Decree - February 1989

Beloved El Morya, shining example of God's Perfect WILL to the humankind of Earth, I bow before your Light and offer myself as an empty chalice and channel through which to bestow your Love and Blessings to all Life. I forever relinquish my human will, for:

"I AM" Perfect Faith in God's Will to direct me in everything I do. I am silent, that I may perceive God's Will. I do not act until my direction is clear, and as my Divine Plan unfolds before me, all my energies of thought and feeling rush forth to fulfill that Plan.

May God's Will become the guiding force for all humanity until the Immaculate Concept for each lifestream is fully manifest.

I so decree it! As God's Most Holy Name, "I AM"!

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The Great Beings from the Sun Temples whose radiation and outpouring we will receive during this period;

Aquarius - January 20th through February 18th

Momentum of Progress - Stimulating the Intensification of Spiritual Growth

Neptune - February 19th through March 20th

Purifying Power of Water Element Training of Undines and Water Elemental


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