
Long Island, New York

Lady Donna Grace

Archaii of the Sixth Ray


January 24, 1986

"I AM" the Angelic Enfolding Presence of the Group Avatar.*  (mouse over star, asterisk) "I AM" here to implore you to give of your attention to the Angelic Forces that are constantly, without let-up, trying to Unite the limited consciousness of humanity with the limitless Consciousness of God in which the Angels dwell. "I AM" very happy that 1986 is enfolded by an Angelic Presence.  

I have had a long association with the Angel Micah, through all of his endeavors in service to this planet. During this time, whenever a great transition or event took place, it was preceded by enough embodied men, women and children opening their consciousness to the Presence and Power of the Angels. Angels are filled with a kind of Divine Electricity, which when it enters the Earth's atmosphere, gives off a Light that almost blinds men. But it is a necessary flow of Energy into the Earth's atmosphere, for in Reality, it is the substance of God's Feeling World. That is why when there has been a sighting of an Angel, there is intense excitement in the feeling world, because the feeling world has been supercharged with a kind of Divine Electricity, and this ‘supercharge’ is permanent, as witnessed in the early days of the Christian era.

The more the Angels are accepted, Loved, called by name, given a Holy Focus in which to descend and dwell, the closer they will draw. We the Archangels who watch over them, cannot force our Angels into closer Proximity to humanity, no more than a set of loving parents would force their young child to approach a stranger. The Angels, like young children have different temperaments and some will by nature approach difficult or unwelcome situations, such as in the case of Lord Michael's Legions of Blue Flame. Others are very tentative, especially on the more delicate Rays of God's Graces. However, if you approach the Angels with Love, respect, individual acknowledgement and an intense desire to have their Divine Electricity of Feelings flood your world (in short by remaining in a state of Grace) then a working Unity with the Angels will take place much sooner bringing the chela a supercharged enthusiasm for greater Service. Most chelas yet unconsciously presume that the Angels will draw near without such careful respect shown them. But alas, it was humankind who separated from the Angels and it is man who must come home, back to the Heart of God, where the Angels dwell in his Divine Ecstasy.  

I realize that our Beloved Lord Michael, a magnificent Sponsor of 1986, carries on a service with his Legions of Blue Flame regardless of humanity's attention or not. A similar service is given through Lady Astrea and to some degree, Lord Zadkiel and other Cosmic Beings. This is a tremendous sacrifice by some specifically trained Cosmic Angels. But this is the exception rather than the rule in the Angelic Kingdom and it is my responsibility, both as the Guardian Presence of the Group Avatar and as the Archaii of the Sixth Ray (in providing the transition into the 7th Ray), to help humankind to return to the Angels, in Grace. For establishing the Seventh Ray Dispensation requires that at its core, the Brotherhood of Angels and men begins to manifest. As you are aware, Beloved Micah himself is forwarding this cause, as given to you in his Assimilation Address of March 1986, drawing humanity up into his own Divinity Uniting with the Angels from that Higher Consciousness.

Beloved Micah is doing much to forward the Cause of the Angels on Earth, by expanding the Quality of Grace, which he and I share in common in dispensing God's Blessings to this planet. Allow me to speak of my Gratitude to this great Angel, for he is so dear to the Angelic Kingdom. It was the great Angel Micah who was the Angelic overseer of Moses and the entire Jewish era, who revealed his Presence as the burning bush, an expression of his Divinity and Electric Feeling nature of Oneness with God, before the Avatar of that era (Moses). He then embodied as the Avatar of the next era, to prove this Reality on Earth.

The vehicles that Beloved Jesus used, which were overseen by Lord Maitreya, were a projection of this great Cosmic Angel, who had overseen the Jewish race out of bondage on the physical realm and who now desired to lead them out of bondage on the Spiritual Realm. This is why he could come and present himself as 'King of the Jews'. He had been their very essence, their Unity as a people from his unseen Guardian Presence as Micah, the Angel of Unity. This is why the Jewish people to this day feel so strongly about their Unity as a people and now as a nation. The forces of imbalance have always tried to destroy such Unity.

The Love of Beloved Micah, maintained throughout the Christian Dispensation as the embodied Avatar Jesus, drew a certain Unity among all Christian peoples and began to close the gap between humankind and God by placing himself between the two, providing a Bridge over which humanity might find his salvation (the Mediator - the Christ). This expanded his Light and Service from the smaller Jewish race to a world-wide encompassing Christian religion. But now the cycle shall be completed and he shall now encompass the entire planet, every aspect of its life, raising all into the great Oneness of the Seventh Ray Dispensation of complete Spiritual Freedom for the planet. Great is this Angelic Being Micah and great is our Love for him, from all Angels everywhere.  

What I will tell you is very important. The Guardian Angelic Presence and Silent Watchers of all the major races, religions, cultures and nations (who maintain the cohesiveness of each of these units) are now Unifying in Celestial Consciousness in great Ceremonies in the Temples of Light. This Inner Reality of Unity, created by the great overseers of races and religions, will be strongly projected and imprinted into the peoples of these races and religions in their finer vehicles and hopefully quickly into their outer minds and feelings. Here again, the Angels are of great import for this Unity Consciousness to be anchored in humankind. The strongly held feelings of the past age of holding 'a people together' as a race, culture, nation or religion, will now be supplemented by a deep abiding desire for Unity of all of these separate entities into a Oneness; a desire born from within outwards, from their Cosmic Angelic Guardians, their Silent Watchers.  

The forces of imbalance yet attempt to disrupt this. The destructive activities promoting separateness which bombarded you on the outer screen of life are only the effects of the inner cores of separateness and fear that are fighting for their very existence. Together we are Loving these energies Free. But in the meantime, the Angelic overseers of the great nations, races and religions are continuously effecting a Unity of One vibration flowing through each of these peoples and nations, so all may feel the same Divine pull toward Unity. The New Age requires of humanity to think and feel on a planetary scale and much of the current events and technology is forcing this to occur. This provides an avenue for anchoring the Inner Forces of Unity, through humankind's desire to understand the 'wholeness' of his planet. And all the Angelic Guardian Presences shall collectively hold this Immaculate Concept of a Unified Consciousness in a Unified Race on a Unified Planet.... until it manifests!

"I AM" Present with you this year and until the Earth is free, to see that the Grace of God is established in the souls of each one, especially soon in the members of the growing Group Avatar. "I AM" here with countless Legions of Grace to enfold every chela, just as the Cherubim Lovelee first enfolded this original Activity (The Bridge) and held her to Grace, to complete her Divine Plan against very strong odds. Each of you shall now be held 'in Grace' fulfilling your Divine Plan in this era of Angels returning to the Earth, in Unity with the consciousness of humanity. You are the way-showers.

In my role as Guardian Presence of the Group Avatar, I come with great numbers of Angels who have been specially trained in my Temple of the Sun to sustain a momentum of Grace in each chela of the Group Avatar, so each can quickly re-establish Unity with his own God Presence and remain in that state of Listening Grace. But for each of these specially trained Angels for the Group Avatar, there will be a Legion of delicate Cherubim, who will require of you to remain in a state of Listening Grace for them to draw close, as I have already mentioned. Show them the respect, acknowledgement, love and pure motive, which will magnetize them into you presence. Each will also be protected by their specific ‘Leader Angel’ who has been trained in my Temple in the Sun. This ‘Leader Angel' is none other than your 'Guardian Angel' (as perceived in the Christian Era) known to you now as your Ministering Angel.  

Angels always appear before a great advent of joy on the Earth. Witness the coming of the Master Jesus. Now great joy fills the Angelic Kingdom as the Age of Spiritual Freedom enters the Earth and the Angel Micah now claims the entire planet into a higher Unity. Watch, look and listen for the Angels for they draw ever nearer, according to your ability to accept them. Your Ministering Angel of Grace is ever with you and has been since your Spiritual Birth into this solar system. Give this specific Angel such Loving Reverence that all other Angels will draw near and flood you with the Divine Electricity of all the Seven Rays, setting up a momentum of Divine Ecstasy and Grace which will overwhelm the lower feeling nature of any problem Earth experience can present to you. So it was with the early Disciples of Christ and so shall it be with the present disciples of Christ in the growing Group Avatar of Christed Souls.  

"I AM" your Sister in Service to this planet, in the Family of Angels and Humanity, Lovingly.........

Donna Grace, Archaii of the Sixth Ray

 Guardian Presence of the Group Avatar

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March 30th, Sunday                       EASTER


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