Along the Path

Masters of Wisdom Speak

November 1995

Maha Chohan

A grateful heart is a natural radiating center of light which contributes to the light of the world. No man can feel gratitude without emitting a vibratory action of harmoniously qualified energy which permeates his own inner and physical bodies and then stimulates the energies of those he contacts to a like spirit of gratitude for life and its manifold gifts.

El Morya

There is no individual so poor in spirit nor in substance that he cannot honestly find something for which to be grateful. Cultivating the feeling of gratitude toward the elements which serve him (water, air, earth, sunshine) changes the vibratory action of his personal world and opens the doors of his soul to the Spiritual Source which has endowed him with life, intelligence and being.


The therapeutic value of gratitude cannot be minimized by the chela who is endeavoring to consciously raise and sustain the vibratory action of his own consciousness. Any individual knows how his own spirit responds to a sincere expression of gratitude from a fellowman. Think then how the Father of all must respond to a sincere expression of gratitude to him for life, opportunity for self-expression, and the innumerable gifts which he has bestowed upon His children.


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Special Festivity

December 25th        The Feast of the Angels



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