Special Address - Shamballa, Long Island, New York

Mighty Hercules, Elohim of the First Ray:

February 1989


The decision to manifest perfection must come from the hearts of humanity, and although the Realms of Light are dedicated to giving the utmost assistance, it is not permitted to interfere with human's free will.

In order for this Perfection to manifest, it is necessary for each human being to pass through a great period of transmutation. It is essential for the purification of the soul that the lower consciousness rises up to unite with the Higher Consciousness, and, in order to do this, all your thoughts, words and deeds must manifest ONLY THE WILL OF GOD, which is PERFECTION FOR ALL THINGS!

The Higher Self and the DIVINE WILL must be consciously allowed to act to break down the many obstacles which delay the evolution of humanity, as the lower self, with all its many passions, desires and negative traits, is in need of self discipline.

We of the Higher Realms of Light watch over our children with Protection and Loving Care, but we do not, under any circumstances, interfere with human's free will. However, we constantly enfold each one of you in our Divine Power, Divine Wisdom and Divine Love in order that the traumas of the Earth plane can and will stimulate the development of your spiritual understanding and your determination to purify your souls. You are never alone - unseen loving support constantly enfolds you, my beloved ones.

Angels of the First Ray of God's Will radiate forth the DIVINE WILL that CHRIST shall be born within EVERY HUMAN HEART, EVERY HUMAN TEMPLE, and the Christ Within shall declare the TRUTH.

The CHRIST shall be born of the Wisdom of the Will of God as known by the Higher Self of every lifestream, and that Wisdom from the Higher Self shall raise up the lower self through DIVINE LOVE into THE CHRIST. This is the Will of God.

It is therefore your every day hopes, your every day faith, and you every day aspirations; your higher emotions of beauty, love and loveliness, that shall rise up on a spiral of Light to touch the Buddhic Plane, and then the River of Life shall descend from Heaven and overflow the Chalice of your Heart. Then you shall see TRUTH.

Be truly happy, my beloved friends, for true happiness radiates joy and love to all, and allows PERFECTION to manifest. the CHRIST WITHIN is recognized by the radiation of LOVING JOY.

Called to be a PRESENCE OF THE CHRIST - FEEL that buoyancy and joy radiating out to touch all life.

"I AM" with you and I love you.





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