Easter Conference - Shamballa, Long Island, New York

Archangel Raphael

March 26, 1989

Good Morning, blessed chelas. I now call to the Holy Mother Mary to fill each of you with the Grace of her Spirit. Oh, the love of that beautiful Lady of Heaven. She will give you every blessing that you ask for, if you just accept it. Please accept her radiation and love.

You know I AM called the Angel of Consecration, and I AM very privileged to accept that name. Consecration is a beautiful, beautiful way to live. When consecration is coupled with dedication, it is a true feeling that will help you in all you do. When one is dedicated, they are accepting, and offering their service to a lofty ideal. I know that's the way you feel.

Many, many years have gone by since I first came to tell the children of Earth about consecration, and I feel so grateful within my heart to have that privilege. You, too, have that opportunity, but the greatest gift of all is to first reconsecrate yourself, and pledge all your energies to that glorious indwelling Christ. That Holy Christus awaits your every call, waiting for you to ask for assistance. When you dwell within the Christ; when you know that "I AM" is the DOER, the DOING, and the DEED, then you are doing God's Way. It is very easy for the human consciousness to forget, and then the ego takes control.

Remain centered, dear children, for you have come a far way on the path, or else you would not be here. "I AM" the DOER, the DOING and the DEED... God in action! It is difficult, I know, but if you remember, then perfection will manifest, everywhere you go, because your feeling will be sending forth love... love... love... for God is Love! We know that. And the love within your heart will be connected with that love, and that knowledge. "I AM" the DOER, the DOING, and the DEED. Remember that statement, and remember that everything you do shall be from the Christ within. That is where you must reside.

It is so beautiful to look upon you, and see that expanding Christus within... how much you have expanded the Light, even since last year. You shall go forward, doing the service you vowed to do when you took embodiment upon the Earth.

Oh, my children... my children, how we love you, each and every one with the same degree of Love. There is no favoritism in Heaven, and there should be none on Earth, but the human ego gets in control so many times. You must continue to practice this, for when you dwell in the Temple within, it can be accomplished. How all the Angels love you and bless you! Visualize them now, as they go all over the Planet Earth, singing their songs of praise and blessings: "He is Risen! He is Risen! He is Risen!" It is our prayer that you, too, will rise in glory, when the time comes, to be with the Spiritual Hierarchy, and to send service to all humanity. As I speak the Truth, so shall you also speak the Truth, and that Truth shall set you free!

Now I ask you to stand, and make an affirmation with me. I will say it, and you may repeat it after me...


"NOW MADE MANIFEST AND SUSTAINED BY GRACE!" God bless you. Please be seated.

It is truly a privilege to come and speak to you. You cannot conceive of how much we of the Heavenly Host love you! You are our brothers and sisters. Do you not love your brothers and sisters? Well, sometimes here you do not, but when you dwell in heavenly consciousness, you will feel the peace, and you will say: "Thank God! I know that God is the Doer, the Doing, and the Deed, and I have come, and I shall perform the service that was given to me when I had the opportunity of embodiment."

Thank you, dear ones, and God bless you for your attention.






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