Shamballa, Long Island, New York

Lady Charity

(Archaii of the Third Ray)

February 1986


Dear chelas, I greet you in the beauty of God's Third Ray of Divine Love. I come to nurture your delight in the discovery of God Consciousness, to balance the severe tests through which many of you pass and to give greater purpose to the days of change and transition that lie ahead.  

Much is written on the chelas' desire to develop inner sight, called the All-Seeing Eye of God. This is a tremendous activity of Lord Vista and important to the chelas development, for it brings an immediate illumination to the Truth all around you. But it is only one of the inner faculties that should be naturally developed as the vibratory action of the chelas' vehicles slowly ascends into the Light. To complement the development of inner sight I would have you also focus on the inner ear and the inner ability to perceive spiritual fragrance.  

The Cosmic Beings are aware that if humanity has a "concrete" experience with God (for example sees an Angel, hears the Music of the Spheres, or perceives the fragrance of Divinity) he will more rapidly change his consciousness because his outer mind "agrees", unable to deny the experience. Lady Crystal in her activities with Lord Vista works ceaselessly toward the goal of balancing each of these activities within the physical brain. For it is the evolution of the brain to become more aware of the ethers, once humankind has stopped polluting the mind and brain. She has spoken before of each chela becoming a prism through which the Crystal Ray splits into perfect colors, tones, fragrances and images on the screen of the mind and within the actual substance of the brain. Assisting her is the great Lady Sonata, Goddess of Music from the Sun, who has been slowly increasing the amplitude of the Music of the Spheres within Earth's atmosphere so that humanity, when he raises himself up, will be more quickly able to perceive it. She is able to do this now because of the increasing Light given off by the planet, much of which is due to the chelas' continuous efforts. Lady Sonata is projecting Cosmic Sound Rays from her Sun Temple into Earth's atmosphere. The evidence of this shall soon be seen in the present age of composers and musicians.

One of my activities of the Third Ray is to assist humankind to savor the natural incense of the Ascended Masters and their Angelic Courts, to perceive the bouquet of ecstasy of being ONE with their Cosmic Flames, bathing in the fragrance of their auras. You are aware that one of humanity's natural delights is to delve into the beautiful scent that the Elemental Kingdom provides, especially at the Springtime. You are coming aware of the healing force locked within this Elemental gift to humankind. But as we approach the period of Resurrection, let us combine all these activities of the finer senses into a Oneness of experience, each one a natural faculty of the State of being fully resurrected, but together they manifest the Divine Symphony of God's Song of Love through the instrument of your being. To live in the eternal spring of your life, as when the Earth was first created, is to be constantly surrounded by glorious colors, tones and images and the fragrances of such sweet ecstasy.

There has been a composer of this century who was a chela of Lady Crystal who attempted to outpicture this complete Song of Love before humankind. He was developing a divine instrument that gave forth music, fragrance and color, but was unable to complete his work before leaving this embodiment (Alexander Scriabin). It is important that this kind of work not cease but be fully supported by our chelas, by both evolving themselves into such an instrument of Divinity, as well as supporting this work amongst the present composers, musicians and artists of this Age. Humankind must become aware that the Will of God is a State of Divine Pleasure and Sweetness for the soul so that each of humanity would gladly throw off the cloak of misery and choose Divinity. And I promise each of the chelas that if you put in the effort, in working with us, in developing yourself as an instrument of the Symphony of God, you will live out this life in a greater state of happiness than you could ever have imagined.  

Therefore I ask that each chela steadily progress in perceiving themselves as the Instrument of God that plays his full Song of Love... its colors, its sounds, its fragrance, until the enchanting acceleration is so profound in your consciousness, through your thoughts, feelings, actions, and aura, that it becomes a natural magnet to all life around you. You may then teach others the true Reality of the Will of God as a continuous experience of Love Divine.

It has always been my service on the Third Ray to insure the opportunity that the Path of God for humankind may be a delightful one and not "the path of thorns" it is sometimes pictured to be. There are many Cosmic Beings awaiting your call to assist you in the Silence of your stilled meditations in assimilating the Cosmic Light Rays, Cosmic Sound Rays, and Cosmic Scent Rays into your brain consciousness, eventually creating a permanent experience of Divine Gladness in which you may eternally dwell.  

Come then and abide with us in the Ascended and Cosmic Realms, where we fully express God's Song of Eternal Love. In your exploration of this Divine Consciousness, you may perceive a certain color, texture, tone or scent that no other being has yet perceived. Think of this! For the gifts of delight from the Father-Mother God for each of us are limitless and eternal. Remember dear ones you are a Divine instrument of God, unique and perfect, and the Song of Love thrills at being played through your specific consciousness.

Holding you in the Delightfulness of God's Consciousness......

 “I AM” Charity,

A Being on the Third Ray


The Great Beings from the Sun Temples, whose radiation and outpouring we will receive during this period.

Beloved Aries - March 1st through April 19th

Cosmic Virtue of Wisdom Temple of Sylphs and Devas of the Air

Beloved Hercules - April 20th through May 20th

A radiating Center of Faith, Strength, Courage and Power.


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