Assimilation and Expansion Service

Shamballa, Long Island, New York

Lord Gautama

Sunday, December 4, 1988

Beloved Chelas,

I greet you with the enthusiasm I wish to instill in your consciousness as we are about to enter a new yearly cycle.

At the end of each yearly cycle the Book of Life is balanced... and in the new cycle to begin you may open a clear Book of Life. You are each given the opportunity to inscribe upon it whatever you wish... whatever you feel you can accomplish to assist the Earth and all her evolutions to move forward in the Divine Plan of Perfection.

At the end of every year all humanity makes many resolutions as to what they will accomplish in the new year which is opening up before them. Often resolutions are forgotten. I do not come to remind you of failures, but to assure you always of my Love and of my support in your forward movement into the Octaves of Light!

I know, whether you forget or not at times, that your determination is to express the Will of God toward all life... and you prove this over and over again. Because of this, Peace, and the Grace of God will ensoul this Planet and all life privileged to abide upon it.

All the virtues and qualities of God are required to be a complete example of the Presence of God "I AM" within.

However, when understanding, desire and ability of expression come into an alignment, a Peace Commanding Presence of God may come forth, having a glorious opportunity to assist us in carrying out the Divine Edict of Perfection for Planet Earth.

There is one Quality of the God-Head which is a component in all virtues, and that quality is LOVE! You will remember that Paul, the Maha Chohan and my beloved Son, has said "I AM My Brother's Keeper!", which in essence, carries the quality of Divine Love forth, enfolding all in successful accomplishment of their individual purposes and efforts.

I counsel you, beloved co-servers, to daily enter the Throne Rooms of your Holy Christ Selves, and in deep humility pledge your efforts to serve in the Oneness of Being with the Spiritual Hierarchy to bring the Golden Age of Perfection to this Earth.

Enfolding you in the perfectly balanced radiation of LOVE, WISDOM AND POWER, and in total Oneness of Being, I DECREE that all shall move forward as we hold this Sweet Earth in Our Embrace!

Lord Gautama




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