
Virtues of the Seventh Ray for all Life

Center yourself in the Immortal, Victorious Flame of Life within the Sacred Tabernacle of your heart. Feel the Presence of God in you, expanding the virtues and qualities of God as they are freely given to you, to manifest the reality of your divine origin.

Consciously expand that Flame, and as you do, feel that your Mantle of Light is now enfolding you in a blazing aura of protection, intensified by the pressure of the Light of God flowing outward from your heart center. Know that the Christ lives within you and reverently and humbly bow before the Presence of your True Being.

Accepting that Presence as the only power that can act, elevate your consciousness, and in the name, power and authority of the "I AM" within you, invoke the Seventh Ray of God; the Ray of Ceremonial, Invocation, Transmutation, Freedom and Compassion. Immediately feel the answer to your call. A tremendous expansion of Energy - an intense radiation of Violet Fire - flows around you, filling your aura. The Radiant Presence of the Beloved Ascended Master Saint Germain appears before you, and within his heart you see a shining Maltese Cross, which always signifies his Presence. He places a Violet Flame in your heart as he says: “Child of Earth, I invest you with the Power of Invocation and the Radiation of Spiritual Energies through the conscious control of your free will.

The Time had COME! Help me in this Cosmic moment, to lay the foundation of the Spiritual Activity that I have the honor and privilege to represent, which is the knowledge and use of the Sacred Violet Fire. Come, and together let us set the Earth free forever. Go forward, and in the Name of the Christ within you, and in my name, carry this Flame. Be my messenger on Earth, expanding this Sacred Activity to All Life wherever you go."

See yourself and many other lifestreams around the Planet, who for eons of time have offered themselves for this Activity, "planting" the Violet Fire everywhere, and with the assistance of the World Teacher expanding the knowledge of the Sacred Virtues of the Seventh Ray. See our Sweet Earth claiming her place as Freedom's Holy Star in the Universal Symphony.


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Transfiguration of Jesus                     Sunday, August 6th

Mother Mary's Ascension                    Tuesday, August 15th



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