Summer Conference

Serapis Bey

July 30, 1989

Our beloved co-servers in the Light, feel the love and the gratitude of the Heavenly Host for your presence here. Now, in the world of experience, we have many difficult tests. We have to forget to do this, and remember to do that, and agree with this one, and not agree with that! Well, it is the same way with attaining the ascension. You, as candidates for the ascension, find it to be many difficult tests that you have to perform, and you say, "Oh, will I ever make it!" Yes, you will! You certainly will make it, because that is your goal, and we will help you, each and every one, with all the love of our Hearts, and those of you who realize fully that you are in the radiation of the Ascension Focus...

All of us wish to tell you that you just have to think of us and we will assist you. I think you are going to need a lot of assistance, but this is your goal, the ascension in the Light, and you surely will make it, at some time or other, and we hope it will be when you feel you have served enough. Well, I cannot tell you in words... I can only let you know in feelings, how deeply grateful I personally Am, that you came here.

Most of you know that I have a great affinity for anyone who leads music in a proper form. Oh... music! Beautiful music! That is the harmony of your true being. Or it should be, and will be. When you attend a concert, or hear one on the radio, or see one on television, I would like to ask you to visualize each participant enfolded in Violet Fire. That will assist them in their journey home. It’s not so difficult! All you have to do it think.

I guess you are capable of that! Just love, love, love everyone who is a participant in any form of concert. I have always been favorable to any performance of Light, and I know that this activity will truly assist you. If you need help at any time, remember I AM waiting. But it's very simple. I know one chela who has done that almost every time she had the opportunity, and you haven't any comprehension of how it helps performers go forth in the Light.

Truly love thou one another, and know that the Ascended Host of Light are with you at all times. Now you are very privileged to be in the radiation of the Ascension Flame... the Ascension Focus. The Angelic Host will carry your desires all over the planet or any place you wish to go. Just ask them, "I would like to help someone", and the very thought will bring them to your side, and they will magnify, magnify, magnify the love that you send to your fellow traveler, and you will be very grateful.

This is something that I must say. You know that everyone's goal at some time or other is the ascension, and that will happen. It's similar in the world of form. When you have a task to perform, some specific goal, everything gets in your way, here, there and everywhere. You think "Oh, am I ever going to do it?" And then again, you keep on, and you keep on, because you want to... you must attain that goal! It’s the same with the ascension, because people do not realize that harmony is so important. Harmony is available to all of us. We can be harmonious, but it is difficult, I grant you. Know that the Ascended Host of Light particularly at the Ascension Temple, who know that your goal is the ascension in the Light will assist you.

The Angelic Host will be with you at all times, and they are beautiful Beings of Light. Know without a doubt we are grateful for your presence here. Grateful, grateful, grateful! You are all so attentive to what is going on, and the various activities of the Light. You, I know, will make your ascension. When, is up to you! Some have to stay on the planet Earth for a longer length of time than others, because they have a goal to attain.

You were given your service when you took embodiment, so do not say "Oh, she got home before I did!", or anything like that. They may have gone home, but that doesn't mean they have attained the ascension. So, when the time is right, when you have done what every individual must accomplish, when you have fulfilled the goal which was given to you... which you were told about before you took embodiment, you will all make it at some time or other. And you know who will be waiting for You! I, Serapis Bey!

I love you, I love everyone on this planet, every part of life, and that is what you must do! I know it is difficult, but you will! I have seen a chela so upset, I shall say, that they didn't do what they should. Don't continue thinking that! Just know "I will do better!" Call the Violet Flame, and you will be assisted!

The Angelic Host have requested that I tell you that if you desire, when you leave Shamballa to go to your various destinations, one of them will travel with you and remain in your aura. That's a mighty gift, I think!

So love all life! Love all life with gratitude in your heart for your fellow travelers, knowing each part of life experiences the same thing as you. It all depends upon how you handle it, of course, but in some manner or other, you must surmount the tasks that are difficult for you. We are confident, the entire Hierarchy, that you will, and you know if you don't, there is a return current that says "go back again", and we don't want to do that, do we? ...unless we have to! So, be grateful that you know the teachings, and putting into practice, the teachings of the Spiritual Hierarchy, and eventually, you will accomplish your task.

Beloved Ones, when you come home to stay forever, know there will be a very proud Master greeting you! Myself! Thank you, and God Bless you.

Serapis Bey

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Saint Germain:

The wisdom of Life requires the chela to watch carefully that the desires of the emotional body, rather than the stirrings of the Presence in the heart, do not motivate action. Often a good chela will say that his heart is not in service, when it is merely the imbedded rebellions, resistance and impurity of the emotional body that is not in the service. The dear heart is confused by this recalcitrant emotional world. Discrimination, alertness and wisdom are required to distinguish between the two forces, spiritual promptings and emotional reluctance.


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