Invocation to Beloved Mighty Victory -

October 1989

In the Name and by the Authority of the Presence of God "I AM" within my heart and within the hearts of all humanity, I invoke our Beloved Master from Venus, MIGHTY VICTORY, to COME FORTH NOW! Charge your conviction of Victorious accomplishment into our feeling worlds, as we allow only the Presence of God "I AM" to direct us in everything we do to bring forth the LIGHT OF GOD in our dear Planet Earth.

Regardless of all outer appearance to the contrary, remind us always that only perfection can come forth as we keep our eyes and our intentions upon that goal.

We lift the cup of our consciousness up to thee, to be filled with the Light of Victorious Accomplishment, and ask that you fill this cup to overflowing with your Essence. Inspire within us the determination to succeed in the overcoming of the outer self, that we may walk hand-in-hand into the Victory of the Ascension. Help us to expand your momentum, that we may inspire others through this Activity, to embark upon the Path to their own Freedom and Victory in the Light.

We so decree it, as God's Most Holy Name, “I AM”!

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Affirmations for Victorious Accomplishment

1.    "I AM" the Spirit of Victorious Accomplishment in the purification of my four lower vehicles, that I may be a pure channel of Light into the Earth and all her evolutions.

2.    "I AM" the Spirit of Victorious Accomplishment within my family, bringing the Light of Love and Confidence into the worthy endeavors of all other members of my personal family.

3.    "I AM" the Spirit of Victorious Accomplishment in all of my relationships, transmuting each one into the purity of cooperative endeavor to bring Spiritual Freedom to the Earth.

4.     "I AM" the Spirit of Victorious Accomplishment within the entire Human Family, expanding the qualities of Brotherhood, Understanding, and mutual respect throughout all the cultures upon the Earth.

5.    "I AM" the Spirit of Victorious Accomplishment in every use of God's Holy Energy through my lifestream, in every aspect of my use of elemental life, over which I have been given dominion.

6.    "I AM" the Spirit of Victorious Accomplishment in my every thought, word and deed, recognizing, knowing and acknowledging only ITSELF in all areas of my life, for...