New Year Conference

Archangel Michael

January 1, 1986


6:00 A.M. During the 'All Night Watch'  anchoring the Theme and Thoughtform of 1986

Good morning dear co-servers, on the first breaths of 1986. It is truly a joy to my Heart to be with the Arisen Souls of this planet.

You are kindred spirits with the warriors of my Legions. We who serve this planet Earth and its atmosphere, 22 out of every 24 hours, know about 'Serving through the night', about 'holding the Light' when no one else is around to held it. As you continue to do this through the ensuing days of this embodiment, know that the Legions of Lord Michael are on each side of you, above and below you, sealing you with INVINCIBILITY in the Victory of the Light. Even when we are not in service for these extra hours we do not sleep, but rather WE are in deep Meditation to replenish the Light within our Feeling Natures of whatever Quality is required; and to replenish INVINCIBILITY in our mind, direct from the Mind of God; and I hope that I might replenish INVINCIBILITY within the minds of the chelas who served through this night with such dedication. It is an honor that my Petition to Serve as a Sponsor of this year was acknowledged with a positive response and that I might be the first to greet you at the dawn of this New Year.

I shall be a busy Angel this year. My Service to Life is to Protect, Guard, Direct and Illumine men, with Faith. You know that there is a special Son-Father relationship between Beloved Micah and my humble self for we have served together through eons of time. Like any father who would rush to the assistance of a member of his family, I shall Serve ceaselessly to see that illumined Faith is Resurrected in the hearts of all humanity so that the permanent Grace of God may be manifest there through the Energies of Beloved Micah, which even now enfold this planet.  

Allow me to Illumine your mind to the Angelic Forces that shall be at your beck and call through this entire year. Standing with me now at the opening of 1986 are all the Seven Archangels, for my Sponsorship really reveals that all the Seven Archangels shall work with me and shall work through you in the fulfillment of all the promise held in the Heart of the Beloved Micah. As you have arisen into the Holy Grail of your Christ Consciousness,*  (mouse over star, asterisk) visualize and feel with me the Presence of these Majestic Archangels: LORD CHAMUEL to your left, Blessing all the incoming energy of your lifestream this year with a great force of Divine Love; LORD RAPHAEL to your right, seeing that all outgoing energy this year is Consecrated to Unifying Life on this planet; LORD MICHAEL in front of you. Guiding, Guarding and Directing they Way to fully Illumined Faith for each of you this year; LORD URIEL behind you, enfolding you in Peace which will sustain the feeling of Unity in your consciousness through this year, LORD ZADKIEL below you, sustaining an ever increasing force of Violet Fire through your lifestream through 1986; LORD JOPHIEL above you, Radiating into the top of your head, the Crown Chakra Energies of Divine Illumination, Wisdom and Understanding in Service to the Light; LORD GABRIEL standing within you, sustaining the Immaculate Concept of all that is held in the Heart of Micah, for each of you, his chelas, through 1986.

Feel the tremendous Angelic Energies that now surround you and flood your Being with the Seven Magnificent Rays of the Complete God Being embodied on this planet. For we shall do no less for you, the arisen chelas in the New Age Church of the Christ, than we did for the Master Jesus himself and his disciples at the beginning of the past Age. So shall we now attend each of your efforts in establishing the True Bridge to Spiritual Freedom, over which all humankind shall walk into the Loving Embrace of Beloved Micah, the Ascended Jesus, the Christ. There they shall know the permanent heavenly Blessings that have been promised to all through aeons of time, if they would but let go of the human consciousness and arise again into Unity with the Divinity of their Father-Mother God.

This remains the Promise for all Eternity. And we shall work upon this Bridge, its foundations and its forward progress this year, each of us shoulder to shoulder, through days, through nights, through easy times and through difficult times; shoulder to shoulder, arm in arm, the chelas of Beloved Micah and the Legions of Lord Michael. So shall it be!

Welcome dear hearts into the Light of 1986... Good Morning.

Lord Michael



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