancement in the spiritual nature of this planet, for it has been decreed. Before this planet was even created, long before it fell from grace, there was a promise from the Father-Mother God that every assistance this planet would require would be given. You, dear chelas, are a fundamental part of that promise being kept by the Father-Mother God who has sent you here. You are his promise that every assistance this Earth requires shall be given. We of the Ascended Realms generate through our own Ascended vehicles the Sacred Fire that will do its perfect work in this Realm but you are our vessels, you are the conduits by which it can reach humankind and the inner life on this planet and create this shift in vibration, this shift in consciousness which shall be the Divine Justice that this planet so fervently seeks... humanity and the Gods working as one for the freedom of this planet. You are the promised gifts of the Godhead to this planet, that has known such sorrow and pain, which shall now know such Freedom and Joy. This month as you sojourn in the Violet Starbursts of Light, feel, oh feel, yourselves in deep Reverence for Life as you invoke the Powers of Sacred Fire through you, filling the bands of energy around this planet with greater and greater substance of Sacred Fire and of all God Qualities of Holy Spirit.

Even as we sojourn together now, the thousand, thousand Beings who are with us are blazing their Rays of Sacred Fire of Mercy and Compassion, Justice, Trust and Faith in the All-Power of the Godhead to free this planet. This has been expanded and projected through you and from the individual streams through your vehicles, we form a mighty river of Light that flows out around this planet into the infinite ocean of Love in which the Father-Mother God bathes this planet... streams flowing into a river, flowing into an ocean... oceans and oceans of the Sacred Violet Qualities sealing this planet in her victory within the great Light of the Amida Buddha. "I AM" his humble representative, representing through you to humanity God's Infinite Compassionate Love.

Good Morning!

Kwan Yin

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The Great Beings from the Sun Temples, whose radiation and outpouring we will receive during this period.

Beloved Aries - March 1st through April 19th

Cosmic Virtue of Wisdom Temple of Sylphs and Devas of the Air

Beloved Hercules - April 20th through May 20th

A radiating Center of Faith, Strength, Courage and Power.




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