Assimilation and Expansion of the Electronic Pattern

November 1985


In the Etheric Realm over The Ashram, L. I., N.Y.

 (Suggested Decrees, Visualizations and Songs for coordinated world-wide Service this month are Decrees: Nos. 101, 104, 109, 501, 502, 506 - Songs Nos. 4 and 5 - visualization on page 21


ELECTRONIC PATTERN: A Pyramid of Crystal White Light... representing the chela's Ascent in Consciousness through 1985.

Beloved Serapis:

Dear chelas, whose Ascension in the Light is my reason for Being, I greet you as a Guardian of that Flame. Long have I dwelled in the Sacred Halls of Truth, awaiting the seekers to find me there so that I might teach you the True process of the Ascension from the wheel of Earthly embodiment. Much has been  accomplished in this year of 1985 and I present the following as a measure of that accomplishment.

Last month, spent with my holy brother from Venus, the mighty Victory, there was a celebration of the Victory of Light descending, represented by a point of Light descending to Earth (a "V"). This month we shall celebrate the Victory of the Ascent of the chelas into the Realms of Light, represented by an Ascending Pyramid; a powerful symbol cherished by the Brotherhood of the Ascension Flame. The pyramid has always been symbolic of the journey of the developing consciousness. All I shall talk with you about today is 'consciousness'. But I shall use the symbol of the pharaohs to give you as much appreciation as possible of our efforts this month in building your permanent "I AM" vehicle; a vehicle unifying all of your diverse aspects into complete Oneness; readying you for your spiritual journey into Eternity.

You are slowly developing into spiritual leaders of the race. Your expanding Compassion especially accelerated this year, thrusts you toward greater Service in the near future. It is equally important, therefore, to capture this expanding energy in the forwarding of your own individual development, so as to remain perfectly balanced between impersonal service to the race and individual progress in the Light.

I would like to invite you to become like a pharaoh, who in the prime of Golden Ages past, continually prepared for his Eternal Spiritual journey, while yet remaining in the world and serving the race he had come to raise up. Like yourselves, the pharaohs were shepherds of the race, at that time. Like them, you too may look toward living Eternally in your own Ascending Pyramid of Light, where you take with you on your journey only those perfect parts of yourself leaving all else in the purifying Sacred Fires.

Like the pharaohs, you have had to be strong and resourceful while in the world, which many of you have become in great examples. This is necessary, for the Law states that you alone must climb the steps and find the secret passage into the king's chamber, with the only illumination, the only Light source, coming from within you. Like the pharaohs, many of you have fought your battles in the outer world and are ready to proceed into the secluded silence of your Pyramid of Light for your endless journey into other worlds.

To do so you must place yourself in the Central Chamber where everything you will ever require for your Eternal spiritual journey has already been supplied and is awaiting you. During our month together as this year draws to a close, let us together (chelas, angels, devas and the Ascension Brotherhood) build your Pyramid of Ascending Consciousness. I shall assume this month one of my favorite roles, an Architect of Divine Consciousness. Let us proceed...

Your Pyramid of Light has four sides to its base, the four lower vehicles of your worldly experience (physical, etheric, mental and emotional). To gain the stability of a four square base, from which the sides shall ascend, each vehicle must be equal to the next, none demanding more energy than it's due , all equal and balanced.

The larger each vehicle is in its ability to hold the Light, the longer each side of the base, the larger the square and therefore, the higher the capstone will Ascend, for your Pyramid always keeps its perfect dimensions. Your Pyramid will have four triangular sides that Ascend from the base to the capstone.

These represent the four higher bodies or spiritual vehicles of humanity. They rest on the base and can only Ascend as high as the vehicle upon which they rest allows. A small base only allows a small triangle; a long base (meaning a purified lower vehicle) allows a larger triangle whose peak Ascends into the Heavens.

Yet, all the four sides must be in equal dimensions or you do not have a Pyramid. Therefore once again, you must attend to the development of your four lower bodies in such a way as to bring them into equal development, equal dimensions. With this accomplished and the four sides fitting equally in place, the entire pyramid Ascends to a single point of Light, unifying with all other points of Light in the Universal "I AM", in the great Sea of Oneness, the Infinite Ocean of Divinity into which all life is continually Ascending.

In your own experience at any given time, your outer attention may be at any one of the points of the Pyramid and you assume that identity temporarily. For the bulk of humankind, this is in the base, concentrating on one or several of the lower vehicles, preoccupied with the troubles of the emotional, mental or physical body. For the advancing chelas, it is often in one of the sides of the Pyramid, therefore living within the Holy Christ Self, Causal Body or the "I AM" Presence. This is definitely good.

Yet what I ask you to grasp this month is that you, the COMPLETE YOU, is all of the Pyramid; its four square base, each of the equal sides and the Capstone Point of Light. lf you can feel yourself as not any singular or separate parts, but all of it, all the time, then you will have found the central king's chamber and you are ready for your Eternal spiritual journey into Infinity.

If you can assume a unified identity of all the various aspects in the COMPLETE YOU, then you will also find each of the various parts working perfectly with no resistance or preoccupation of any one, yet freely using any or all of them in service to the Light. This is the Way of the Ascended Ones.

This month as you sojourn in the Ascension Focus, I ask you to sharpen your visualizing and feeling powers so you may actively participate in the co-creation of your Pyramid of Light, the COMPLETE YOU; just as the pharaoh oversaw the building of his pyramid. First the base must be squared and for this we have special Purification and Acceleration Flame rooms specifically designed for any of the four lower bodies that need further development, equalizing or balancing. Your experience will reveal to you the need.

Listen and look. Then, upon the four square base, you must draw in the four equal sides and for this we have created special Meditation Chambers where once the base has been squared (lower vehicles purified and balanced), we assist you in drawing into your awareness the Holy Christ Self, the Causal Body, the "I AM" Presence and the Sacred White Fire Being, knowing, feeling and becoming each of these as you invoke them into place in your Eternal Vehicle of Light, the COMPLETE YOU.

To top the four Divine Vehicles is your point of union with Infinity, the formless Eternity of God. All of this is the process of the Ascension and the Ascension Flame shall be charged through every aspect of this month's work. Together we shall become Architects of the Eternal Vehicle of Divine Consciousness.

The Ascension Brotherhood has been very busy preparing this Activity and I would like you to pause and contemplate the significance of it. The most important thing a pharaoh accomplished while even yet governing the outer world was to oversee the completion of his pyramid for his journey into Eternity. This is symbolic of every seeker who, while yet governing his outer world, must oversee the development of a consciousness that will see him safely from this world into the next... permanently. This is a crucial step in your embodiment. Each of you have the opportunity for this to be your final embodiment, and so you see the importance of this month's Activity.

The brotherhood serving with me understand this better than your outer mind could ever hope to. They will teach you, guide you and assist you in forming the perfect Pyramid for your Eternal journey, helping you meld the various aspects of yourself (mortal and Divine) into a glorious whole. With the Ascension Flame blazing, an Aura of Light is created around you, Illuminating your search for the king's chamber where you will forever dwell in the Oneness of your complete Ascended identity.

As you practice the Assimilation and Expansion of this Activity and of the Flame Itself, especially through the Breathing Exercises, visualize yourself in the center of your large Pyramid of Light. Beneath you is your perfectly proportioned base of worldly experience. You feel stable on this base, remaining safely balanced in the world. Around you are the four vehicles of God expression and you come to know your full expression of Divinity.

Above you is that point of Unity of your Ascending Light with all Light... everywhere... the Great "I AM". Then you know your Immortality. Continue to dwell in the king's chamber, a Divine Consciousness created with the actual Flaming Substance of your own Permanent Atom, your own Three-fold Flame, with all the spiritual Gifts imaginable at your feet, preparing you for the journey.

In your hands are the Rod and Scepter of Power, given by God to one who has assumed his full identity in the Light, who has conquered his outer world, like unto a spiritual pharaoh. Thus you become prepared for the fullness of the Light of the COMPLETE YOU while yet having vehicles of expression for service to the race and to the planet.

Again, all I have described is the Consciousness of the Ascension into "I AM", knowing and using the various vehicles of expression, but living in the permanent identity of the Unity of all in a glorious Whole. Practice knowing, accepting and BEING this Electronic Pattern in your visualizations, your Breathing Exercises, your songs and Affirmations and in the Silence of your Heart.

Dwell in the king's chamber of the Three-Fold Flame Consciousness and feel your own life Ascending in a great blaze of Light around you, meeting with Infinity in the Diamond Capstone of your own Being.

"I AM" God's Architect of Divine Consciousness and it is my privilege to serve you in the creation of your permanent Vehicle of the Ascension. Ever a Guardian of your journey into Eternal Light,

"I AM" Serapis

Hierarch of the Ascension Flame

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The Great Beings from the Sun Temples whose radiation and outpouring we will receive during this period; 

Beloved Victory - November 1st through November 21st

Radiation and Power of the momentum of Victory and Accomplishment  

Beloved Zarathustra - November 22nd through December 21st

Spirit of Fire, of Enthusiasm, Home of the Salamanders and Fire Elements.


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Previous Retreat Openings

9/52, 10/54, 9/55, 7/56, 2/57, 2/58, 4/59, 3/60, 4/61, 3/62, 4/63,

5/65, 7/66, 4/68, 10/69, 4/70, 4/71, 4/72, 5/73, 4/74, 10/75, 5/76,

4/77, 11/79, 11/80, 11/81, 11/82, 11/83, 11/84.


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