Along the Path

Obedience to God’s Will

El Morya 

'Bridge' - January 1969

Joyous Obedience in the performance of God's Holy Will seems so difficult for the outer mind to grasp. Yet, it is the KEY to FREEDOM! Disobedience to the will of God has been the cause of every limitation experienced by humanity and all the evolutions living in, upon, or in the atmosphere of Earth. Every direction and instruction that will ever come from your own “I AM” Presence or from any of the Great White Brotherhood WILL FREE YOU (If conscientiously applied) from the CAUSES and CORES OF THE DISTRESSES WHICH LIMIT AND BIND THE OUTER SELF. The suggestions to the outer self which have come from the lower nature caused disobedience to the Divine Plan in the first place. The very word 'obedience' causes the feelings of some people to bristle. Let me point out to you, dear chelas, that you are required only to give obedience to your own Holy Christ Self and to the Ascended Host of Light who have become ONE with the Perfection of your own "I AM" Presence, in order to be able to free yourselves from the manifested results of the seeds of disobedience which have been sown by you in the past. This God-Obedience is an individual surrender of the outer self to that Divine "I AM" Presence and an acceptance of and loving cooperation with the directions of the Presence by the outer mind. This then allows the "I AM" Presence to begin to externalize that one's Divine Plan.

Naturally I can see into the auras of all chelas, and among the most earnest of these, I often see them flinch at the idea of giving obedience to the Law of Love. After all, obedience to God is only loving cooperation with GOOD! Such obedience is wholly a self-conscious voluntary activity entered into by the chela wherein and whereby he learns to master the energies of his emotional, mental, etheric and physical vehicles. The presenting of the idea of the need for obedience is never an attempt to intrude upon the free will of the lifestream. WE NEVER INTRUDE! We come only at your invitation!

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On Gratitude

El Morya

'Bridge' - December 1963

Lord Chamuel and Beloved Charity care not for ‘human appearances’ but care exceedingly for the budding Christ Light that seeks to burst the shell of 'human appearances' and add to the Light of the World. Every saint, every great patriot, scholar, humanitarian, architect, scientist, missionary and spiritual teacher has been and is sustained by the Pink Ray of Lord Chamuel's Love.

Then, the soul, cognizing a Power greater than itself, begins to express gratitude to its Source, (God), his Divine Messengers, and finally, to its fellowman. This gratitude is a POWER. It cannot be over-emphasized in man's dealing with his fellowman. A sincere feeling of gratitude, silently sent forth, or audibly expressed when conditions allow, reaps a harvest of greater endeavors upon the part of the recipient of the loving feeling of gratitude expressed. Thus, according to human experience, gratitude is a 'magic key' which can be used to advantage in developing the God potential of every human being. Let us not confuse flattery (which is insincere) with honest gratitude for endeavors made to lighten the burden of individuals, families, nations and the planet. Gratitude is a virtue of God, expressed through Lord Chamuel and Beloved Charity and their Legions of Angels of Love. When the soul truly learns how to feel gratitude toward those who serve him, even in mundane ways, inevitably that gratitude begins to rise to the Source (God) which has given him his very life. Gratitude is truly the open door to greater benefactions from God, his Messengers and humanity enmasse.

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The Power of Attention

El Morya

'Bridge' - June 1963

I cannot stress enough the importance of the Power of Attention. Beloved Saint Germain and other of the Ascended Masters have repeatedly impressed upon the minds of the student body the importance of governing, controlling and focusing the attention in order to attain Mastery and Freedom from limitation.

Your attention is the faculty that focuses an electrical beam of energy on any given point. This electrical beam of energy or light ray is formed by your own life's energy which flows along the line of force made by your attention into the condition which you are 'witnessing'.

A magnetic law is set into action when the substance, energy and quality on which your attention is fixed begins to flow back into your world and affairs instantly. According to the intensity with which your attention is fixed on a condition, it is returned into your world composed of the same quality as was sent forth.

Do you not see, that in order to heal a condition, person, place or thing, that the attention must be withdrawn from the problem and placed on the Source of all Healing. This is a scientific action of Law, The old Psalm “I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills" means exactly this.

If there is apparent physical exhaustion, turn the beam of your attention to Beloved Hercules, and surely as the Sun shines, there begins to flow from that concentrated Flame of Strength tiny molecules or particles of Flame from Beloved Hercules' Electronic Presence along the current of your attention into your world. If the attention is upon tiredness, the mass tiredness of humankind flows back along your beam into your world.

Can you not see that here is your KEY TO FREEDOM! You have been told times without number that your “I AM” Presence is your Source of supply. Some of the student body have felt this to be a Spiritual Truth, and have proven its veracity! It is a scientific FACT. As surely as when you present your passbook at the bank and you receive money, just as surely when you turn your attention to your Presence and hold it there, the actual particles of supply begin their journey into your world. Try this and see that I speak Truth!






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