Summer Conference

Lady Kwan Yin

July 29, 1989

My Beloved co-servers traveling the Path of Light on the Planet Earth, I bring you the Blessings of our Brotherhood at Beijing.

Many of the nations of the world have had difficulty in agreeing with each other for many ages of time. However, at this time in the Earth's evolution, even those who have been the most recalcitrant about negotiating for peace and unity are making more effort in this direction. The countries which are the leaders in the world today must make special efforts to be patient - to be willing to show mercy and compassion, and especially to be examples of these God Qualities. The small countries of the Planet, urged onward by the Flame of Freedom, which is increasing in its intensity within all people - are truly seeking the way to better life for their inhabitants. Much is required not only of material to assist them, but of teaching and example.

Those who receive much assistance may seem slow to assist others, but understand that a person who is concerned with physical needs will need more time to build confidence in the assistance received, and understanding of the higher laws.

Over centuries of time the race of humanity has sought peace, unity and brotherhood, and because we watch and can see the larger view, I can tell you that humankind truly is making progress upon his evolutionary path. To you it does not always appear so, and that is because it is so difficult to see the Earth from its surface. If you take the larger view, and you are doing this more and more, you will get the understanding more easily, just as you can see larger expanses of the Earth from an airship.

Let me tell you of some of the ways in which the masses are growing and reaching. As the Violet Fire of Mercy, Understanding and Loving Forgiveness is intensified in the Earth, it stirs the hearts and minds of all humanity, not only our beloved chelas, to greater effort. Each seeks and climbs from his own starting point of consciousness, and there are always myriad ways of outer expression which come forth. That which seems unlikely as a great expression of art, for instance, is still the best expression of the one who brings it forth.

Art is one of the means of communication between the cultures of the Earth that has been of great assistance in developing understanding between people. Art, in all its forms, has been used through the ages to express the feeling nature. I speak now of the visual forms of art, rather than the worded expression or of music. Art objects, sculptures and paintings have always been a tool of exchange to assist man in his search for understanding and unity. It requires no words and yet conveys important messages.

As you may recall, upon occasion we have explained to the chelas how artistic representations of the Masters and of the Angels in statues and paintings have acted as a focus for humanity, drawing their attention to the higher vibrations of peace, strength and the beauty represented within them. They may draw attention to a religion, or a great teacher. The Masters have used art objects as focuses of energy wherever people have been drawn to the meaning they convey.

As you reach a higher consciousness, you know that the outer forms are less necessary to you, having served their purpose in your progression. However, so long as you work in the Earth, the outer forms are the means used to assist all who are following the path to higher consciousness. Worship not the form, but perceive it as the expression of the inner cause.

I encourage you to seek the highest in all forms of artistic expression and cultural exchange, to draw the attention of others to the qualities of Beauty as a true inspiration, and as a means of understanding others. The activity of exchange students in all fields of endeavor, be it the arts, science or business, or the many fields of service to others, is one which we ask that you shall continue to support, as it is one of the ways in which so much Unity and Brotherhood is brought forth.

These are the views I would share with you, to help you all see that progress truly has been made, and it shall continue. Let not your attention be drawn to the negative, the separations and the lack of beauty, for where there is no beauty, there is always a lack of love.

Here is a subject close to my Heart, and I AM so desirous of sharing it with you. You each know of my Love for children, and of my feelings of protection for the family life of the Earth. In one of the art forms in which I AM often depicted - I hold a child. This is a true portrayal of my Essence, for I hold each child in my protective embrace of mother Love, and give only blessings to each one.

From the center of this Love I hold for the children of Earth, I speak to you, and ask you to welcome the new life to the Earth. Welcome and nourish all children of all cultures, and know they are loved by God and sent forth to express and grow in spirit through the Earth experience when this opportunity is presented. Build your families strong, and know my blessing is ever upon your households, as the new lifestreams venture forth into physical expression. Respect their lives, and make the way clear, for God's Holy Law of Creation finds its highest expression each time a child is born! Treasure it! Love it! Nourish it!

Know I bless you, and I thank you for your kindness, your love, and your attention.

Kwan Yin






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