Special Address - Shamballa, Long Island, N.Y.

Lord Principa

March 1990

Beloved Chelas,

Cosmic Truth, and indeed, all the Qualities and virtues of the Godhead, exist in a realm beyond time and space limitation. They are ever-existent. They have always been and shall always be!

A human being is of this Spirit, for he is Spirit made manifest in a world of form. His primary purpose is to learn to draw forth the gifts of Spirit, and manifest them in visible, tangible form, in the world to which he has descended.

All matter is a descent of Spirit into form, which seems dense in nature, but is malleable. The Spirit is totally sacred and pure. The quality of the form into which Spirit will descend represents the free-will offering of the one who draws it forth from the invisible to the tangible realm.

To raise the vibratory action of the physical form to its Spiritual counterpart requires mastery in the truest sense. The holding of the Divine Will and Pattern is of the utmost importance, and necessary for perfection of manifestation. Behold perfection, for it already is! You must see through the physical to the perfection which is pulsating in the Realm of Light.

Divine Order represents the order of Divinity, and as well, the order in which manifestation shall take place. Keep two facts always within your minds and hearts: Perfection already exists, and it shall manifest in the physical world! The time and the place is the responsibility of humankind within the world of form.



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El Morya

When the conscious mind is opened to the Will of God, often the mental body accepts as logical and practical the spiritual pathway of purity, love, balance, wisdom and conscious service on behalf of humanity. However, as the far greater part of each individual's energies are held within the emotional body, the desires and feelings will be the predominant governing power of actions - for good or evil. When humankind realizes that the Will of God is expressed through the cooperation of the mind with the joyous, buoyant love of the feelings, they will be freed of much unnecessary conflict between what they know should be done and what they actually do!


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