Easter Conference

El Morya

Shamballa, Long Island, New York

March 31, 1986

Oh, dear chelas. What a glorious day, the first after the Easter Resurrection!!

It is a joy and a true privilege to be with you this morning. Many members of the Spiritual Hierarchy would have loved to have this opportunity to address the chelas, giving you the first impulse of Ascended Master Direction and Light following the Resurrection. It came as some surprise to me when the great Lord Micah approached and asked if I would be the One. I then retreated into my Temple where I personally speak with the Father-Mother God and I said, "Oh, Father-Mother God, I have known these chelas so long and so well and they have heard me speak so many times on the Will of God. What more could I tell them?" The answer then came to me: "They know you well as a Representative of the First Ray Qualities of the Will of God. But do they understand the C0MF0RT within the Will of God?" So I meditated on the Comfort within the Will of God. And that is the Quality, the EXPERIENCE, I wish to bring you this morning.  

The Will of God is "the Universe unfolding as IT should." Many of you have a deep grasp of this Truth from time to time, but if you could fully align yourselves with this Concept, God's Will pulsating through your vehicles would structure your life in such a way that there would never be a moment's insecurity, never a moment's doubt or fear, for you would simply be a part of the Universe, unfolding as IT should. To you it may seem that those who follow the Will of God Perfectly are strong, staunch, powerful Beings who somehow have themselves under such control. Then the human thought arises; “Well I'm not that strong” or "I'm not that concentrated" or "I just can't seem to do it". Yet if you knew us well, those who are exponents of God's Will, when we ask ourselves "what has drawn and kept us ONE with God's Will?", it is because it is so profoundly C0MF0RTING to be at one with God's Will.

Humanity is always searching for activities that will structure their lives and these activities are not always aligned with God's Will. The great Lord Michael has spoken before on why man seeks entertainment. The only real Comfort comes with a strong PURPOSE, aligned with God's Will. Imagine for a moment, the Life of Beloved Micah, who unfolds the Will of God effortlessly, moment after moment after moment, not wondering "what shall I do this day or this month or this year or this embodiment?", but "Oh Father, thy Will be done in and through me now", with such profound clarity that the Father's Will is all that registers in the brain, makes the muscles move, keeps the tongue silent (unless, of course, the Will of God needs to be spoken, which is rare!!). Consider your life reflecting this beautiful example of the Master Jesus, in such Divine Order and filled with such Comfort that there is no need to wonder "is the Universe unfolding as it should?"; is my life unfolding as it should?". It just unfolds perfectly!!  

Let me speak to you more of the great Lord Micah. The Quality of Unity represented by this dear brother, comes out of the Heart of the great God Parents for this System of Worlds. The Quality of Unity is like the Quality of Love or Illumination, or any other God Quality. The more one proceeds on the path of evolution, especially after the Ascension, the more One learns of this Divine Quality. Humanity is presently striving for the most basic feeling of Unity. The chelas in the Group Avatar are beginning to outpicture true Unity amongst embodied Souls. In the "I AM" Consciousness, you finally reach the first state where separateness is unknown (for that concept is unknown outside the Earth's atmosphere). Think for a moment of the profound Unity that the Karmic Board knows in its service; the COSMIC Unity that the Sun Gods know as they outpicture the Will of God; the Great Central Sun and on and on, into Infinity. The more you proceed into the Heart of God, the more Powerful is this experience of Unity, derived purely from closer alignment with God's Will. And Beloved Micah brings to the Earth the very highest Radiation of Unity known in this Universe!

Through the recent years in this Activity we have stressed formlessness of Consciousness. This is good, but to some degree it has been mistaken by the chelas that they are not to feel as close to the Masters, as if that is some measure of clinging to form. I have always felt each of you so close to my Heart that I could speak to whoever you were speaking to, directly through you. It is so important that the chelas live within this Divine Camaraderie between Master and chela. Each of you has a Divine Teacher (Guru) with whom you train in a very personal way. Each of you must be fully responsible to that Master, for that Master is fully responsible to the Karmic Law for your Light while in his or her service.

These things you already know well. But, my message today is that as you proceed into the Heart of God, Divine Camaraderie, especially between Master and chela, becomes a more profound Experience of Unity.... until true Unity is manifest on all levels; the chela knowing the level of Unity of his perfect Christ state; the Ascended Masters knowing a level of Unity in their Ascended Service to this planet; the great Sun Gods and other Cosmic Beings know of level of Unity in their magnificent outpicturing of the Will of God; and on and on and on into Infinity. I present this to you to further the promise of Comfort that awaits you in outpicturing the Will of God... “Reverence for the Gift of Life, United in Service to the Will of God”... oh, what joyous words to my Heart.... and for the Evolution of the planet Earth".  

Let me pause here for a moment and say that your calls for Divine Government still reach my ear. Sometimes in my Cosmic service I reach a certain situation where energy must be transformed or broken down or built up in certain ways and measures and I pause and I ask myself, "which chelas are with me now? Who can I count on for energy from their realm, that oh, Father-Mother God, I might do your service now in assistance to that realm"? Some times the Master is required to wait for that energy, if there is not a Forcefield of a chela's energy that he can count on, meaning the Service of the Master goes undone for a time. This again you know well as it has been taught through the years but sometimes your ears must hear it again... (But there I go, getting off the theme of Comfort...).  

My Teacher on this Ray of Comfort is Beloved Æolus, the Cosmic Holy Spirit to this planet, with whom I have had a long association and to whom I feel I owe my very existence in the Ascended Realms. He taught me Love!!! As together we adore him, I will also ask you to contemplate the great Lady Sophia, the Sun Goddess who brings to this planet a tremendous outpouring of Comfort. Her Ray is only beginning to be realized an this planet, as the Earth journeys through its orbital changes on its way to the Consciousness of Unconditional Love; the Fire planet, Venus! I pause, for her Radiation is yet active in this Sanctuary, dancing through your vehicles and around your aura. It is arising like a Sunrise from within your Heart Flame. You are the forerunners and pioneers of this profoundly new Comfort, the Feminine Aspect of the Holy Spirit. It has been known on this planet before, but not in the intensity, or deepening Quality that it shall be known, as the Seventh Ray of Spiritual Freedom unfolds.

It has been my purpose this morning to add my Energy to that Ray of Comfort, for following the Easter season, we of the Spiritual Hierarchy always look towards Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit takes the Will of God, fires it with Illumination and dispenses it through humanity, until they begin to outpicture the Will of God, manifesting IT, which is Holy Spirit in Action. As you realize your complete alignment with the Will of God, seeking the Comfort which I know is within God's Will for each of you, consider this affirmation: "I AM" aligned with God's Will as a Being of Light. As that Light pulsates through me, I will automatically know its Divine Direction as that Ray enters my brain consciousness, presenting me with the Divine Plan. As the flow of Light continues, the Love Quality will be anchored through me manifesting the Glory of the Father's Kingdom. But in the Eternal Moment of NOW, all I need realize is that "I AM" aligned with God's Will. The rest shall come in God's good time, for this Universe is unfolding perfectly and in KNOWING that, "I AM" Comforted.

I leave you now, but since I have been given the opportunity and the responsibility of initiating this Ray of Comfort (leading up to Pentecost), I shall be with you in your lives, establishing for Beloved Micah the deepest sense of "Reverence for the Gift of life, United in Service to the Will of God and for the Evolution of this planet". You shall feel me, you shall hear me and you shall see me as an impulse of the Will of God playing as a Light Ray through your lifestreams, bringing Comfort to your life. Anticipate with great joy the day of Pentecost when Holy Spirit shall Grace us all. I shall be with you... Good Morning,

El Morya

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Excerpt from The Seventh Ray by Saint Germain

There is nothing gained by driving misqualified energy back into its creator, because by the very act of misqualification, the generator proves that he is ignorant of the Divine nature of all energy and is in dire need of the application of the Cosmic Fiery Flame of Love and Mercy rather than an intensification of the quality of evil which would be caused by the return of his own energy before the discord was consumed, with the added qualification, perhaps, of the witness's disapproval or resentment.  

Persistent and consistent use of the Purifying and Consuming Fiery Flame of Freedom's Love will ultimately free the lifestream entirely from the accumulation of discord which makes the present Karma and limitation. It will also build an impregnable Wall of Light around the use, keeping out the discord that is continually floating in the atmosphere caused by the emanation of others. When perfect harmony is evident in the daily life of the individual, then it may be said that he has used the Merciful and Forgiving Power of God's Cleansing Flame enough.