Mighty Apollo

Shamballa, Long island, New York

September 1985


Feel, oh feel, great component cells in the One Universal Source "I AM", that you have the great privilege of walking this Planet and of serving the evolution of this Earth.

You have physical appearance, knowing the trials of experience, but you are One Force, One Heartbeat of Pure Light from the One Universal Source, "I AM".

Rejoice, my dear children, rejoice, for there is a great deal that you can do to help us. For you can be as sunbeams radiating LOVE and LIGHT to all life in the LIGHT OF TRUTH at all times. You know that Truth is LOVE, and LOVE embraces ALL evolutions.

LOVE THOU ALL. Love thou the blade of grass, the leaf on the tree, the grain of sand, the glorious sunrise and sunset, and BE AT PEACE. KNOW that peace, and radiate that peace to all life through the true Chalice of your being. Refresh those who require it - refresh your fellow traveler. Raise the consciousness of all life around you with Pure Divine Love.

In true thankfulness, love thou every breath, for breath is LIFE - radiating from the Great Universal Source, "I AM".

Remember, your responsibility is to be of use at all times, through the Chalice of your Being, to the Light of God "I AM". Feel the pulsating Light from the Supreme Source and know that you all serve as pulsations of that light, as one component, one cell in the body of The Light of God "I AM".





Lady Astrea

Shamballa, Long island, New York

September 1985

Hear my call, oh children on Earth...

I remind you of the yearly Purification of humankind which takes place at the close of each year. We are approaching the conclusion of this Cycle, and I counsel you to go deeply WITHIN and contemplate what added service you can give to bring Peace to the sore-tried minds and souls of your fellow traveler. One never knows what the energy in even one Call may do to bring the balance required for a given purpose.

When the Lords of Karma examine your service for the year may your record be one of merit enabling you to be assigned to a greater service which your lifestream is capable of. I have come to assure you that my Legions of the Circle and Swords of Blue Flame are always grateful when you call to them.

And we know the service the Violet Flame has rendered. The mighty Activity of the Violet Fire Angels and those of Lord Michael's Legions can accomplish so-called "Miracles".

Determine, in true humility, to amplify your calls and show us the required Project may more quickly be accomplished.

 "I AM always ready to assist you and am as close as your attention will allow.

The Goddess of Purity




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