Assimilation and Expansion of the Electronic Pattern

May 1990


ELECTRONIC PATTERN: Visualize a Blue-white Crystalline Star of Mighty Astrea, edged in a bright Blue Flame with a Violet and Pink radiance - rendering a service of Cosmic Purification for the Earth.

Lady Astrea

Beloved Chelas, - I AM ASTREA - come into the atmosphere of Earth from the Great Central Sun - to shine my Light into the consciousness of the people of Earth who can receive me. I AM ONE with the Mighty Elohim of the Fourth Ray, Beloved Claire. Our Essence is God-Purity, and I represent this Activity of the Sacred Fire whenever it is needed and called forth to act within the Earth and her evolutions.

Many believe that I left the Earth at the time of the Great darkness that descended upon Beloved Virgo centuries upon centuries ago, but this is not true. The disappearance of purity and innocence from the minds of humanity means only that the race lost sight of my Presence in their consciousness. I went nowhere, for when is Light most needed, if not in times of deepest darkness? The Elohim, like all evolutions, have free will choice, so, for me, the choice was easy, and the question became "In what way will my service be of the most assistance, and how can I best help?"

At that time long past, it was my decision to ally my forces of Light with those of my beloved friend, Lord Michael. His vow was to stay with all the people of the Earth until every lifestream was totally ascended and free! Of course, his primary service was that of Protecting God's Will from the forces of imbalance and darkness, so that it might be freely manifested in the world of form. Once the consciousness of humankind found itself shrouded in darkness, the task became one of cutting the life energy free, so that it might be purified and realigned with God's Will once again. So you can see that the combination of my Essence with his work is quite a natural one.

A permanent focus of my energies was established in the Complex of Michael's Retreat in the etheric realm over Banff, Canada, and in a magnificent ceremony, my quality of God Purity was linked with the mighty freeing power of Lord Michael. I took for my thoughtform a Sword of Blue Flame, and a Mighty Circle of Blue Flame, with which I can create a "ring-pass-not" of protection around any person, place, condition or thing which requires purification at a moment's notice from any lifestream who makes the call!

Among all of the people on Earth at any one time, only a few are aware of the power they have to make calls on behalf of themselves and others. I AM happy for the 'power of prayer' which is used by many, and it is, indeed, a formidable force. However, it tends to take the form of asking for the assistance of the Universal Source, rather than commanding the power of the individual's "I AM" Presence! I speak of the deeper understanding which is given to the chelas - regarding the Power of the individual's "I AM" Presence. To command the power of your Presence with faith and confidence, is to demonstrate the mastery of your life force - whenever a need for assistance is brought to your attention.

Faith and Confidence are the Qualities and essence of the beloved Lady Faith, and I tell you that they are the open door to the mastery of your life force! The combining of certain qualities of the God Head are especially necessary to prepare the way for the full manifestation of the incoming Golden Age, in which the darkness of human understanding will - once again - be cleared from the Earth and all her evolutions. As you know, the Sacred Flame of Transmutation must be used, for unless the forces of imbalance and darkness which surround the Earth and its atmosphere are transmuted, no lasting purity can be established at this time.

If you understand - and use - the great power of the Protection of the First Ray of God's Will, and the activity of cutting free the darkness of human misconceptions with which all life is surrounded, coupled with the ability of the Seventh Ray to transmute these forces into pure energy again, you will have rendered a true Spiritual service to all life! The buoyant, raising power of the Fourth Ray will bring Purity as the natural result of such service! Join beloved Michael and me in our work, combined with the magnificent service of the Seventh Ray, and command, command, command the Powers of Heaven in the fulfillment of the Divine Edict for your Beloved Earth - through the PRESENCE OF GOD “I AM”!      


Astrea, Goddess of Purity




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