Special Address -

Shamballa, Long Island, New York

Lord Gautama

November 1988

Welcome into the embrace of the Spiritual Hierarchy at Shamballa. We have just celebrated the Feast of Thanksgiving, when man turns his attention to the activity of Gratitude.

As I direct your attention to this Virtue, I want you to think of all the benefits it brings to you. As you feed the Flame of any of the God Virtues with your acknowledgement, it increases its outpouring for all life.

Gratitude is one of the first things you should realize upon awakening from sleep... a prayer of thanksgiving for a night's sleep which has refreshed your vehicles from the service of the preceding day; gratitude to the Presence of the Almighty and to the Angels of Protection who lovingly watched over you and blessed you during the night.

We are now entering a season of the year when humanity thinks of the birth of the Christ Child, Jesus, and of his parents, Joseph and Mary. Consider the protection and love they gave that Holy Child to ensure that he would grow to maturity and fulfill his Spiritual Assignment on Earth. Before you descended from the Heavenly Realms into your present embodiment, you were also aware of the service you were expected to give. In most instances your outer consciousness is not aware of your assignments; however, your indwelling Christ Self always holds this awareness.

At the time of the Nativity of Jesus, the Three Wise Men followed a Star, which guided them to Jesus. I counsel you to follow the Star and be guided by the Light of your own Christus to discover your own Divine Plan. Before beginning your daily activities, bow before that Star in reverent obedience, for you know you will be guided, just as the Master Jesus was, by the understanding Love of the Spiritual Hierarchy, who are grateful for the opportunity to assist you at all times.

You are aware of the activities of human consciousness on Earth and the many negative conditions which are existent... particularly those to which the youth may be susceptible. I ask that you use the activities of Transmutation and Protection and the many blessings which are your privilege to give, in order to purify the environments, the homes, parents and guardians of the youth.

I also ask that you consider Lady Virgo, who carries the weight of humankind's indiscretions upon her shoulders, and use the Transmuting Flame and the Flame of God's Protection for her as well. Assure Lady Virgo that you are willing to assist in the purification of this Sweet Earth... so dear to the Heart of Beloved Saint Germain.

Blessed ones, be assured that all the members of the Spiritual Hierarchy await your attention as you ask for assistance in a project dear to your hearts, knowing you can assist all life in returning Planet Earth to her original perfection. Then the Earth will be ready for the time when she can take her rightful place in the Plan of creation for this System of Worlds.

Many are the beautiful songs of praise which come forth from the hearts of men at this time of year. Join the Angelic Host, and through thought, word and deed, let the Radiation of your Being assist in the Project of Purification to make this Holy Planet one of Perfection. This Earth can blaze the Light of the Sun to which she belongs, and in so doing be the Perfect Expression she was when she first came forth from the Hearts of Beloved Helios and Vesta.

Keep in the forefront of your consciousness that you are a Star in the Diadem of the Earth, and you can attain and maintain the consciousness that you are on Earth at this time to assist in the Restoration of Perfection for all who are privileged to live here at this time.

Lovingly and Gratefully,

"I AM" Gautama






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