Invocation to Lady Astrea - May 1990

Hail to Thee, Oh Lady Astrea! In the Name of the "I AM" within our hearts, and by the Power of the Three-times Three, we come to you today to invoke and command:

Place your circle of Cosmic Purity around the Earth this day and may our Planet be an instrument of Peace, Love and Harmony in the Great Universal Symphony - fulfilling her Divine Plan as Freedom's Holy Star of the Permanent New Golden Age.            So be It!  


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Every chela has the opportunity, capacity and responsibility to invoke the desire to do God's Will into their own emotional body. This desire can be directed from the Ascended Host, and form a motivating power within the feeling world which makes service, self-control, self-mastery and sublimation a joy rather than an arduous task of mortification of self. Even as the farmer plants his seeds in the good Earth, so shall we - when invited - plant our God desires within the chela's emotional body. Then the chela will find these growing desires to serve, making all their spiritual endeavors a joy.


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