Easter Conference - Shamballa, Long Island, N.Y.

Lord Principa

April 12, 1990

Beloved Ones,

Enter the Silence which exists at the center of all Being, and BE STILL! "I AM" here now, for "I AM" at the Heart of All Creation. I will tell you of my name. You call me 'God Principa', and it is my privilege to respond.

I appear upon the First Ray, which you call the Ray of God's Will, Faith and Power - yet I do not represent God's Will, as does my son El Morya. Neither do I represent God's Power, as does my son Michael. I do not represent Faith, for that is perfectly expressed through my daughter, the Lady Faith!

I represent Divine Principle. "I AM" FIRST! "I AM" LAST! "I AM" IN ALL THAT IS! I go forth in every emanation from the Heart of God, for "I AM" the foundation of All Creation!  

Can you receive this? If you have life, "I AM" with you, for the Principle of Life must exist wherever life is expressed. Before God Spoke the Creative Word, I was with God! It is so simple, as truth always is, for, although “I AM” not the LIGHT sent forth, "I AM" the PRINCIPLE from which that Light emerged! Do you see, my beloved ones?

You are - each one of you - God's Principle of Life individually expressed in the world of form. Because God's Divine Principle dwells within your hearts, when you speak, "I AM" must create! This is your God given right, and you can no more stop creating than you can stop drawing breath! Use this Principle to create wisely, or to recreate when necessary, but know this is Truth!

During this new year, I will speak to you from the Great Silence, for all creation takes place when the word is spoken from the center. As I enfold you during this time, I ask you to enter the Silence frequently. Take time to be where "I AM" - in the innermost center of the Mighty and Eternal Flame within your hearts. There you will ever find me, and you can merge into Oneness with all that "I AM"! Truly, then, and then alone, will you find the Divine Principle which "I AM", and from which you come.

“I AM” Principa

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The Great Beings from the Sun Temples whose radiation and outpouring we will receive this period;

Beloved Virgo - August 23rd through September 22nd

Balance of Virgo, the Solidity, the Assurance and the Confidence.

Beloved Goddess of Liberty - September 23rd through October 22nd

A Focus of Liberty and Freedom to this Earth.


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