Assimilation and Expansion of the Electronic Pattern

November 1986


ELECTRONIC PATTERN: A Cosmic White Fire Being. This actual White Fire Being has come from the Heart of Alpha and Omega at the request of Serapis Bey (following a visitation there) and will remain here for the month as an example of the Pure White Light of God manifest in a Fire Body. This majestic Being (who is both masculine and feminine unified) will manifest in form to be cognized by humans, whereas in the Sun this Being would be but a Cosmic Flame... so dazzling is this White Fire Body... the Being resembles the Ascension Flame itself.

Beloved Serapis Bey:

Beloved chelas, welcome to the Temple of Ultimate Christ Purity. The purpose here is to example to humankind, who will attend this Retreat in greater numbers than ever before to flash deep into their consciousness the goal of humanity, to ascend into Fire Bodies. Our hope is that this project will inspire not only this Vision of the Ultimate Goal of the Ascension but also an interest in humankind of Fire... interest that could quickly transcend physical fire and lead to the discovery of Spiritual Fire and thus to the highest expression of the Godhead.

We will attempt this month a Plan that we here at the Ascension Focus have had reviewed and accepted by the Karmic Board, not only once but several times. This is because of the delicacy of the operation involved. We hope this month with the assistance of the Elohim of Purity, Beloved Claire and Lady Astrea, to step up the Pure White Light in the inner vehicles of all who pass, even once, through the Ascension Focus this month. The delicacy involved (worked out between myself and the God Presence of each person involved) refers to the risk of this increased Light also sharpening the shadows of the inner vehicles. Yet after great conferences with many members of the Hierarchy, it is felt now to be the time to step up the Light in the inner vehicles as safely and as individually as possible. The volunteers for this project, numbering in the millions, have been selected over the past year from the entire spectrum of humanity.

The Light on the Planet in general is being stepped up, resulting in many shadows on the earth seeming more sharply defined. So the process is taking place regardless. However, this month's plan of the Hierarchy is for those who so desire (free-will) in consultation with their own Christ Self in the Inner levels, my own Fourth Sphere... so pursue this stepping up. This has been the work of the Ascension Focus through its history but now we are focusing our attention not only on "Candidates for the Ascension" per se, but as many of humankind who will volunteer to increase their inner Light in the forward progress of this planet. The Karmic Board has allowed that this free will choice in the freedom of the Inner Realms will suffice! But therefore, the outer consciousness may not be totally aware of the process and may not even want to cooperate with the force of increased Light and more vivid shadows. Remember, even those with complete conscious awareness of their work in the Ascension Focus have "run" when it seemed too much.

However, with the assistance of many of the Hierarchy, we will help these volunteers by creating a Violet fire Forcefield around the amphitheatre, combined with teaching in the use of the Violet Fire, (infused, remember with the full force of the Planet Mercury). As well, Beloved Kuthumi and the Brothers of the Golden Robe here at Shamballa, have volunteered their service to continue to illumine these millions as to what they really are going through; their individual part in stepping up the vibratory action of the planet as well as their own evolution towards the ultimate Ascension in the Light. This prerequisite purification and illumination will take place for the most part in a specially created outer amphitheatre.

And mighty Victory has been giving these volunteers special attention during October to prepare them with a victorious expectancy concerning this month's project. Victory already floods the consciousness of these precious volunteers, and their enthusiasm is terrific. We have the potential of creating by the end of this Retreat month, millions of vessels for the pure White Fire of God. And think beloved ones, of the Harvest humanity would then present to our beloved Lord of the World, Gautama on November 30th. What a day to look forward to... but first the work of the month must get done.

Now as to you the chelas, I have a role for you to play in this activity. According to your conscious free will choice I would like you to example to the inner volunteers (many not yet conscious in the outer of God's work)... to example your ability to step forth and be sped up in vibration fearlessly, even though you know the tests may seem increased as inner shadows are revealed by greater Light. We are counting on you to show your Spiritual Leadership this month as examples to the millions. This is an opportunity to test years of training with the Ascended Host.

One can see that as this year draws to a close, we in the Hierarchy are very busy and the Light shall be victoriously stepped up on this planet! You may be interested to know the beloved Saint Germain and Lord Zadkiel themselves will be present for the Violet Fire activity here in the amphitheatre. The outer amphitheatre built to receive the great numbers expected this month, is of Egyptian design to reinforce the memories in these volunteers of the momentum of the Ascension Flame through the centuries. Of course each one, after preparation with the Violet Fire and Illumination Flames in the outer amphitheatre, will enter the actual Ascension Focus (a scintillating, crystalline Pyramid set among classic Grecian architecture) and pass before the white Fire Being and myself. In that blazing moment there will be a carefully calculated acceleration of the inner vibrations and a piercing vision of the ultimate goal set deep into the inner vehicles. Standing with these volunteers at this time will be their own Christus in full stature, as well as their, Guardian Angels and Seraphim, all in their tangible Presence. For as many as possible this cosmic moment will be repeated, to deeply ingrain the experience. And we hope this will include all of the chelas.

Infusing all of the above mentioned activity will be an increase in the Light from Venus, focused through our retreat this month. This great Light and Love from my home Star will continue to play a greater and greater role in the restoration of this planet, until beloved Sanat Kumara's original goal of transforming this planet into a jewel of Light has been completely accomplished.

And as a Son of Venus, I say to you chelas, prepare ye well for this month. Take advantage of the Sacred Fire and cleanse yourself and this planet so that the greater Harvest can be presented to Lord Gautama an November 30th.

Carry yourself this month as if you too have bodies of White Fire. Assimilate and expand this Electronic Pattern into your world for all to experience!

I am a happy and busy man this month and I love you each for your attention and offer the fullness of the Ascension Flame as I decree for each of you...

Transform this human consciousness with the Purity of Christ.

Transform this human consciousness with the Purity of Christ

Transform this human consciousness with the Purity of Christ



Serapis Bey

Lord of the Ascension Flame

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The Great Beings from the Sun Temples whose radiation and outpouring we will receive during this period; 

Beloved Victory - November 1st through November 21st

Radiation and Power of the momentum of Victory and Accomplishment  

Beloved Zarathustra - November 22nd through December 21st

Spirit of Fire, of Enthusiasm, Home of the Salamanders and Fire Elements.



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